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Everything posted by brumagem

  1. Originally Posted By: jecowa I think I I wasn't being very clear in my last post. You can order the trilogy CD, get the codes emailed to you, and type the codes into the demo versions to turn them into the full registered versions. The demo versions are already on there and they just need to be registered. You can have registration codes emailed to you when you order. Yes I know that much, I was just wondering if I'd be able to register the demos I have for the CD compilation price.
  2. Oh I didn't get the CD yet. I wanted to make sure I was able to use it first. I can view the contents of my computer, but if I try to open any files it tells me it can't find the program that created the file. Do you think I could just get the discounted bundle without the CD?
  3. How might I get Basilisk to read from the CD drive?
  4. Oh my God, it's actually working. Thank you! Basilisk crashed once, but I was running other stuff and I have a crap CPU anyway. Will I be able to register them?
  5. Originally Posted By: Treddalske You don't need Windows for DOSBox. You don't even need an old copy of DOS. Really? But those guys said...*sigh* never mind. Which files do I download? Where do I go from there? --Brumagem, who at this point is just about ready to throw caution to the wind and use freaking Limewire if it could help.
  6. Originally Posted By: The Mystic Try one of the following: VirtualBox (what I use) running a legal copy of WinXP DosBox If you have Win7 Pro, run it in Windows XP mode. I still need to find another version of windows for each of those, though. That's where all the copyright babble came from (because I don't wanna spend so much money just for compatibility issues).
  7. We could circumvent all this copyright bickering if only there was some kind of Windows on Windows emulator. Heck, at this point I'd settle for a clean Mac emulator for Windows. I just wanna play Exile!
  8. Originally Posted By: Erasmus OK, found it: this is why you should be careful when sharing files in the states: first case second case They weren't brought up by the state but the fine is still a deterrent Both cases are still in the process of appeals, and both were started not by downloading, but by re-uploading and sharing files, which is definitely illegal.
  9. Originally Posted By: Notes on a Brief Uprising Uh... what? I've taken a look at No Electronic Theft and Artist's Rights and Theft Prevention Act. Both extend copyright protections. The former, specifically, extends them to non-financial copyright violations. Like downloading for personal use, for instance. —Alorael, who would like you to cite your source. His understanding is that those acts make it more illegal to download, not less. Vexing. Our information directly conflicts. This requires further study. Highline Community College custom edition Business Law textbook written by Beatty and Samuelson, published by Cengage Learning. Also the wisdom of Michael Armstrong, long time businessman and law professor at Highline Community College, who discussed this at length. You?
  10. Originally Posted By: The Mystic Yes, but only if the software is freeware, GNU GPL, trialware, or open source; or you paid for the full version, and it's only available via download. Dude, cite your source. What law does it break? Normal theft laws don't apply to software.
  11. It is illegal according to the No Electronic Theft Act if the stolen copyrights have a retail value of $1000 or more. But I remember we discussed that in class, I think the judgment was either rescinded or there was some kind of out of court settlement. I don't remember for sure.
  12. Pff, I'm my own lawyer. The No Electronic Theft act and the Family Entertainment and Copyright Act only apply to those willfully reproducing a product or distributing it. Other than that, there is no violation of copyright. Lawmakers only go after those hosting guys because they're the root of a widespread and largely untraceable problem. They don't go after the ones simply possessing the stolen content because honestly, how do you get a warrant for that? Going after distributors is much more efficient.
  13. Originally Posted By: The Mystic Actually, the only legal way to obtain a copy of a non-freeware operating system is to buy a legal copy. Just about every other method that I'm aware is considered software piracy. And probably your only option for obtaining a legal copy. Your best bet would be to buy a copy from an electronics store or (especially for Win98) either a garage sale or Ebay. You might be able to buy a copy directly from Microsoft, though I've never tried. I've given up looking for one, but downloading a piece of software from the internet for personal use is completely legal on your part. It's a different story for the person who is distributing it to thousands of others.
  14. Technically, since the software I'd be downloading would only be for personal use, I'd be breaking no copyright laws (in the US at least). It's only illegal for somebody who used the download for personal gain (like selling it, getting ad revenues, or using the software to produce a marketable product/service). Still slim chances of finding somewhere clean though, so a disk would be my best option I guess.
  15. Soooo, does anyone know of a clean copy of XP or 95/8 for download anywhere?
  16. So you downloaded and installed it onto a flash drive using a compatible computer? Was there anything special you'd done to the drive?
  17. Originally Posted By: Cryolemon I've played Exile 2 on a Windows 7 PC (admittedly E2 was run from a flash drive, but that shouldn't make a difference). Details, man! Tell me how!
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