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Everything posted by Tirien

  1. Tirien

    Secret forums

    Originally Posted By: Randomizer Originally Posted By: Sylae Corell I would find it vastly amusing if someone submitted the entire Mod Board to Wikileaks We use the Mod Board as a dumping ground for spambots. We are trying to see if they will breed in captivity into a more intelligent bot like Arancaytar. We all know he's just a malfunctioning bot, not a intelligent one. It just seems like intelligence. Either that or its a conspiracy by the bots to fool us into letting them take over the world. How? Im not sure, but the conspiracy is there! What if the bots escape like in Jurrasic Park? That would be the end of Spiderweb as we know it.
  2. Tirien

    Secret forums

    Well, Randomizer already leaked this little tidbit in the 'Welcome to the Avadon Forum' thread. Originally Posted By: Randomizer I find the secret Alorael forum quite entertaining. Of course reading through a thousand posts takes a while.
  3. Originally Posted By: Sage of Numenor I am definitely not the first, but if you gave me a white board, your attention, and twelve hours, I could prove I was the best. If your not named Jeff Vogel, then you're not the best. And what Lilith said.
  4. Originally Posted By: Sage of Numenor Ah, but you do sue someone for using copyrighted material for a game you did not invent, do you? I'm doing nothing. I just threw old ideas together in a new way. FYT
  5. Originally Posted By: Sage of Numenor ...I won't be the one writing it, just the inspiration... Isnt Jeff (along with the Geneforge games themselves) the inspiration? You cant even claim that. Plus, let us know when you get sued so we can laugh. P.S. : When I saw this, I hurt myself laughing.
  6. I blame a lack of sleep for that. Apparently its been making me silly-minded as well. But what if its a misunderstanding of a misunderstanding of a misunderstanding? Hmm... (Apparently misunderstanding is just like Wainscotting. You just cant stop saying it.)
  7. Nice, I was hoping you would eventually come back and finish this. I still want to see how it ends, even if im not a rabid fan of yours. However, if he sprouts a extra set of arms and screams about a dead cat then I will hate you.
  8. Originally Posted By: Arch-Mage Solberg I'm re-reading the Twilight Series. Glutton for punishment, huh? I wanted to kill myself after reading the first one, thats how bad it was. I have never read a book as terrible as that before, and hopefully, never will again.
  9. Originally Posted By: Earth Empires like Avernums ain't silly-minded. That is either sarcasm, or you forgot about the GIFTS.
  10. Originally Posted By: Nioca City of Hope doesn't have a mascot yet either. Sure it does, since when has Jarrox not counted as a (drunken, violent) mascot? Its either him or the alcohol. He's nearly as useful as the boomsquirrel was.
  11. Well, I did use a (slightly) edited party, and skipped everything that wasnt needed. And as I said before, endgame area was just plain obnoxiously hard. That and I used that one wizards portals to get around quicker, and got horses whenever I could. Im definetly not doing a speed run like that EVER again. (Also, this was on normal.)
  12. I managed to beat it in 60 (roughly) days once, but I had skipped every single side quest (and every area that was not relevant to beating it.) Ended up being near impossible for me by the end though, since I was nowhere near the level that I should have been. Cant remember exactly what level I was though.
  13. Wait, I thought it was a fish-hat? Someone (not me, im lazy) needs to go check the logs.
  14. I miss the bashing weapons... alot... Bashing things was fun!!
  15. Yes, we are. The only game that has any kind of penalty based on the date is Avernum 3, which, last time I checked, had nothing to do with Geneforge. So dont worry. If you rush through the game you'll miss much of it. P.S. : Maybe I should have told you that the fyora's will build a nuke and destroy the world if you take to long. Ah well.
  16. Originally Posted By: Nioca OTHER Cat (Friendly) Wait, when did cats become artifacts? Does it shoot bolts of lightning? Set things on fire? Ask for cheeseburgers?
  17. Or fighting a monster that has nearly 6 times the hp of the other monsters around it, and its not even a boss? ( See the two nephar warriors southeast of the castle food depot on A6, they have far to much hp for that point in the game..) I guess it IS longer though, even if its just plain annoying and irritating.
  18. Originally Posted By: Sage of Numenor Geez, do ya have ta jump on me fer a typo? Yes, we do. It's one of the many reason's that you should have left your sanity at the door. But since nobody gave you the offical welcome yet (I think)... Welcome to Spiderweb Software, leave your sanity at the door. (The Fluffy Turtles must be appeased!)
  19. Or Kurex is insane, and just THINKS that she stole his staff. With Kurex, it's kinda hard to tell.
  20. You can actually go almost the entire game without attacking once, but that is very hard to do.
  21. I thought everything and anything makes Slarty facepalm... Guess I was wrong. Again.
  22. Apparently Tintin was the original Bomberman, except he didnt wear a wierd suit and have a giant head. Oh wait...
  23. Wonder what the cap for doomguard multiplication is anyways. Would be nice to know if there is a limit per doomguard or per area, or if the game gave up on the doomguard.
  24. I dont think there is such a cheat. iampoor is a money cheat, in case your confused.
  25. Originally Posted By: Steam and Steel and Cotton Untrue. Avernum is not in space. —Alorael, who now wants to play Geneforge in space. In 3D! That would either be awesome, or a complete disaster. Or possibly both. Probably both. Yeah, it would be both. I can already see a fyora shooting lasers.
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