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Tenderfoot Thahd

Tenderfoot Thahd (2/17)

  1. Thanks for your reply. Yes, I've talked to Aydrin and have the rituals. According to the hintbook, I've done everything right. <<scratching head>>
  2. The subject line covers it. I have the seal. I'm in the Black Spire fortress. I know I need to insert the seal into the fresco somehow, but the fresco only makes a comment about its design (as it did before I had the seal and visited), and doesn't ask me for the seal. I've visited Erika, and she didn't ask me for the brooches, so I still have those, but I have the ritual, demonslayer, and every other quest completed (except Chevyn). What am I doing wrong, or missing? Please help. Thank you!
  3. Thank you to all who helped. The code worked. On to the battle! thanks again, C
  4. Help, please! I killed Varoche and crew before I met up with Hand Gavin, and now I can't get out of the Beraza Deep Woods to go after the Duke. Must I go back several hours in game time to fix this? thank you for your help! C
  5. Help please! I killed Varoche before I found Gavin, and now I cannot get out of the Beraza Deep Woods to finish the game. What should I do? Thanks, C
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