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Everything posted by anomie

  1. Originally Posted By: Randomizer Money is the same from all merchants. However the prices merchants charge you may change depending upon your attitude. So, the sell price of goods to merchants is the same for all merchants? Very good to know. Thank you!
  2. Hello, Just wanted to spell out for anyone looking that a Linux port of Avadon (for multiple Linux distributions, no less) is available at: http://www.gameolith.com/game/avadon-black-fortress/ Just in case anyone searches this forum (like I did, after searching the Spiderweb Software web site directly) looking for specific information on Linux versions of these great games. I had a nice afternoon yesterday of playing Avadon on my Ubuntu Linux desktop. (Moderator, please remove/edit this post if there is any reason should not directly mention this.) Hope this helps someone!
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