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Tenderfoot Thahd

Tenderfoot Thahd (2/17)

  1. will constantly switching on the "showmeall" prevent me from getting potential medals?
  2. The Avadon app only displays in one direction and does not orientate the other ways like all other app does. It is a great problem for me because my case only stands on one side and i have a big headache trying to play the game by holding constantly on one hand instead of placing it on the table.
  3. Xquizts

    blue ore

    Where is Jereth Deeps? I can't find it in my map. I only have Goldcrag, Kva lands, Zethron's Aerie and Wretch Warrens... =_=! or am i looking at the wrong places...
  4. I seriously think there's a bug in Avadon for Ipad. I've installed the app 3 times, but there are still no wolves to be found at the free roads that lead to the dragon's lair. i can't complete the red wolves quest as a result. =_=!!
  5. I found it! FINARRRYYYY!!!!! =_=!!
  6. I've searched the whole wretch's lair for 500 times.. =_=!! I can't find the desk. Where's the kitchens or trophy hall?? Is it on top of the Prison Cells?
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