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Fledgling Fyora

Fledgling Fyora (1/17)

  1. okay, so I have a habit of randomly exploring and coming back to areas with big fights later, but I think it might have gotten me stuck this time- so I went down the tunnel west of Grindstone in the Giant Lands that was "one-way" and made my way to the lower level of the Maurader's Hideout, and the challenge area with Nociduas. But- I haven't won the Hideout yet. So I beat Nociduas, but the issue is the magical barrier into the Maurader's Hideout... the one that "no spell will ever be powerful enough to break." oops. And there's no other way out. I appear to be stuck- luckily I have my game saved right before I went down that stupid tunnel, but I'd like to know if there's any way to continue from here (it appears that there isn't). And if not, I guess this is a lesson to all of you to ummm not do this...I just don't want to do the Nociduas fight again!
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