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Everything posted by Drakefyre

  1. I wasn't talking about RiB, which started in 1999/2000 as a BoE scenario, was destroyed by two HD wipes, somewhat streamlined and reincarnated, and then 'destined for BoA'. For a long time it was the only scenario idea I liked long enough to keep working on for more than a week or so. Then I came up with the idea for the scenario I'm 'currently' working on, which amazingly has also kept my interest for a long time. Unfortunately, my life has gotten incredibly busy at the same time (I'm sure Aran could do a graph of my posting statistics), so it was put on hold, but it looks like things are clearing up somewhat. And as for Wonko's scenario, you start out as charmed and in the the fake fortress, aka the gremlin grove. I suppose you could do it the other way too, but that's not what he was intending.
  2. Well, *i, I'd say it's about halfway done, and I only got to work on it in August and September. I should be able to have more free time in March and begin working on finishing it.
  3. I managed to kill Nociduas on my second try before he summoned the demon. I don't really remember what I did to him, but it worked pretty well.
  4. I managed to kill Nociduas on my second try before he summoned the demon. I don't really remember what I did to him, but it worked pretty well.
  5. Aww, the hunger thing is boring! I liked the charming plotline, and I understood it fine. I think it's a great idea if done properly.
  6. Perhaps the Shapers invade Sholai lands, or they come to them for help fighting the Drakons, or are chased to Sholai lands by the rebellion, etc. The possibilities are endless. But I really think that they'll revolve around the Sholai - the random appearance in Lord Rahul's keep was not just coincidence.
  7. Moving this to the BoE forum ...
  8. He didn't actually break the game - his character in that save is just stuck.
  9. Is it worth starting over to cheat when you're doing fine without it?
  10. They don't work weekends. And he may have taken Veteran's Day off.
  11. I've started over with a new party after getting to a bit past the Castle with a few older parties.
  12. Yes - sometimes you turn off beams to get to other beams and must remember to turn them back on. Also, make sure you press the buttons on the final pedestal in the right order.
  13. The silence periods are different depending on how long one spends as an apprentice. Kelner is an important character.
  14. To help with that, rush your fighters up so that they're next to the giants so that they'll hit them with their clubs as opposed to throwing rocks.
  15. In the folder with the appendix is a file called Blades of Avernum Editor Documentation.
  16. I think that Storm Field is the best name ever for a weatherman.
  17. Read the manual (it really helps) and then just dive in and experiment. Also look at the scripts from the included scenarios.
  18. Please don't double or triple post. If you want to add something else to a post, use the edit button.
  19. I agree - the BoE scenario editor is much simpler and easier to use. That said, the BoA editor is much more powerful.
  20. Mage Spells: Sara - Shayder Spragins - Sharimik Tekora-Tel - Ghikra Erika - Erika's Tower Velnas - Gale Petrie - Blackcrag Moon Library Khoth - Khoth's Library Priest Spells: Shayder, Pergies, Sharimik, elsewhere.
  21. About half of these are in Avernum 4, and some others monsters can do but you can't.
  22. I use potions, but I don't make them. There are enough you can buy/find without having to make your own.
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