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Everything posted by TriRodent

  1. Hmm, I don't know. I'd suggest installing the game onto the Windows machine so that it knows where to look for the save files and then copy one from your Mac into one of those slots. My first thought is that it won't work, but it probably won't hurt to try. Worst case you have to reinstall the windows version to overwrite those slots with those icky Apple files in them.
  2. Hmmm, very interesting. We'll have to see if your brother or sister have a child named Hawthorne somewhere in QW2 or 3. Hell of a way to wind up a career if that's the case (as all the GF remakes along with 2 & 3 will take him to close to age 65-70ish), bringing everything in a full circle to where it all began back in 1994.
  3. Expanding on my 'extracted from my nether region' thinking... which factions you support here could easily carry into QW3. Did you support the groups that Mom originally did who would then throw their loyalty to the established line of succession. Or did you for instance put the Owen into power and now their loyalty moving forward is more to you personally as 'you', not your brother/sister, freed them from that system. If the choices you make here carry forward... you're assembling your army for how strong you are going to be in 3. Wow, this is going to be great.
  4. Yeah, I definitely see QW2(+) off in new areas as trying to send everyone back to our current playground but with their own endings taken into account would be a programming nightmare. Starting people somewhere new where their major actions from QW1 were taken into account would be easier (which factions you supported, letting the Nisse live, etc). Pulled from my butt predictions, QW2 is similar to this one in that you are sent somewhere to pacify the natives/put down a rebellion/etc. At the very end of 2, mom dies and 3 is about who is going to take over the throne. There were just too many places where 'you' (your character) were asked/told/given a chance to talk about your desire (despite being #3 in the line of succession) to become king/queen. It'll be interesting to see how Jeff weaves the tale to get to the final point when all is said and done.
  5. I've seen it completely negated (on normal) in the central area and in the Ukat in the early game (only one Ft (Ft Most), barracks, possibly guard tower, no upgrade to fort yet, bandits cleared out, etc). The Vol is in rebellion so the chaos there will generate a higher theft % & the woods are so messed up they will too. I don't know what those higher percentages are offhand but on the reports they both didn't seem to go below 20% (temper those numbers with building the second fort somewhere in that time frame (which bumps up the theft rate), so my observations/perceptions are probably off a bit. Honestly, I don't worry about it too much. Do what you can to limit the theft rate and plan on your resources being stolen from somewhere once+ every four days or so. Cost of doing business as it were. Something you want to limit to be sure, but not something that you want to focus on so much that you forget about the overall strategic picture.
  6. If that was directed at me, bear in mind that most of the playing so far (prior to last Wed) was trying to do things out of the ordinary/expected in hopes of breaking something... That said, this time around, wood is my major shortfall as I'm trying to keep iron usage under control/build up a surplus. Lots of good/needed shops that eat up 2 per period for upkeep can burn it up in a hurry. I don't know, it works out now (normal level). I'm sure I'll have to greatly refine my management at higher levels.
  7. You really shouldn't be drinking potions while trying to move them around. Like Ess-Eschas asked, are you trying to move them from the 'use' screen? If you do manage to drink one accidentally, step outside the fort, step back in, and then finally step back out to go back into the big bad world to make it safe for democracy (well...feudal oversight anyway) and cheap happy hour drink pricing...
  8. The problem that I tended to run into was that the upkeep eventually drained the resource surplus down to a point where, if I hadn't already done so, I wouldn't be able to afford the teleporter. I had plenty of gold to pay for those shortages every other day, so that wasn't an issue, but I had no way to generate (or I hadn't found a way) a particular resource. And the construction foreman wouldn't take 100gp to go buy the iron that I was short... (Hmm, when I get home I'll have to check on if the teleporter is like other buildings, you can buy them and the initial costs are deducted but there is no upkeep until actually placed. Probably not as you don't have to go physically place the teleporter, it's probably like guard towers where you buy them and everything is done/taken care of)
  9. Hmm, I usually (bank account permitting) buy any iron from merchants whenever I run across them. Does their inventory refill after a few days? As counting on them (or someone else) to have iron at the end would be better than building the teleporter earlier on and having the draining maintenance costs. Trading with the Ukat Quartermaster isn't always an option depending on the other resource levels.
  10. Fwiw, I usually use Fool's Shot once I get it. I tend to use/run with an archer heavy/distance strategy to begin with and the minor problems the bow dishes out are offset by the damage it deals out.
