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Posts posted by tamagosan

  1. Try going back and actually reading the post. My problem is with the UI, not the game itself.


    I actually did some measuring in photoshop, and the map and character rosters alone take up about 23% of the entire screen. That's not even counting the clutter at the bottom.


    I can't even begin to imagine the rationale for making the character roster as big as it is. Not only does it get in the way of what's going on in the game, it's distracting.


    I own most of the previous games, and the fact that this one is essentially unplayable is, as I said, extremely disappointing.

  2. I'm hugely disappointed. The poor use of screen real estate is extremely irritating. Not everyone has a 23" widescreen monitor. The map and character status panels are WAY too large. Even the message panel at the bottom is badly designed. I really don't need to see ornate stone dragons, I need to see what's going on in the game.

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