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Everything posted by Ikariusrb

  1. Actually, that's not looking too likely; I took a quick look at a walkthrough, and it lists a number of rewards from Gladwell's first quest, and I know I didn't find a room with that loot yet. I guess the question is- is "gladwell's quarters" directly connected to his laboratory, and is it a portcullis which blocks the way? If so, it looks like I encountered a bug. Otherwise, I have to keep looking for his quarters- I figured his quarters would be close to or connected to his lab. Cheers Ikarius
  2. Okay, I've looked through the "strategy central" threads, and while there are all kinds of lists, including spellbooks, skill trainers, etc- I cannot seem to find a list of "spell trainers"- i.e. folks who will train you in the various spells. I'm specifically wondering where the first trainer who would teach "Dispell Barrier" can be found. Also, while I'm at it, I finished the first of the Gladwell quests, and he told me he opened his quarters, but I cannot seem to find anyplace I can now get to in Patrick's Tower that was not open to me before- There are either 3 or 4 gates along the top wall of Gladwell's laboratory, and all the gates are still closed, and I haven't located any other spot which seems to be his "quarters". Am I missing where his quarters should be? I have a hard time believing this is a bug Cheers Ikarius
  3. Thanks for the input. I started getting worried when I peeked at the singleton discussion, and saw folks exiting the demo area with their characters in the 17-20 range.
  4. Just a quick check here; I'm currently going through the avernum 5 demo, and I read up on some of the char-opt stuff, so set up all my chars with divinely touched plus a primary trait- Elite Warrior - slith fighter Deadeye - neph archer Pure Soul - neph priest Natural Mage - hume mage Now, I've cleared out a large portion of the demo area- just about everything short of finishing the crawler area, and my characters are only just now all level 4. I'm playing normal mode at the moment. Did I go too heavy on the experience penalties, or should this end up fine? Cheers Ikarius
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