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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Originally Posted By: Triumph ...? Fruity? Fruitcake? To eat? Now? What's the picture supposed to mean? You don't put mangoes in a fruitcake, although that would be an interesting idea. Even if it would make fruitcake tasty. And how does "mango" translate as "to eat" or "now"? I'm mystified as to how you arrived at that conclusion.
  2. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES frpwns I was unaware that the Nine-Headed Cave Cow dished out pwnage. Although that was a hilarious tyop... And no. If Jeff wanted crossover Avernum/Geneforge/that one game with the Scottish people in it/Avadon games, he'd make them. And it would be seen as the ravings of a madman, unless thee Ecksian Skull said it (To the best of my knowledge, that is the only other time there is a direct reference to the other series in-game)
  3. Originally Posted By: Nikki. MANGO. I will take that as a compliment. I think.
  4. Originally Posted By: Velzan Gah! Just lock this thread already ! Its served its purpose! "Points Obliterationism Cannon at thread" Diee!!! Impossible. Over four mods have already spammed the thread. Clearly this thread has a divinely ordained future.
  5. Originally Posted By: Nikki. It is scribbled on the wall though I only remember seeing "the cake is a lie" line in its entirety in test 12 or 13 - the one with the 3 energy balls in the big room. Might be mistaken though, of course, since as I said, it's been a while. I believe it is also in the Companion cube level, the latter bits of the final level, and also the turrets level. I remember this because I played the game through in commentary mode, and they talked incessantly about how that helped to build "atmosphere"
  6. Originally Posted By: Nikki. If it's somebody important enough, they probably wood have a desk made from the fungal trees (look at me, I'm thurylicious). Your "Xuan"nnabe puns disappoint me (If you didn't get that than you need to play more aimhack)
  7. My personal favorite wa: Originally Posted By: GLaDOS Did you know that you can donate one or more of your vital organs to the Aperture Science Self-Esteem Fund for Girls? It's true!
  8. Originally Posted By: Celtic Minstrel I don't know about you, but my meals aren't usually cake. Yeah, but neurotoxin is an acceptable substitute for cake in most, if not all, meals.
  9. Originally Posted By: The Mystic That's because A5 and A6 are newer. The other games, being older, are much better documented. There is, in fact, a map for A5. There is no map for A6, but the map for A4 is pretty generally similar.
  10. Originally Posted By: Nikki. Originally Posted By: Percy Bysshe Shelly Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair! Didn't somebody have this as a signature back in t'day? Wouldn't imagine why not, it's only one of the most famous poems ever written. Originally Posted By: K_I_L_E_R Why use custom built engines when there are a plethora of engines, open source or otherwise, available to use and modify? I would hazard a guess that it is all about cost and the lack of available, but decent, open source game engines. That probably also has to do with the fact that Jeff would have more control over game mechanics in an engine he wrote so he can incorporate every aspect he feels he needs and drop the ones he dosen't want.
  11. Originally Posted By: Nioca I guess he just... *sunglasses* couldn't face it. Ahem. Click to reveal.. But on your more serious note, I think that the Geneforge engine and the Nethergate engine (aka the Avernum engine) both represented pretty clean breaks from the past. I see no reason why this engine should owe too much to the Exile engine. It certainly dosen't look much like his early games!
  12. Originally Posted By: Monroe I hate meta posting. Please make it stop. Originally Posted By: Percy Bysshe Shelly I met a traveller from an antique land Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed. And on the pedestal these words appear: "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.
  13. Originally Posted By: Master1 Originally Posted By: CoC 1. Post responsibly – Only YOU can prevent spam! Originally Posted By: Slarty *facepalm*
  14. I'd peg Shakespeare as a writer for The Onion or Cracked or the Daily show/Colbert Report if he were alive today, given the whole satire/comedy theme in most of his plays, even though he dealt with serious things some times. Especially the Daily Show, in fact.
