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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Originally Posted By: Thaluikhain Me too...when can't be bothered typing in the whole address. Or, to avoid it filling my internet history with sites I'm not that interested in, making it easier to find the ones I want. There's a wonderful invention called "favorites" that's sweeping the globe. It's pretty new, though, so you might not heard of it.
  2. Ooh, ooh, I'll take the Hex of Shielding!
  3. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES Well, Basilisk has only produced two games from the same series. There are any number of examples of SW game pairings you could say the same thing about, although admittedly the sheer quantity of dialogue makes it harder to be so crude about it. But plot honestly did not vary much after Exile 3 and Geneforge 1. The Exile/ Avernum original trilogy all had different plots. Nethergate, too. G1 and G4 and G5 were all different, too. So was A5. You could make a case for some others, too, bust that's about it. So 8 "different" plots. That's not too shabby.
  4. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES The superiority of SW's storytelling is obvious, though I think the actual plot and atmosphere are fairly hit or miss, and are not consistent. However, Spiderweb has shown the ability to write games with different plots, as opposed to Basilisk, which has not. This is much more important that you would think. Based on exhaustive research and testing, I have determined that the plot to EB:I was functionally identical to EB:II (We're being invaded by monsters, fetch me this jewel.). Hardly a gripping plot to begin with, but the repetition made it worse. Honestly, that and the fact that the engine is arcane and obtuse are my only complaints with Basilisk. The graphics are shiny and the dialog isn't that bad. The characters are interesting, and all that other jazz.
  5. Originally Posted By: The Mystic Originally Posted By: Mod. whereami - Shows your location coordinates. Never heard of it. Maybe I'll try it one of these decades. Quote: exitzone - Leaves the zone, or returns you to southforge if used in a dungeon. Note: This cheat can cause problems, try to use sparingly. I find this cheat works best in zones you've already cleared and/or found all the exit zones. Otherwise, it's not really worth the potential headaches. Whereami is really only useful for locating things in walkthroughs. For example, you could say "The lever is behind a pillar at (13,7)", which is a much better location than "Look behind a pillar in the room above and to the left of the center of the map", since it tells you the exact location. It's not really a cheat, more of a feature, since it doesn't impact the game in any way. I used to use exitzone, but then it seriously messed up one of my games and I stopped. (G5 and the Shaper Citadel bug, in case you were curious)
  6. Originally Posted By: Goldenking Originally Posted By: Randomizer I don't think you hit bottom until you become a spambot. I do not appreciate you saying that Aran has hit bottom. FYT
  7. Originally Posted By: Randomizer If you want more animations go play Eschalon: Book 1 or 2 over at Basilisk Games. In discussing the end of Book 2 there was the following: Quote: Obviously what we need is a game for which Spiderweb does the story and Basilisk does the game engine. In this topic. That would be a wonderful idea, were Basilisk competent enough to design an engine able to rival Spiderweb's. You think we have minimap issues now? Just wait until Jeff goes the way of E:BII and introduces a "catrography" skill. Hoo boy. Here's a brilliant idea: How about Spiderweb makes the story and does the engine? I know, it sounds radical. But trust me, it's worked for nearly two decades in a market where people barley last a game. Stick with a winning formula when you've got one.
  8. Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith This might be relevant. There was a great comment in that article (The "Facebook wants to be your one true login" one) Originally Posted By: Internet President. No, really. Hello friends, This is the President of the Internet. On behalf of the internet, we are all deeply sorry for the pain we have caused so many. We understand how important Facebook is to so many Americans around the world, and we are working tirelessly, at the internet factory, to rectify the issue. Our top rocket scientists have narrowed things down to two possible solutions: 1. Several supercomputers will upload data to a giant satellite that will then communicate with a second satellite currently in orbit. Together, these two satellites will form a giant laser beam that will then communicate with the internet. We're confident about this one. 2. A second solution would be to GO TO FACEBOOK.COM! Sincerely, Internet
  9. Not really sure how to respond to this. What about lmgtfy?
  10. Originally Posted By: loyal servile Originally Posted By: The Mystic Originally Posted By: Øther None of the above. Ditto. However, my reason is that I don't use any summoning spell, not even Simulacrum. lol not even one? i use major somoning In Exile, the summons just used up too much energy for too little effect. Really they were only good for providing a distraction. They got better in Avernum, though. Soul Capture-ing a Dark Wyrm or a Rakasha would basically set you for the game.
