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Everything posted by Necron99

  1. "Sorry, that's against company policy" would have been equally worthless, but much easier to say
  2. Personally, I would really like to see changes to my character when I equip new stuff. Big turn off for me in this game so far is equipping a shield and a new helmet and neither one shows on my toon.
  3. Ah, ok, figured it was something like that. Thanks much for the response!
  4. Ok, finished the whole Demo, upgraded my game to full access, talked to the Dragon, did everything he asked and went back to Goldcrag to hand quests in and ended up with a new quest from Berak the Blacksmith - Get Blue Ore. (New quest or maybe I just missed it my first time through Goldcrag). Anyways, Berak wants me to go find him some ore in the "Wilds to the South" around "Jhereth Deeps". Problem is, I cant find this Blue Ore he wants me to find, and I dont remember missing or walking past anything while doing the entire Wretches Keep thing for the Dragon. So where exactly is Jhereth Deeps? I cant find the entrance anywhere! Please be very clear and very specific as I r nut a smert fella, thanks!
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