  15. If you used the exitzone cheat, then you could have messed up the zone- that happened to me. Try loading a alternate save file.
  16. Well, I'm pretty sure it is a tongue in cheek poking at the beginning of the later 3 Avernum games- the whole "joined the army but winded up captain of the latrines then saved the world" schtick.
  17. 1. No, but that suggesstion was pretty funny. 2. I don't think so, but he may possibly port to Ipad/phone/touch.
  18. Sure. Click to reveal.. Xian Ale - This is found among the loot held by the ogre who's taken over the dryad's grove. It will make your entire party inebriated (drunk) and once in a while, bless everyone as well, negating the negative effects. Xian Chain Mail - This is behind a cracked wall in the southeastern corner of the Upper Golem Factory. You'll need Move Mountains to reach it. It's strong, but it comes with several unmentioned negative stat effects. Either store it somewhere or sell it, but don't try wearing it. Xian Coins - The reward for completing the quest Find Mundt. They'll give you a few coins every now and then. Xian Pouch - In the Sacred Booty room in the Cavern of Giants, where you find the Barrier Tunnel map. It will leak hazardous effects, mostly disease, slow, and paralysis. Xian Rock - Found in the Hermit's Hut in Midori province. This is the same hermit who teaches the Ritual of Sanctification. If used as a missile weapon, this rock automatically returns to the wielder. It will also occasionally spawn regular rocks in your inventory. Xian Shrub - Found in the Sharimik storerooms. It requires Unlock Doors at level 3 or a very high tool use. It will basically cause plants to replicate in your inventory. Xian Slacks - This is in one of the giant villages in the Midori province, west of Dellston. The slacks give a great bonus to luck, but a penalty to your base stats. Xian Skull - Found in an ogre circle in southeast Valorim. Makes random messages pop up from time to time. Xian Tome - Found in the southwestern most room in the Tower of the Magi, in a desk. This merely cycles through all the regular books of the game. A fun diversion, especially the Tearing of the Bodice. Yum. Xian Vest - In the very northeastern corner of Valorim is a man who will sell you this for 5000 coins. You can kill him instead, but just pay him if you can. The vest has high resistance, but some serious stat penalties. Not worth the money, or the merchant's life.
  19. I'll probably miss the beginning of the session, but I should be able to catch the end. I hope.
  20. Originally Posted By: Triumph "ES = Awesome?" Huh? Elucidate, please. ES = Enraged Slith. Capiche?
  21. Originally Posted By: Lilith apparently word of mouth says that uwe boll's latest movie is actually half decent probably because it's not based on a video game That's probably because the style of video games (where you have input as to what happens)is inherently unsuited to movies (where the viewer has no input). I'm not stupid/arrogant/Roger Ebert enough (close, but now quite ) to argue that this makes video games worthless. Of course, many stories are unsuited to reproduction as a movie. For example, the Foundation series. Yes, I will continue complaining about that until an unspecified date in 2011.
  22. I would like to submit one of my own. Quote: IN A.D. 2101 WAR WAS BEGINNING.
  23. Originally Posted By: The Ninjas Doom Originally Posted By: darth vader luke, i am your father. star wars: empire strikes back So of the dozens of dozens of Star Wars quotes, you pick pretty much the only one that makes absolutley no sense out of context? You have failed me for the last time, Doom...
  24. Originally Posted By: Nikki. Originally Posted By: Nikki. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Yay Mystic! You have successfully sought the meaningless approbation of your peers! (+1) Look at me, I can't even be bothered to write my own message! I am truly the more optimal spammer! Touché, Nikki, touché. I am most impressed.
  25. For whatever reason, whenever I try to download the copy of Exile on the Spiderweb main site, I get an error message along the line of "OOPS! Google chrome cant display this page. Try going to www.spidweb.com", and the file refuses to download. I've tried to hunt around on the various file upload sites for a copy to download, but thy all redirect me to the aforementioned broken Spiderweb site. Does anybody know how to fix this/can point me to a working download site?
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