  11. You do know there is a topic full of G4 info, including cheats and editors? It's here
  12. Originally Posted By: The Mystic Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES I think the idea is that a huge overhead sword swing, even in Jeff's graphics style, might take an extra second or two to watch. Add that up for everyone in a big battle and suddenly, the game is taking longer even though nothing more is happening. Then there's the practical aspect. For huge swings like that, you'd need a graphic for each frame of the swing, which would not only take up time to display, but also eat a good chunk of space on your hard drive, and maybe even cause the game to need more memory to run. Sure, awesome graphics can make a game look great, but they can just as easily make it into a resource hog. Well, you might only need three or four animations and your brain would think that it looked continuous. In the old Avernums, there were only four death animation frames, and that appeared continuous. So I don't think that lag would be too much of a problem. I think the issue here would be that every second spent recoding and writing and animating and testing a new combat system is a second not spent on making the game more interesting or engaging, or writing dialog. I mean, most people wouldn't really be able to tell the difference. They'd just go "Oh, a combat animation. That's nice". However, people would really notice a great plot or great dialog. This is because stellar animation and graphics are commonplace in video games, where a fantastic plot is not something that is exactly frequent.
  13. Originally Posted By: The Mystic There was also one where it asks you to buy it a hat, and another where it complains about how your pack smells. I don't bother with the Xian Skull, except to gain a little xp by killing the ogres nearby, and then dropping it in some out-of-the-way corner of Fort Emergence. Really? I kept it in my pack the entire time. For company, I guess. Also: "Let me go and I'll give you three wishes. Just kidding!"
  14. ...I have recieved two responses from people on the calendar. If people don't fill it out pretty soon, I will just presume that all days are good for you and schedule accordingly. Calendar
  15. Originally Posted By: waterplant Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES I suspect not. I don't KNOW anything. None of us do. Realising this is a big step. Congratulations Slarty *hug*. Let's not slip into solipsism, now.
  16. Originally Posted By: loyal servile ist that one(the one with the arows<<<<)from lorf of the rings Yeah. Oh, and another one I remembered: "Let me go and I'll give you three wishes. Just kidding!"
  17. Originally Posted By: Skomer Hoo sez it can't look polished and have a little more detail? Jeff?
  18. Originally Posted By: Sss-Chah yeah, there weren't enough igloos or mounties in that video. This thread reminds me of an important question: Click to reveal..
  19. Originally Posted By: loyal servile what are all the sayings it sais? i thing i remember:i cried cause i had no hat...until i met a man who had no head. and another one about exspresso Well, I just played A3, and here are the ones I can remember: "Legolas! Boromir! Come qui- oh. Never mind" "I think you should make an army of mutant creatures. Or is that another game?" "I hear Gale has a real nice library" "I hear you can get a real powerful spell in - oh. I forgot." "I hear Foxfire in the Midori province knows something useful" "Judith, on the Isle of Bigal, is a real nice lady" Those are all the ones I can remember.
  20. Originally Posted By: Unknown NPC On a side note your angry baby avatar is a bit disconcerting. That's actually just a regular picture of Ackrovan .
  21. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan The first shot looks great. The second one looks fine too, but moving the base of the pillar back a bit might make it look more stable (unless you want to give the impression that the pillar might fall into the chasm at any moment). Quote: the falled pillar I think the word you're looking for is 'fallen' ('felled' would work as well). English is fun, isn't it? I believe that falléd would work as well, but that's muchmuchmuch more archaic.
  22. I seem to be stuck in the tower of Zkal. I'm sure this is very common. However, my problem isn't with Zkal or the RoEM, I claimed both of those a while ago. I cannot seem to obtain the 3rd spell level of Summon Aid. I've checked the walkthrough, searched the forums, and found out that I have to go through the teleporter three times, etc. I just can't figure out how to open the door to the room that contains the tablets that have the spell! I've been everywhere in and under the tower except a small portion of the map in the SW, immediately above the rooms with the grey flooron the automap. The way to get in is probably connexted with the SW teleporter in the room with the four teleporters, but despite being a Lv. 50 epic badass, my PC cannot seem to cross ~5ft of watery terrain to get to this teleporter. Any help? Please?
  23. Originally Posted By: Goldenking I'm still technically gone, and it was by sheer luck that I got that post in on time. If someone, such as the Father, could kindly take control of my character for the time being, that would be highly appreciated. I should be returning on Thursday, hopefully. Okay, sounds good. I'll try to post sometime today.
  24. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: Jadan Sorry about this..I'm not so numerically eloquent as verbally. But doesn't 0 = 0 when Multiplied or Divided regardless? Rendering the entire proof slightly unneeded? Or does f(x) f(s) and f(t) intend another meaning besides multiplication.. Sorta lost me on that.. f(x) denotes the function f mapped onto the variable x. For example, f(x) could mean sin(2x), so that when you graph f(x), for every value x, the y-component would be the sin of x. So f(0)=0, etc. You many be more familiar with y=sin(x), but that's not used as much as function notation.
  25. Originally Posted By: So Much Killing I generally don't kill good guys, but that's an interesting thought. Has anybody ever tried killing everybody in A6? In some places I think if you behave too badly you just get a screen that says you're dead. I assume that would happen if you tried to kill the king, but I don't know for sure. How many towns and forts can you wipe out? Anybody try this? But the skribbane-sellers, yes, I kill them as soon as I get what I want from them. Jerks gotta die. IMHO. I believe someone wiped out the entire population of A4 except King Starrus, as he's the only one who you get a death node for killing.
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