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Everything posted by Tirien

  1. Dressed up as a member of the spanish inquisition, would ring a doorbell, when someone answered, I would yell "Nobody expects the spanish inquisition!", then run off. It was worth not getting any candy. Then agian, i doubt i would have been able to get any since the beard makes me look about 8 years older...
  2. Dont go opening nice, ornate looking chests. I'd be pissed if someone gets the entire party killed, thus ending this campaign. Although that would be fun to watch...
  3. Or killed some sliths, were forced to eat them, and got food poisoning from eating them, THEN died. Guess we'll never know.
  4. Originally Posted By: Lilith Originally Posted By: Khoth Disclaimer: Despite this, I have played and enjoyed Disgaea and Etrian Odyssey. There's probably just something wrong with me. if those games are wrong i don't want to be right Then im lucky that im already not right, becuase I agree with both of them.
  5. Originally Posted By: Jhon Thomas Yeah bringing BG into the D&D 3.5Ed would probably make it more playable, however 4Ed might brake it. So it would be slower?
  6. Originally Posted By: Arch-Mage Solberg Mind you, the storyline is somewhat flawed. There are some mistakes here and there, but the story is still wonderful. Like how the dragons can never decide on a gender throughout the series?
  7. He already did send more adventurers after you, but they ended up starving to death (thanks to you!)
  8. 1. What sound do fish make? c. Flippity-Flop 2. A Hungarian sand crab has gotten inside of your favorite sweater. What tool can remove it? b. a crowbar (works on headcrabs after all.) 3. Gerald refuses to paint his house blue, but the sky is maroon. What time is it? b. nap time 4. Given that Albert is traveling from Chicago to New York at 99 miles per hour, Hubert is throwing couches off of the eleventh floor of the tower, and Norbert will get a 17 on his law examination, is the city safe? d. Yes, the lizards have the situation under control. 5. Flogbar the Chromanian is attacking in his spaceship. You have only seconds before he is upon you, leaving you only enough time to try using one of your devices to escape or defend yourself. Which one should you use? e. The reprocessed protein bars, for a snack. 6. You must disguise yourself in order not to be recognized while swimming covertly into Spain. What type of headgear is required? e. a baseball cap with a concealed laser cannon 7. You are suffering from withdrawal due to your dental floss addiction. What type of food can alleviate the symptoms? e. No food can save you 8. Carl Orf has escaped! What do you do to recapture him? c. Throw out the lettuce.
  9. Originally Posted By: Arch-Mage Solberg For those who scoff and speak ill of the military and say that we would probably be better without them, I say if you think that it's bad here...go somewhere else and see how it is. Odds are that while some things are done better in other places, America truly has more freedom and choices. Doesnt really explain why America spends more on its military than the rest of the world combined spends on their's, does it?
  10. Originally Posted By: Hondero Oh man! I remember the Gorgon in E3 using it on me in the far Eastern coast (Gremlin land). When I first started playing the Exile games, I always cheated by giving my single character full stats/spells and amazing items . . . but when an army of Gorgon appeared, my one character fell asleep and would not wake up for the entire battle. Ive done much the same thing in A3, and ended up stuck in a forcecage for over an hour. Its why singletons should stay as far away from large mobs of drakes as possible. And why (in your case) you shouldnt have your dex so high that nothing can hit you. At least if you die quickly once stuck asleep you can get it over fast.
  11. Originally Posted By: The Mystic Thanks, you're putting me in the mood to dig out Atari 2600' Adventure. And im digging out my old super nintendo. Seems like the quality of games (plot-wise) has gone down the proverbial toilet these days.
  12. Originally Posted By: Dantius Originally Posted By: Lilith Considering that the optimal strategy for most fights in the Exile series beyond low levels was "bless your party until enemies literally cannot hit you at all any more", I'm not sure I'd say that the games have become less strategically deep. It's funny, if you substitute "Invis" for "Bless", that's the exact strategy you use in the early Final Fantasy games, too! I never use that strategy in any rpg. Its cheap and just plain unfair to whatever is trying to kill you. Plus, the game becomes incredibly boring if you do that. Its just not that fun when there is little to no risk of dying.
  13. We belive that Avernum is a game. Oh look, its a game! In other words, Avernum already exists.
  14. Like his post, or the text-based maps? You really need to be clearer.
  15. I agree with Earth, way too much Geneforge. I voted for killing Gladwell and doing all of Melanchion's quests. He at least rewards you from his own treasure horde, and Starrus never did that. I had to steal all of his treasure just to get anything from him!
  16. The blight is never cured, Avernum is stuck with it. Probably forever.
  17. If your going to call people suckers for falling for McDonalds "evil propoganda", then it would have been better to post that on the conspiracy theory thread.
  18. Dont blame the topic drift, blame the topic.
  19. I think there I have a quote that should sum up the nit-picking of the english language. "Don't discuss the English language! Slam the door on it!" -Kaval
  20. Originally Posted By: Pathos I meant something that indicated that there was a time limit FOR you to get out of there. Other people running etc. Does a rather large portion of the slith horde running at you (with a large amount of hp) count? Other than the slith's, there isnt really anyone else up in the formello area who would be running away from the town. Having some random npcs run away suddenly wouldnt work that well, seeing as they would probably end up getting quickly killed by the sliths.
  21. Originally Posted By: Ephesos ...I'll be attending to a log as quickly as humanly possible (aka: When I Have Time)... So in other words, either within a week or never? I eagerly await the day the log comes out, and I can laugh at the incompentence and dysfunctionality of the party. After all, other people's pain = comedy.
  22. Originally Posted By: Pathos I think infinite respawns are silly if there's not some time limit etc .. Their called infinite respawns due to the fact that they never end. A time limit would mean it ends, thus, it would not be a infinite respawn. Originally Posted By: Pathos .. indication that you should REALLY be getting out of there. The whole "Infinite respawns" thing is a good indication that you should leave. @Triumph. I have no idea, since I ran for my life when in formello. Having nearly no hp left amongst your party does not equal exploration. It means "run for your life" when you dont want to waste your precious, precious potions.
  23. Originally Posted By: Dantius So stick in a little script that saves your game into a special slot (like Quicksave and Autosave) if you enter the square before an instadeath node, to avoid losing any progress at all. Shouldn't be too difficult. ...First of all, not all of us are genius programmers/scripters. Second, some of us dont like messing with perfectly fine games. Third, well, I dont remember what third was going to be. UBB must have eaten it.
  24. Well, you can hardly run away from a instadeath node. And if the instadeath node is not amusing, its just annoying. Walk into a instadeath node, and you have to reload. Trigger infinite respawns, and all you have to do is run. Not all of us like reloading every single time we do something we probably shouldnt have. That and if you decide to stick around there and grind, its your own fault for doing so. Just avoid the area, it's hardly difficult.
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