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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Originally Posted By: waterplant I would turn into Enraged waterplant if I travelled all the way to South Africa to attend a World Cup match only to be driven out of the stadium at half-time with a splitting headache. Dikiyoba thought enduring loud, irritating noises was the point of attending soccer matches. I thought that that was the point of sports in general. Bread and circuses, that's my perspective on the whole thing.
  2. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan But I know what you mean. Someone reading Neuromancer without being aware of when it was written would roll their eyes and think "Man, what a ripoff of Ghost in the Machine. And eXistenZ. And The Matrix." It's the same reaction people have when they think Lord of the Rings is cliché fantasy. (To pick another example that was recently mentioned, I was underwhelmed by Terry Pratchett's Small Gods. By the time I read it, I had consumed enough similar works so that it wasn't bringing up anything new for me.) Personally, I thought that it also had a lot of parallels to Blade Runner, most notably in the setting/atmosphere of the Japanese city in the beginning. Plus, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep predated Neuromacer by a good decade and a half.
  3. Originally Posted By: Lilith Originally Posted By: Dantius I don't particularly care for his premise. Or his plots. Or his characters. But the man's writing style is very, very good. this is like the exact opposite of what everyone else has ever said about gibson Yes, because a plot about how "It's the future and Japanese superconglomerates are using private mercenary armies to control a cyberspace network" is such an original plot, Thuryl. Although it may have been original when it came out(I don't remember myself). But still.
  4. Originally Posted By: Øther There's also the spirits that you drink. Spirited spirits spirit me to spirits.
  5. Dantius


    Well, we can use Douglas Adams logic here: 1. There is an infinite number of numbers, by definition. 2. We have only a finite number of names for them. 3. A noninfinte number divided by an infinite number is zero. 4. Therefore, no numbers exist, and any and all numbers you meet are a figments of your demented imagination. Q.E.D.
  6. Originally Posted By: Jumaj I am reading Terry Prattchet's Thief of Time, it is very good and funny, I love it, his books are always full of things that make me laugh for days and smile for months, Terry is my favourite writer. Everybody here loves Terry Prachett. He's awesome. Personally, I'm on a William Gibson binge, attempting to read Neuromacer, Count Zero, and Mona Lisa Overdrive at the same time. I don't particularly care for his premise. Or his plots. Or his characters. But the man's writing style is very, very good.
  7. Originally Posted By: Darkeonz i definintely spoke too soon. i've found a whole part of the mad that i haven't discovered :-D.. my bad. I've just been walking around the same area for like 30 min missing this part completely A lot of the areas in the graveyard are behind very heavily locked doors (ie many points of Tool Use are needed to open them). You may need to come back later in the game to unlock them all. Also, if you have something new to add and noone else has replied yet, just edit your post, instead of making two new ones.
  8. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES The latter. Well, actually it means his chance to hit is reduced by 10, which is not quite the same thing as hitting 10% less -- if he had a 50% chance to hit before he'll now have a 40% chance. On a related note, is it possible to have a TH of over 100%? As in, I could carry items that decreased my hit chance but still have a 100% chance of hitting? I've always sort of wondered about that...
  9. Originally Posted By: Alexwood Is there a trainer for Gazer or Drakon? I cant find one in Litalia's Faction Gazer and Drakons (and I believe Drayks) have no trainers, and you have to use canisters to obtain them.
  10. Originally Posted By: Øther He can heal himself out of the building, though. Once he starts that, bring him back in. When he starts healing from his pylons again, repeat the process. The pylons make fighting him inside the building more trouble than its worth. Just concentrate all your fire on him once he's outside the building, and he'll fall. Being a mage, he is very weak against physical damage. I would recommend 2-4 Rothdhizons depending on your essence, they should be able to inflict hundreds of damage per turn, he should be dead in under four turns.
  11. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: Lt. Sullust Originally Posted By: Randomizer Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity ... According to the infinite number of universes theory there is at least one universe where these are correct spellings. The real numbers are uncountably infinite. That doesn't mean that threeve exists. Nonsense. Since an infinite number to transcendental numbers exist, there must be a name for all of them. I simply need to define "threeve" as "the irrational number between 3 and pi given by the equation [insert equation here]". Boom, instant threeve.
  12. Originally Posted By: Shadowcat Originally Posted By: Ephesos ... Stop spamming, Eph. Originally Posted By: Nikki. Look at me, I can't even be bothered to write my own message! I am truly the more optimal spammer!
  13. Originally Posted By: Cabadath .-- .... -.-- / -.. --- -. .----. - / - .-. -.-- / . -. - .. .-. . / ... . ... ... .. --- -. / .. -. / -- --- .-. ... . ..--.. Ubarfgyl, V jbhyq cersre n frffvba va EBG13. Vs vg'f nyy gur fnzr gb lbh.
