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Everything posted by Drakefyre

  1. Is this in Upper Exile, which you can visit after the Vahnatai leave Ghikra?
  2. I've yet to see a more complete and fun RPG than the Exile series. Registration is $25, and they've never been freeware.
  3. Quote: Originally written by Justin Y.: I tried to use the 2 man party of fighter priest and mage priest. What skills/attributes do they need? And is that better than 2 mage priests? Start them off with enough priest spells so that both can cast War Blessing and one can cast Repel Spirit and Smite. As for character traits, go for Fast on Feet for both, and give the mage/priest Natural Mage.
  4. http://p080.ezboard.com/fthelyceumfrm2.showMessage?topicID=476.topic Probably not, then.
  5. Email Jeff Vogel with your problem. spidweb@spiderwebsoftware.com
  6. Drakefyre

    Avernum 3

    http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/mac/game/563127.html Here are some walkthroughs to Avernum 3, including how to end the slime plague.
  7. http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/mac/game/563127.html Here are some walkthroughs to Avernum 3, including how to end the slime plague.
  8. A very fun party that can roll through the game is a 2PC party with a Slith fighter-priest and a Nephil mage-priest.
  9. Are you making this scenario for the Pearl contest?
  10. No problem. This was one of my favorite things in my scenario, and I'm glad that someone can use it in a scenario that will (hopefully) be released. EDIT: For efficiency, it would be advisable to put the checks for 210,1 as the first condition in the each if statement rather than the last. EDIT 2: And for more efficiency, just take out the 210,1 altogether and just replace it with 3,0
  11. Unlock Doors level three dispels barriers too, doesn't it?
  12. Commander Johnson? Are we perchance in Fort Duvno?
  13. You need to set flag 210,1 to 0 when it turns to daytime (put it right next to set_flag(3,0,0) and enclose them both in curly braces. EDIT: Disabled graemlins.
  14. There are two substitutes for Haste - Speed potions and Avatar.
  15. It's because your end night section is screwed up. Use curly braces or eliminate the line "eliminate_outdoor_enc(210,0);" If that doesn't work, edit the if conditional to be all of daytime, not just those 12 ticks. Since you have a town, if you enter the town at night and come back out in daytime, the town will still be visible. Also, you don't need state 10 - that was only because I had three outdoor encounters that this controlled. You also don't need the line "set_flag(210,0,0);"
  16. 2) It's the character with the highest strength. It shouldn't take too much.
  17. O mighty Grah-Hoth. How can I serve you? Kill. Kill. Kill.
  18. It definitely protects against Sleep and probably Paralysis, which is good to have in a 2PC party (although moreso for a singleton). I would personally go for Recuperation, as the XP penalty never means much for me anyway.
  19. Increasing a monster's level does more for it in terms of difficulty than a PC gaining a level.
  20. 2) Night and day coding is not too hard, but it does involve a lot of long if statements. When I was writing my scenario, I used it to only have wandering monsters at night. You should be able to modify this outdoor script without too much trouble: Code: //Outdoor section script// Section (1,0)beginoutdoorscript;variables;body;beginstate INIT_STATE;//if you come to the section in night, it places the encounters,//except if it already has if (((get_current_tick() < 625) || (get_current_tick() > 4375 && get_current_tick < 5625) || (get_current_tick() > 9375 && get_current_tick < 10625) || (get_current_tick() > 14375 && get_current_tick < 15625) || (get_current_tick() > 19375 && get_current_tick < 20625) || (get_current_tick() > 24375 && get_current_tick < 25625) || (get_current_tick() > 29375)) && (get_flag(210,1) < 1)) { place_out_spec_enc(0,25,30); place_out_spec_enc(1,20,25); place_out_spec_enc(2,18,33); set_flag(210,1,1); } break;beginstate START_STATE;//if it's night and you've killed them off, they come back if (((get_current_tick() < 625) || (get_current_tick() > 4375 && get_current_tick < 5625) || (get_current_tick() > 9375 && get_current_tick < 10625) || (get_current_tick() > 14375 && get_current_tick < 15625) || (get_current_tick() > 19375 && get_current_tick < 20625) || (get_current_tick() > 24375 && get_current_tick < 25625) || (get_current_tick() > 29375)) && (get_flag(210,1) < 1)) { set_flag(210,0,0); place_out_spec_enc(0,25,30); place_out_spec_enc(1,20,25); place_out_spec_enc(2,18,33); set_flag(210,1,1); }//if night ends in the section, the monsters all disappear if ((get_current_tick() > 624 && get_current_tick() < 635) || (get_current_tick() > 5624 && get_current_tick() < 5635) || (get_current_tick() > 10624 && get_current_tick() < 10635) || (get_current_tick() > 15624 && get_current_tick() < 15635) || (get_current_tick() > 20624 && get_current_tick() < 20635) || (get_current_tick() > 25624 && get_current_tick() < 25635)) eliminate_outdoor_enc(210,0); break;beginstate 10;//finds out if the encounters have been encountered or not//also facilitates re-appearance of monsters if (get_flag(210,2) < 2) inc_flag(210,2,1); else { set_flag(210,1,0); set_flag(210,2,0); } break;
  21. Just use Command-Shift-4 and Command-Shift-3 and then Graphic Converter to edit them.
  22. I believe that only works in Avernum 3. And is a cheating exploitation of a bug anyway. At least with the potions you're giving 'high value added'.
  23. The Anama are great. I <3 Ahonar and Avatar.
  24. Jeff doesn't capitalize Nephilim, Slithzerikai, or Vahnatai. I, however, like capital letters.
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