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Posts posted by -silver-

  1. Buttercup: what about the GIFTS?


    Westley: Giant, Intelligent, Friendly, Talking Spiders? I don't believe they exist.


    Spider: Oooo, humans! Cute! <pounces on Westley and adoringly strokes his hair with a pedipalp>

  2. I like that you can click on the space you want and have the character go there -- much MUCH more than the "directional" mouse system...


    except, it's very very hard to click the space directly "NW" of a character. Not a problem, I'll just use the keyboard to tweak myself diagonally one...


    ...except I'm using a laptop, aie.


    Thus my feature request: some kind of laptop key system for people who don't have diagonals smile

  3. I have a pole fighter, an archer, an archer/priest, and a mage/thief.


    the mage hastes the archers, who go around the corner and shoot the pillars at a distance, none of my party gets acid. Bok and the other pillars got it all (and the golem, not that it mattered. the golem neither got hurt much nor dealt much hurt).


    the fighter and the mage clean up any summons that approach me. the hasted archer/priest sometimes shoots only once to toss out a heal if bok actually throws something dangerous.


    zzzz. the necromancer hrickis was more dangerous because he had a good chance of throwing out a multi-character-instant-kill (at my HP level).

  4. perhaps Salmon could use this in the init state of the town script:



    void put_item_on_spot(short loc_x, short loc_y, short what_item) - Places an item of type what_item on town space {loc_x,loc_y}. If that spot is a container, the item won’t be contained inside it.

    though I haven't tested this application (*) of that method and sometimes the docs are... um, less than entirely correct.


    (*) by which I mean the "containment" clause

  5. Quote:
    Originally written by Thurylandon:
    Yes, it would not be hard to make a custom terrain that looked like one of the container terrains but is not a container. Import the original terrain and change its te_special_property to 0.
    in deference to Salmon's newbishness, this is a desk that doesn't contain things:

    begindefineterrain 500; // change to actual least number in your data file    import = 229;    te_special_property = 0;begindefineterrain 501;    import = 230;    te_special_property = 0;
    No need for custom graphics or changes to the edtior code.
  6. as per C/C++, 'int' is defined to be "up to the compiler author but at least 2^32". short is similar with a 2^16 minimum (+32767 to -32768 for signed short). many modern compilers just treat short as equal to int, though, and make both 2^32. 'long' is always 2^64.


    However, as Kelandon said, I don't think any of that is relevant to the gold limit. I think JV just pulled a number out of his... well, anyway. there you go.

  7. Most PC users will ignore a "do this change which will change everything for every OTHER scenario as well" request, anyway. Unless it's a bugfix, in which case they might do it if they don't expect JV to fix it in a future patch.


    For a limited number of monsters/items you can do the import/override trick and set their graphics to your new sheets. But if it's a HUGE change, then I guess you're out of luck.

  8. Probably the easiest place to put it to ensure it happens is LOAD_SCEN_STATE in YourScenario.txt (i.e. the text file that matches YourScenario.bas)


    And if that's what your English looks like after you edited for typos... EEK. It must have been illegible before hand. Remind me not to play your scenario, as I'd go insane reading more than a couple of lines of text like that.

  9. Khoth wrote "You could modify the tutorial scenario to give your party stuff, assuming you haven't deleted it"


    why would I want to delete HLPM?


    OHHHH, you mean the original thing that was named "Tutorial" on my machine.


    Yes, it DOES work to rename "High Level Party Maker" to "Tutorial" and "partymaker(data)?.(bas|txt)" to "tutorial..." and have HLPM be where your characters go immediately after creation. saves a few steps smile

  10. The preprovided basicnpc script is actually fairly flexible. I'd say if you start a small town and try to script a conversation or two and play with the memory cell functions of the basicnpc script, then go back and read the docs again, a lot more of it will make sense all of a sudden.


    Well, that's how I learn, anyway: read docs (barely understand). Play with stuff (don't really get anything useful done). Read docs again (much better understanding). Fix stuff I played with earlier, try to expand. Read docs again... somewhere around the 5th repitition of the cycle the docs become more of a reference for obscura than anything else.


    And, really, 95% of scenarios need a basic, friendly town of people you can buy stuff from and get quests from. Just setting that up is a great way to learn things.


    Kel's articles are really good, too.

  11. you probably want him to use "run_town_script(get_memory_cell(9));" rather than set_state_continue because, unless I'm missing the point, the idea would be you could drop this script in your scenario folder and then never modify this script - just set some memory cells and go.

  12. Personally, I've seen special abilities used twice. Once in practice, once in theory.


    In practice, Kel provided a special ability when Phaedra is in your party to identify items.


    In theory, Kel is providing a special ability for an "interface improvement" later.


    50% may be a lot, but the sample size is so small that I wonder why you're using the word "mostly"

  13. Quote:
    Originally written by Kelandon:
    I just had an interesting discussion with someone over e-mail about Bahs, someone who really disliked the scenario and felt that I was dictating too much to the player.
    Basically, your scenario consisted of 3 dungeons. One forked to the other two. Or didn't fork, because you had to do west/south before north. The question in my mind vis a vis this this article, then, is: would it really have hurt to allow the player to go either south or north once they got to the guardpost?
    perhaps a scout who went south/west (sneaking through magical routes like ithik and phaedra did up north) tells the players there's a demon threat to the south/west... so if they clear the north side first you can say "well, you could go on to the slith city, but there's demons coming up behind you unless you finish them off".

    now it's "less linear". not that I found linearity a problem in your scenario - it was one quest, afterall. complaint that your quest is linear is like complaining that any of the 3 end-quests to Avernum was linear once you started down them. you just had a third of the number of end-quests and no long "build your party up" section before hand.
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