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Unplayable Playable Character

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Everything posted by Unplayable Playable Character

  1. Originally Posted By: Master1 Actually, the person left if on the music stand, and when I went back at the end of the day, it was gone. I blame the orchestra kids who are in the room after us. It's always the violins. So are you saying that violins stole your pen, or that the violins had some kind of psychoactive influence on the orchestra kids that make them do so?
  2. Originally Posted By: The Mystic Originally Posted By: lordofdc Mmmm....thought the original geneforge turned you into a demi-god. A glowing, half-mad, power-hungry demigod, but yes. Is there any other kind?
  3. I'm supposed to be in school in a few mins, but here I am reading about chewing paper.
  4. Yeah, but all the Geneforge is is a big, intricate canister. I'm sure some maniac with enough power, resources, and time on his hands could work up from there. Basically, the geneforge and the canisters are made out of the same gene-warping technology, so IMO one would follow the other. On a completely unrelated note, I remember when I used my first canister back in GF1 and the text was something like: "The agents in the jar begin to alter you" I actually thought there were tiny agents sitting in that jar surrounded by swirly blue stuff. But that's what I get for being ten.
  5. Turrets would be cool as a temporary creation, costing minimal essence but disappearing after you leave the level. Maybe even going rogue if you leave and don't absorb it.
  6. There's always edible paper, used to have that when I was a kid. Really, the only practical use I ever got out of it was eating it.
  7. Actually, I believe either canisters were a precursor to the Geneforge or vice-versa, so there wouldn't be any of those in your situation either.
  8. Originally Posted By: When in doubt, as in Rome. —Alorael, who supposes the only thing better would be geneforging geneforges. By hand. Just thinking that gives me a mild headache
  9. Originally Posted By: Akharri Blaze You know, Commanding a army of loyal serviles would be cool, but i don't think that the game was supposed to be where you act power hungry, just saying Nope, it's quite the opposite. The game is all about you acting power-hungry, or at least you dealing with that temptation. Ever used the Geneforge in GF1? If so, you should know what I'm talking about. Admittedly, it's not as much of a main theme in the later games. In fact, canister use in GF5 is almost insignificant in regards to the ending.
  10. Originally Posted By: Hypnotic Ouch, eyes bleeding. Originally Posted By: lordofdc That all caps post, it nearly killed me.... Originally Posted By: Like Tears in Soup Ow. A very potent troll indeed. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Originally Posted By: Ackrovan You can equip it with armour, weapons, even teach it to use magic. The improved version of the servile should be able to shape very weak creations of their own. That way, when enemies see a mysterious Shaper/lifecrafter leading seven serviles and each servile is leading several worms and fyoras, they will immediately run away out of sheer annoyance. Dikiyoba. Also, each servile has it's own storyline, quests, different factions trying to claim it's allegiance... Faction Leader A: To join my faction, three of your serviles must have beaten the end-game for faction B, but only one must have achieved the no-canister ending. Another one must join faction B, but defect to faction C, and another must join both factions B and C but ultimately get the crappy ending where he pisses both of them off. The last two serviles must beat the game for secret faction XYZ with ACB and BCA loyalties respectively.
  11. I spend about two and a half months (and counting!) procrastinating. But homework wise I usually decide that I'll do all of it "in a bit", which varies from two to four hours after the given time, and when the time comes I only do half of it, putting the rest off until the class before it's due. Music usually helps me, especially when doing something dreary and repetitive (like math problems).
  12. Huh, I though it meant "For Your Thoughts", with could be used as a non-sarcastic way to say "This is what you really meant, right?"
  13. Well, I'm going to hop on the boat and say happy birthday here, since being the only one on this thread to not have said it makes me feel like a jerk. Edit: Ah, nope, there's Dantius Happy Birthday Ephesos!
  14. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Yes, G1 makes it clear that serviles are hard to shape. Of course, it's hard to see why they'd be harder to shape than, say, gazers or drakons. They're not, or at least they shouldn't be. But just imagine all the essence you have to put in to make a powerful drakon, and using that same amount to make a servile. Serviles are pretty useless when newly shaped, for them to be able to do anything useful, like carry on a conversation or fight, they have to be trained. Sure, it would make the game more realistic if you were able to do that, but it wouldn't add much to the gameplay, and it would cost Jeff a lot of effort that would be better spent elsewhere. What Geneforge could really use as improvement is pack mules, and perhaps being able to leave our creations in specified places and come back for them. I think Jeff could pretty realistically end up doing this if he ever does a "remastered" GF series sometime in the future.
  15. I've never played any of the Avernum games, but I'm pretty sure the set of graphics shares a lot with Geneforge. And since in Geneforge there are fire pits, I assume that there are fire pits in Avernum also. And one would assume that someone with some meat and a fire would have enough sense to use the two together (there are exceptional cases, ie: zombies, or just someone who likes raw meat, so your mileage may vary). Another thing, in the GF games(so I'm assuming in Avernum also) it never specifies whether the meat is hot or cold, it just says that it's meat. Just my two cents. EDIT: Checked the screen shots, you can see a meat-shaped object over a fire here. Pretty sure it's not just for decoration (well, actually it is. Just not to the gremlins).
  16. Ephesos, just out of curiosity, what exactly was this?
  17. I had a much, much different response in mind, but I didn't want to say anything too rude. 1. There are countless reasons, well explained in the game, about why there aren't any shops where you can buy as many constainers as you wants. 2. There is a way to increase xp other than cheat codes and killing. Ever heard of quests? 3. Quote: There are countless reasons, well explained in the game Geneforge is a role-playing game. Although I guess you could role-play as someone who runs a government, in this role-playing game you role-play as an adventurer. Also, I don't think the clams are going to be too happy about that. 4. Once again, Quote: There are countless reasons, well explained in the game Dantius has a point, the pack mule creation idea has been around for a long time. But making, and training, a "Servial" would take up an amount of time and effort that could have been used by the character more realistically elsewhere.
  18. Originally Posted By: Dantius ... Then again, I have two decades of dust on my French skills) Evidently, because you spelled "vous" wrong. But no worries.
  19. *Insert witty Facebook comment followed by smiley here*
  20. Originally Posted By: Master1 Having a battle shaping of 2 makes things difficult. I tend to pump up my battle magic to about 10 very early. With an infiltrator? Not very recommendable. I find one or two creations to be moderately useful with an Infiltrator/Agent, but no more. You shouldn't really need to worry about healing so much either.
  21. Originally Posted By: Darth Ernie very funny very true IMO, BS skill would be much more self-explanatory than Leadership skill.
  22. Originally Posted By: Leadendy What's your BS skill? That would be his Leadership skill .
  23. Originally Posted By: The Ratt If you played geneforge and you didn't steal a single item something is wrong with you. Whoops, looks like I fall into that category. Although I'm still not done. I do plan to steal Goetssch's(sp) gloves though (GF1, btw). Don't know if that counts.
  24. Originally Posted By: Shatter Robot-dinosaur-wizards, for the win. Ghaldring would take it that far if he had the chance.
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