  11. I'm not sure. However, at least in my run throughs, you want to have a bunch of gold coming in to cover your zeroed out resources once you start to get deep into the game (to pay for the resources that you don't have enough of). Minor hint/suggestion along similar lines - make sure to build the teleporter home midway through the game when you do have a surplus of resources. You won't use it for a long time but you don't want to be done with everything and no way to go buy the two resources that are currently zeroed out...
  12. 3 addendum: You could also click on the potion and then type in the number of the character you want to transfer it to. Otherwise Mechalibur covered things nicely ...
  13. I won't be able to check until I get home later, but the Kickstarter/bought straight from SW people could probably go to the link in their original email and see if it's there/been updated. That would be my guess anyway (based on nothing more than pulling the idea right from my butt...however it seems like the logical way to distribute it.)
  14. I just went over and looked at the Steam forums. There's an announcement that 1.0.1 is out (coming out real soon?), but may not be updated yet to where you downloaded QW from. So by the end of the day/tomorrow I'd imagine that it will be available everywhere.
  15. I don't think so, or I haven't heard/seen anything yet (not that there's any reason to tell me in the first place mind you...). I'd presume that Jeff will mention any big fixes/changes once it does.
  16. You shouldn't need to enter a code anywhere. (the following falls into "I think" territory...). If you got it directly from SW you should have gotten a link to Humble that had a direct download link along with a Steam key if you wanted it in your library there (same with GoG). Buying from Steam or GoG should have put it in your library ready for downloading. Once download it should start right up, no code or other DRM
  17. On my laptop, whenever I want to start up QW I have to turn off the grid computing that's otherwise (4 cores) always cranking away in the background with no overheating issues. If I don't I rarely make it through the startup/loading of the save game before it shuts itself down from overheating. It's annoying to say the least
  18. If it matters, using a chest code will disqualify you from earning medals. An earlier save is probably your best way to go. (I tend/try to remember to do a save (actual save, not just a quicksave) when I enter a new area/city/dungeon just for that reason. A recent save from a place that you 'know' you can get out of rarely can be considered a bad thing...)
  19. If you're trying to get Jeff's/SW's attention by making a 'bug' thread, you'd be better off just sending an email to SW ( support@spiderwebsoftware.com ). He's been here a lot recently because of the games release, but that's no guarantee that he'll see this.
  20. Well, you are at the bottom of a pretty deep pit... (spoilers indeed ... snort)
  21. During the beta, I ran with one of each (because it never occurred to me that I could double/triple up on one...sigh). Currently (at L10ish) I'm running one Vol and two Ukat (all three with their passive traits maxed, one Ukat with the steel darts, the other's with normal skills) just because the bleeding stacks really well throughout the party. On fights against those that do bleed, it's impressive just how fast the monsters get bleeding stacked on them without using the melee ability for bleeding. Not sure where I'm going from here with everyone, it's nice just playing without trying to break everything...
  22. Talking to the merchant in the pass will give you a hint where to go to get permission to go all over the pass to do your nefarious deeds...
  23. There are two things to check. You can buy better gear as the number of the shops increases (by building them at the various forts), there is a minimum number of shops that need to be maintained to use 'x' gear effectively (so you can't go build a bunch, buy great gear, and then remove the shops). Second on the skill training page/s, on the melee/magic page over on the right will be a note that by getting a point at 'x' level, you can now use 'y' level of gear. As with the shops, you need to maintain those skills at that level to use the gear effectively. (you need to build quite a few smithies even to get to the level two arcane weapons, let alone three)
  24. You also have to place a mill in each of the forts that you want to place a bakery/distillery in. The output of the one in Ft Haven isn't enough to supply flour to all the forts in the region. Then there is trying to transport the flour over primative roads in a timely manner. Bandits. Union trouble with all the required overtime due to the widespread distribution. Etc, etc, etc. In the end it was just easier for Queen Mom to decree that every fort had to grind their own...
  25. I wouldn't say that they're easy, but I was able to figure them out with 2-3 restarts/resets. Serpentine pathways/progress to make sure that you hit every one is the way to go. You get 10xp for completing them early on in the game, something more valuable later on if you haven't gotten it elsewhere. Rather than three of the same type of puzzle, having a different type of option/puzzle would have been a good/better way to go for one of the areas but alas. Perhaps in QW2 if the same areas are part of it.
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