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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Originally Posted By: Darkeonz okay thanks a lot!.. one last question! What do i do about like mind control and stuff. i just met some blue basilisk and my units couldn't do anything after they got attacked. Maybe i need a spell for my priest or something. it might be too early with level 16 to fight them Basilisks need to be killed quickly and with extreme prejudice. If you see a basilisk in a group of enemies, have everyone in the party try to attack it for as much damage as possible in order to kill it ASAP. They're a real pain, especially when they can just flat-out obliterate you if you're playing as a singleton (like me ).
  2. Originally Posted By: Celtic Minstrel To be fair, he has less Geneforge games than non-Geneforge games. Well, if you drop the sarcasm, what I was trying to say is that he's made five games (six...? Does Nethergate have priest spells?) where he completely ditched the whole "priest" concept, and that worked out just fine. If anything, he'll be trying to break somewhat witht the standard "Avernum/Exile" mold and come up with a new system, and I see no reason why priest spells shouldn't be axed in favor of a more Geneforge-style spell distribution (4 schools instead of 2), or even Nethergate if he wanted to go really overboard(NG had how many schools? 6? Beast, War, Spirit, Nether, and what am I forgetting?) Of course, you could play devil's advocate and say that he'd want a complete break with the past. Entirely possible, and it'd be a refreshing change. So I think that the only conclusion we can draw is that we can draw no conclusions.
  3. Originally Posted By: Darkeonz One more question. I've on purpose avoided bulk armor because it ruins my chances of hitting. Is this the right move? or should i just give my warrior a ton of bulk armor? i think i got some pretty good stuff. but if i add it all it's prolly like - 45% chance of hitting lol Nah, your fighter should pile on all the heavy armor he can get (except shields- dual wield instead)- he probably already has a 150% chance to hit. If you're concerned about the penalties of investing in too much armor, just put points into the Defense skill in order to counteract armor penalties. It's worth it.
  4. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES The four classes are transparently a facelift of good old fighter/mage/cleric/thief. We have also already seen recycled spells in the screenshots (Daze and Charm Foe). So I think it is a safe bet that the "shaman" will have a variety of spells, mostly the sort of things Jeff has put in Priest Spells in the past. Because, you know, it's totally not like Jeff has designed many, many games revolving around mage/warrior/summoner. Oh no! No, Jeff has gone fighter/mage/priest/rogue all the way, in every game he has ever made! [/sarcasm]
  5. Originally Posted By: Alexwood Aodare? I believe he is a Shaper in G2 who ws captured by the Takers, who tortured him to extract knowledge about Shaping. He refused, and he gives a little soliloquy on his beliefs if you prompt him- I forgot exactly what they were. I choose Gottesch. Because he has the coolest name, and also because he wasn't included on your list.
  6. Originally Posted By: Darkeonz I'm a noob though! lol. I have no idea what i should spend my skill points on or anything. I just saw duelwielding pop up and thought it was a good idea. Why do you consider it cheating? does it make the game too easy or what? Yeah, you can do massive amounts of damage with dual wielding- some people here have gotten 600+ points of damage per turn with Adrenaline Rush, Haste, and Speed elixirs. It's really, really, powerful.
  7. Originally Posted By: Darkeonz I got a question. I got a new sword called spectral falchion and it got 7-14 base dmg and then +2 to defense and +4% to hostile effect resistance. then i got another sword that is a Blessed shortsword with base damage 10-20. first sword is worth 2000 and the 2nd one is worth 700. Is the extra things on the first sword worth it though? i mean it does less dmg Value calculations are only loosely tied to utility. For example, the objectively best sword in Geneforge 5, the Puresteel Blade, was only worth 625 coins, while other swords were worth 700-1250 coins despite being much, much worse for combat. Basically, don't trust the value as an indication of how "good" a weapon is. If I were in your scenario, I'd pick the Blessed Shortsword, but that's just me. (Also, I've never dual-wielded on an A6 playthrough. Seems too much like cheating. Magepriests all the way!)
  8. Originally Posted By: Master Savodon Dexterity: 11 Missile: 13 So you attempted to build a missile shaper? Hm. I've never tried one of those before. I ran a missile servile in G4 once, and that worked out okay. I'm curious now. How did this work out for you? Was the Golem the first enemy you ran up against able to mop the floor with you? Did your Shaper play a more active role or a more heavily support role? Did Greta's magic lay down most of the heavy damage for you?
