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Dark Sniper

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Posts posted by Dark Sniper

  1. I'm soon releasing my first BoA Scenario, called Avernite's Adventure 1 - The Beginning. It feature the gameplay in Avernum. Where you help demons make a society. If you don't help them, you can move on doing some small jobs at Fort Crimson. Well, enough talking. Here is a screenshot of this Scenario of the part where you fight the Ethreal form of Karzoth Thundermind:





    Also, notice that blue PC... That is another PC made by me. I call this Sorkeli PC. Thanks to TFTTI for the Zealot graphic to help me get started


    EDIT: Scenario Details:


    Scenario Name: Avernite's Adventure 1: The Beginning v1.0beta


    Description: You were just looking for some jobs until mysterious, friendly demons changed the whole angle.


    Credits: Speed-O-Fie for making the scenario, Enraged Slith for the Brigand Loyalist graphic. A special bunch of thanks to TM, for Karzoth's Spells. And all the players.


    Level Range: 25 - 50, Parties that have exceeded or not qualified minimum level range will ruin the fun of gameplay, Seriously...



  2. ES, I WAS making a scenario called: Bandit Situation until I mistakenly deleted it! I tried to recover it with TuneUp Utilites but all the files in the scenario folder were messed up. All the text were replaced with square blocks. cry

  3. I have released a site called 'Speed-O-Fie's Hyper Space Station'. Thanks to Enraged Slith for helping me in advance. The site will contain all stuff related to BoA. Including Graphics. Be sure to contact everyone of this post!

    Thank you...


    Start up by typing 'http://speedofy21.webs.com/' in your address bar.




    Over and Out...

  4. Hey everyone! Don't you think our community should make a game called 'Blades of Geneforge' Like BoA?(I know this is crappy and shameful to ask)


    It could contain:


    Some addons from BoA


    Manually scripted PC-Can-Make creatures


    New questing system


    Manually scripted anvil recipes


    They can even make it multiplayer!


    That's all I can ask and suggest.


    (Very Shameful)

  5. Yes, the number of spell in BoA is lesser than the spells in BoE.


    And also you could poison your own weapon in BoE.


    And to remind you that there is no cluster spells like Fireball, Firestorm etc. Cluster spells are those spells which when you select an only area, it affects a number of areas adjacent to the targeted area, causing multiple damage.


    Also, see the ursagi in Exile, they are 2 squares big, if you target both the squares of its body with Poison spell, it would be double-poisoned.

  6. Speed-O-Fie now on FaceBook


    You can search me by my Real Name that is on my profile.

    All the things are related to Spiderweb Software.

    If anyone has an FB account, please let me know so that we can make our Spiderweb community in facebook better...

  7. That works fine on my computer, I first numbered graphics 500 to 599. Then started from G2600 to G2659. It worked very finely. Do want a copy of my scenario?


    EDIT: Name - Bandit Situation

    Towns - Currently 1 (Planned to make 8 or more)

    Dungeons - Currently 2 (Planned to make 20)

    Realms Suffer from a bandit conspiracy...


    Made with over 100 custom graphics downloaded from fellow Spiderwebbers' Site.


    I'm planning to make a very big scenario...


    That's all

  8. Hey everybody! Why does BoA not have the same amount of Mage and Priest spells just like BoE has? If BoA had all those spells, It'd be great fun to play BoA... And don't forget the poisons that was applied on the blades. confused

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    The Albhabet is chasing us!
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    The Albhabet is chasing us!
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    The Albhabet is chasing us!
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    The Albhabet is chasing us!
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    The Albhabet is chasing us!
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    The Albhabet is chasing us!
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    The Albhabet is chasing us!
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    The Albhabet is chasing us!
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    The Albhabet is chasing us!
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    The Albhabet is chasing us!
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    The Albhabet is chasing us!
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    The Albhabet is chasing us!
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    The Albhabet is chasing us!
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    The Albhabet is chasing us!
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    The Albhabet is chasing us!
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    The Albhabet is chasing us!
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    The Albhabet is chasing us!
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    The Albhabet is chasing us!
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    The Albhabet is chasing us!
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    The Albhabet is chasing us!
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    The Albhabet is chasing us!
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    The Albhabet is chasing us!
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    The Albhabet is chasing us!
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