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Everything posted by Walter

  1. Well he decided it wouldn't really benefit by having a wider variety of creations I suppose, after all there are already 25 you can make (including ornks), which is more than the number of spells you get.
  2. I would guess each point of parry is probably equivalent to a certain % of armor, but as for how much the testing needed would be complicated and time consuming.
  3. Quote: Originally written by Walter: I concluded that about essence armor from using an armor potion which says its effect is essence armor as I haven't gotten far enough to cast it yet. As for parry, it says that in the description in the stats screen, in fact it only says it has a chance of blocking attacks entirely at "high levels" which is how it used to describe your chance of a riposte in geneforge 2. Edit: Oops, no idea how I did that, was trying to edit my post.
  4. I concluded that about essence armor from using an armor potion which says its effect is essence armor as I haven't gotten far enough to cast it yet. As for parry, it says that in the description in the stats screen, in fact it only says it has a chance of blocking attacks entirely at "high levels".
  5. You may want to change your description of parry. Now it reduces the damage you take when you are hit like more armor-blocking attacks entirely is no longer its main function. Therefore it is not as useless as you make it sound. Also you may make note that essence armor also increases your max hp total.
  6. That also means that you can't make terror vlish, pyroroamers, any of the third tier improved creations, and improved rotgroths (can't remember the name) without cannisters. And you need either canisters or rebel only trainers to make drayks and ur-drakons. Does anyone know how many canisters it takes before effects start to show up either in encounters or the ending, and weather getting yourself augmented affects you in the same way as canister use?
  7. Parry isn't useless, its effect is just changed. Now instead of preventing you from being hit its main benefit is reducing the damage you take when you are hit.
  8. If I'm reading that list right then its impossible to make Ur-Drakons without rebel only trainers. Is that correct?
  9. Wasn't there a third book in the testing grounds that gives a point of heal?
  10. Maybe it makes you more likely to dodge attacks?
  11. You might want to post this in the tech support forum.
  12. It was a rope (non equipable item weighing 3 pounds worth 1 coin), I'm not sure but I think it was in the tower of the magi. Noticed it cause it had a [+] in the game.
  13. Some people on these forums seem to think its a lot better than Avernum and Exile, others seem to think its a lot worse.
  14. In Avernum 3 I found a rope enchanted with +1 pathfinder.
  15. 1. Does the experience you recieve for a particular enemy decrease as your level increases, as in Geneforge? Yes it does, but its far less noticeable as you don't get experience readouts for each enemy. Note that because of this characters with exp penalties from traits will not be behind as many levels as you'd expect. 2a. Should Cave Lore be concentrated in one character, or is it just effective when spread throughout the entire group? What matters is how much total you have I believe. 2b. Besides helping to avoid encounters, what else is Cave Lore useful for? There are several encounters spread throughout each Avernum game where it mentions some benefit you recieve is due to cave lore. Don't have the slightest clue how much is needed to get all of those though. 3a. Is the Barter skill worthwhile, and if so does it's effectiveness vary with the person/shop you are dealing with? I notice that shops seem to have unlimited gold, and that it would therefore be possible to amass a fortune simply by killing enemies and selling the loot. It is best to as earlier as possible buy 5 points for each character but don't put in skill points. Different shopkeepers give different prices and that is sufficient to get the best price (around 60%) from most, though not quite all of them. 3b. Can Barter be purchased anywhere else above level 5 in order to conserve precious skill points? No skill you can buy can be bought above level 5. Note I think there exists trainers for some normal skills including cave lore (in fort draco I think, some guy in a building with cows) so you can save skill points and archery (think in silvar not sure, but you need a high reputation to get it, its from the guy in the store selling missle weapons). And as I indicated buying above 5 levels of barter for each character will not produce any effect except in a few rare shops that give horrible prices. 4. At what point are you wasting skill points on Tool skill? What is the maximum necessary level? Not sure, but there exist doors you will unlikely ever pick without using the character editor, but for those there's unlock doors level 3, so its only really needed for traps. Not sure what the most difficult traps are though.
  16. The lesbian refrences is mainly two characters found in all 3 games (Nance and Elspeth), and is very strongly implied though not explicitly stated, but is by no means hidden. By the way, what do you have to say to anaximander to get that?
  17. Quote: Originally written by Soul Proprietor: there are rumors that all provinces in A3 are named after women who have been involved in Jeff's life. What about footracer province? I doubt he knows a woman named footracer.
  18. I just found in Avernum 2 behind the shrine of crystals a vahnatai mage named mentos, and in the text when you talk to him it says his friendliness is a "fresh" experience, and he offers you candy that it says makes your mouth tingle. Anyone know of any other odd jokes like that in these games?
  19. Well if you want to do things that way why not go slaughter everyone to loot things in places like formello, silvar, and fort draco for instance? I try to avoid slaughtering towns in this game as a general rule.
  20. Well in avernum you have multiple party members. And excepting being able to enchant pants with 10% resistance to something there are not more magic pants than party members.
  21. Yes, but then you lose reputation and the mages there are hostile to you, and I think they are of some importance.
  22. Just wondering how many of you ever safely stole Motrax's hoard in Avernum 2 without cheating or the character editor. I did it in my game, but found for my nephilim with nimble fingers and wearing nimble gloves or rogues leather (those 2 items don't stack, no benefit to wearing both), I needed 23 tool use, as its a 30 difficulty trap on the alarm. I was kind of surprised that you can actually take his hoard without being caught, however dificult it was. Same for stealing the castles treasury (though you only get 3k gold and a blessed plate mail). You can also take Almaria's treasury without angering the town but you lose reputation, which is kind of odd.
  23. Well Avernum 3 had multiple magic pants. Like the iridium pants (good protecition but 15% encumbrance and high weight), xian slacks (-1 strength, intelligence, and dexterity and +4 luck), and you could always put pants on one of the platforms that give and item an ability.
  24. Quote: Originally written by Vicheron: I bet that if there are easter eggs, it would have something to do with the forge, maybe a combination of the right items, perhaps pants. No, pants are no longer the joke equipment slot they once were, as now you get real armor for that slot (think called vambraces or something like that).
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