  9. Lookit me, I'm log the log on time! And a calendar! Also, a friendly reminder to people participating who are not Nioca: SEND ME YOUR CHARACTER'S BACKSTORY A.S.A.P.! That is all. Thank you very much for reading.
  10. Originally Posted By: rfulbkf PLEASE! Answer my newbie question. I just don't want to create an other meaningless thread. QUESTION: How can I raise my magic and priest spells? It seemed to me the only way is magic books. Am I right or there are other ways? Well, you can increase your skills at casting mage and priest spells by levelling up and putting points into the Mage Spells/Priest Spells skills. You can access your skills screen by clicking the ? icon next to the character's portraits. You can learn new and more powerful spells through spellbooks, special encounters, and people who will train you in the spells. There's a list of all the spell locations under the "AVERNUM 6 STRATEGY CENTRAL" topic in the Avernum 6 forum.
  11. Originally Posted By: raberry100 seriously i dont think you should ever send a creation into a suicide area, or cry over it dying! let it live and level up as you do, but if it dies make another one but (if possible) with better stats In G5 at least, there was a vast, vast difference between a creature that you leveled up for a while and a creature that you freshly created with a bunch of skill points- the leveled up ones were vastly superior. A cryoa that's level 40-50 (quite possible, I might add) can be just as good or better than a cryodrayk, and has about half the essence cost. It's well worth your while to try and keep your creations around for a long, long while.
  12. Originally Posted By: Triumph One last option: lowering the difficulty setting of the game, trying to beat the golem that way, and then, if you want, raising the difficulty setting back. One last option: Press and hold down shift, tap the "d" key, and enter "dbugkill" in the box that pops up. Hit enter and your golem problems magically disappear.
  13. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES Yes, that's exactly what I was saying earlier. There may well be more than one build option that obliterates the enemy, but one of them is probably easier to play than others. Parry obliterates the enemy's offense, making it easy to pick them off, while Dominate obliterates them somewhat more directly, and making a bunch of Vlish obliterates them even MORE directly. Yes, investing in Parry is a bad idea if you want to obliterate things with superpowered Dominate spells. But that's an IF that needs to be spelled out. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't Gazers, Eybeasts, and Drakons/Ur-Drakons immune to mental effects in G2? Or is it just that your high-level creations are immune to mental effects? EDIT: Oops, missed one of DV's posts on this. Sorry.
  14. Originally Posted By: Monroe Ah, it seems we can narrow down the search for Dikiyoba to the West coast. I see that the Hunt for the Red Dikiyoba (tober?) continues. "No! Don't fire the torpedoes, Dikiyoba always posts in General at the bottom of the hour!" "Xe is. How did you know that?" "Well, I did have a 50-50 chance of geting it right, which was better than nothing..." EDIT: The regrettably side effect of reading this post is that you will now hear all of Dikiyob's posts read out in Sean Connery's voice for the next, oh, month.
  15. Originally Posted By: The Ratt He was no longer the charismatic and strong leader that he had been in the past. There was also not enough build up to the first time you meet Ghaldring; I felt no suspense before I met him. I think it would have been better if you worked with one of Ghaldring's liutenents and didn't get to see him until you told the luitenent you were ready to swear loyalty, then actually swore loyalty to Ghaldring and worked with him afterwards. He never was a charismatic and strong leader- the only one who gives that impression is Litalia in the first game, and that's only because she was essentially his third-in-command behind Akhari Blaze. In both G4 and G5, the only games where you actually encounter him, he comes off as a manipulating, conniving, and haughty because he doesn't care about you or any other human (he even ditched Litalia when she was no longer useful. I'm pretty sure that that was exactly the way he was supposed to come off.
  16. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: Monroe I suppose 'one' can exist, but it loses its point when it's the only number. One, is the loneliest number that you'll ever do... That had to have been a setup. I'm sure of it. Then again, I may be the only one who got that reference. *sigh*.