  14. Firstly, everyone levels up. Secondly, epic session was epic, and had more plot twist than a season of Lost. Here is a concise summary: Click to reveal.. ((at your own risk)) Party entered orbit. Ship was hailed by faction calling themselves the "New Imperium". Party was escorted to surface by N.I. ships. Party was met by colonel explaining situation. The planet Dakkor had been abandoned 50 years earlier, and had slipped into civil war. The New Imperium was the remnants of the old garrison that were now fighting against the Kathas, a religious sect that controls most of the rest of the planet. The party then meets with the General (who does not wear the Spaceship-and-sun of an actual Imperial general, so he could be an imposter). After the party reveals the cargo of the ship they are chasing, he tells them that the ship they are looking for landed in Kathas territory, and that they cannot reach it. The General then offerers the party the following deal. He will contact the Blackshirts, another, smaller, faction capable of small reconnaissance and extradition operations that the New Imperium is currently at an uneasy truce with. In return, the Party must spy on the Blackshirts so that the New Imperium can then attack them at a later date. The party agrees to these terms. Next, they are led to a library where they discover that despite not even controlling 20% of the landmass, the New Imperium somehow has a superior industrial production. Their escort claims this is because of air superiority. Meanwhile, Xak in the ship tells the party that the New Imperium is gearing up for a massive attack on a location codenamed "Ward 4". This attack only began being prepared the day before the party arrived (the day the ship with he plans arrived). It appears that this is an attempt to preempt the seizure of the plans by the party. However, it turns out that Ward 4 is actually the codename for the Blackshirt Headquarters (the one that the party is travelling to...) Next, they head to the lunchroom, where a crooked cook offers them intelligence (and a universal keycard) for 150 credits. The party buys it, and it is revealed that the ship that they were told landed in Kathas territory actually landed in Blackshirt territory, meaning that the New Imperium could still be going for the nucleics, elimination of the Party, and the destruction of a rival faction. In addition, the word "nucleics" (the cargo of the ship) was heard, and this happened BEFORE the party arrived, so clearly they had insider info from someone on the Agis IV. They then head to the Quartermaster, where they happen upon an identical copy of the knife that the mercenary threw that killed Lucius (remember him?), and it is revealed that that is a standard issue KATHAS knife. The plot thickens. Finally, the party heads back to the General, who has secured them passage, but requires that they wear a wire at all times, so he sees everything that they see. This wire will be glued onto their skin, and thus impossible to remove without them noticing that it was intentional. With all that done, the party then retires to their ship, after a VERY busy day.
  15. Originally Posted By: Abrum Hello Spiderweb community, I'm a new member, basically a newbie. I don't know if this is where I post ideas or start discussion. So, I'll post my idea here unless I'm told otherwise. So! Gregor the Overlander (by Suzanne Collins) and this engine. My first thoughts are that they have many similar graphics and concepts. I'm juggling with the idea of making a scenario set in that world. Both stories/worlds are similar, plus they have plenty of plot and sides to satisfy someone until they're top full. Both stories are long as heck as well, so I think it might be worth me trying my hand at it. But is it possible? I turn my head to the pros and mods. If it isn't possible, or this topic is in the wrong place entirely, I apologize sincerely. But hey, it could be a fun idea. -Abrum There was an old member here called TM. A long time ago, he posted a thread called "I want to crush your dreams". You can find it here. You should read his post and digest it a bit. It has some very good advice.
  16. Originally Posted By: Kinetiquette —Alorael, who is glad to see that Spiderweb's hour-eating days are not over. He'll admit to spending too many hours and that he intends to sink countless more. I would imagine that that would be self-evident: Originally Posted By: UBB Registered: Dec 1, 2001 12:00 PM Posts: 18254
  17. She cannae redirect any more, Cap'n! (2 hours 7 minutes to go)
  18. I'd have to say my favorite area was the wastes. You could wander a little off the beaten path and fight some enjoyably difficult fights to get some great items- the Forbidden band, the Girdle of Life, the Infiltrator's Charm, etc. I also loved some of the puzzles/fights there, especially the ones right outside Gazaki-Uss with the drake or the Serviles
  19. Originally Posted By: Celtic Minstrel Um, seriously? We just jump forward x hours without any notice of what happened in that time? I can see that working in some contexts, but not so much here... Originally Posted By: Lord Safey My intentions was to keep things moving your still welcome to post what you do in that time in between. Since you've not actually met up with the rest of the characters yet, you could still post in the "past" when the Rider is still outside the shrine. Although it would be nice if Safey didn't skip ahead like that. Ask before you do things like that, OK?
  20. Originally Posted By: Duck in His Old Hat Quote: a trap or ambush, a container of mysterious contents, and the mastermind behind it all. This sounds like a Alfred Hitchcock movie. I can't wait to play this one! ...But no pressure.
  21. Originally Posted By: Excalibur call in some theoretical physicists. Yeah, just get Gordon Freeman in to crack some heads with a crowbar, that should solve any demon problems you have.
  22. Originally Posted By: Niemand Well, in Real Life there are no demons or spirits, so depending on how you look at it, trapping/killing/banishing them is either undefined or impossible. But but but... I just watched a History Channel Special on how Hitler's ghost is going to cause the 2012 apocalypse because of a secret Illuminati plot based on a evil society founded on all that lost Nazi gold! And it had to be real, I saw it on TV!
  23. Originally Posted By: Celtic Minstrel Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES But it doesn't take any technical analysis to find situations where capitals impart meaning. Klingon. Or Cantonese transcriptions, I believe. Click to reveal.. taH pagh taHbe'!
  24. No, there is not. The only use of puresteel rings is as quest items or to give to the Guardian in Dera South Shore, who will then make puresteel items for you.
  25. So would now be a good time to begin discussing what exactly the MacGuffin of the RP is? Both myself and my character have no idea what it is or why Jenny/Vorn stole it. Unless we are deliberately keeping it nebulous so it can be revealed as an object that might help us with a certain scenario, much like a Schrödinger's MacGuffin.
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