  17. It is also worth mentioning that disproves of the vuvuzela. It's one of the better-done versions of that clip (which is rather overused now )
  18. Originally Posted By: MissSea What do you mean, real time? I heard there was something in the previous Avernum installments with the Tower of Magi disaster and you needing to do something before that happened. Are you on a clock somehow? In other words, is it timed at all? MissSea Basically, here's the difference. If you're playing, say, A6, and then go stand in the center of a town and don't move/push buttons/cast spells/ect , none of the other NPC characters will move. Everyone remains in a fixed position, and moves one square per turn. In Geneforge, however, if you stood in the middle of a town, the NPC's would move around you, head to different location, and behave independent of whether you move or do not. Essentially, Avernum is a turn-based game, while Geneforge is a real-time game. Both of the combat modes are turn-based AP systems, though. It's just a difference in the way the noncombat system is handled.
  19. Originally Posted By: MissSea So, I'm several days off of Avernum, and I'm jonesing for a fix. Pretty please could I get some advice on where/what to do next as far as Exile or Geneforge? I started with A4 and LOVED it. Went to A5 and HATED it. Finished with A6 and am happy again, if not twitchy for another game. I've also read the game engine from Geneforge is similar to A4-A6 ... I'm not about replaying the same installment over again, so thanks but no thanks. Many thanks! MissSea Start the Geneforge series. The engine, the skills, and the gameplay are very similar- really the only adjustment you need to make is the (somewhat) smaller viewing window and the fact that out of combat mode, the game takes place in real time, so sometimes a "reaction time" is necessary. They're great games, you should enjoy them.
  20. Originally Posted By: Delicious Vlish But building an Agent that relies on parry teaches you bad habits that will hurt you in later games. Yes, but we aren't discussing "later games", we are discussing the best strategy to play an Agent in G2. That strategy happens to be abusing the hell out of Parry. I fail to see how we should give p the best and easiest path to victory because it might prove a disadvantage in later games- it certainly isn't a disadvantage is G2!
  21. Originally Posted By: Delicious Vlish Parry really isn't needed. You should never be in a situation where parry engages. If you are needing parry to survive fights, you are doing something wrong and your tactics should be reconsidered. Yes, but this is G2. Even though it isn't really needed, Parry is still so incredibly useful that there isn't really any reason to not invest a few dozen skill points in it and buy ~5-7 levels. Even for a shaper, picking up a level here or there and training a few points with spare SP is a good idea.
  22. Originally Posted By: Sarachim I have no idea what you're talking about. We were never at war with Eastasia. Or June 9th, for that matter.
  23. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Litalia, despite the managled backstory. Dikiyoba. I'd have to agree. But here backstory isn't so much mangled as it isn't quite as clear as it could be. She clearly was a character who stuck by her "ideals", otherwise she wouldn't have switched factions every game. It's just that we never get the full picture of what she wants. In the first game, she wants revenge against the Shapers. In the second game, she wants unity amongst the Rebels. In the third game, she wants peace and an end to shaping. Personally, I don't believe that she's schizophrenic, just that there's a hidden motive that we (and perhaps she) aren't aware of. Plus, she also is the only person who has seen all sides of the conflict, aside from some of the very, very old characters on Sucia. This sort of gives her a unique perspective on what the sides are doing and why she chose correctly. I'm also a fan of Alwan, since his determination and desire to win at any cost make him quite a compelling character, even if I don't quite agree with him and his values. The other faction leaders just don't resonate. Astoria is too idealistic, Ghaldring is just insane, Greta isn't strong enough to lead the rebellion to victory, Taygen is so shortsighted he'll hurt himself more than he'll hurt the Rebels, and Rawal is too apathetic. Of course, it could also be said that Alwan is a fascist and Litalia is a traitor, if we're going for the "uniformly bad" motif, it's just that I think Alwan and Litalia are the only characters whose positives outweigh their flaws. If we're also going with "fave series characters", then G1 would be a tie between Darian, Trajkov, and Ellrah, G2 would be Pinner and Syros, G3 would be Khyryk, and G4 would be Khyryk, Greta, Miranda, and Alwan. EDIT: W00T! 1500 posts! I'm a Guardian now!
  24. Originally Posted By: The Mystic ]I just read TM's post. Words worthy of being carved in granite, and then each letter filled in with gold. Yes, but only if by "gold" you mean "your mo-
  25. Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith This means Rentar is fair game. *gasp* You wouldn't dare. Would you?
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