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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Originally Posted By: Triumph Originally Posted By: Prufrock Best thing about my ~7 years on SW? Being able to kill a thread dead without even really trying. Was this a skill you only acquired thanks to your time on the Spiderweb forums? No, it's relatively common throughout the internet.
  2. Originally Posted By: Certification of Semi-Sanity That was the cap on damage from weapons that were not fists. Wait, so in theory you could exceed that cap by just using fists, or do they have such a small die that it's unfeasible to invest that many skill points? There may have been a method to the monks' madness, after all.
  3. There was a cap in A1-3 for physical damage at 200 damage, IIRC. You could exceed it with Arcane Blow, though.
  4. Originally Posted By: Sarachim Does rickrolling make Nikki blase, humorless, or both? Discuss. Passé, more likely, seeing as Rickrolling stopped being funny oh, about four years ago.
  5. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan Okay, fine, I'll join the bandwagon. Good Traits Bad Traits I SAW WHAT YOU DID THAR
  6. Originally Posted By: Roentgenium I'm at the northeast building, near the desk that the walkthrough says lets you access the slime pit. It didn't say anything about not being able to read it if you hadn't met a certain requirement. Long story short, I can't decipher the map in the desk. What do I need to do to be able to read it? Are you sure you're looking at the right desk? The one in the secret room where Bojar is? I've certainly never had problems finding the info...
  7. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: Lilith a space elevator, as far as we can tell, would have to be made of unobtainium. even a chain of carbon nanotubes with the smallest number of defects theoretically possible would barely support its own weight. I can get behind mining Unobtanium from jungle moons, so long as they are not Yavin 4.
  8. Originally Posted By: Shadowcat Oh okay, here's mine: Those links were already purple for me. You'll have to wake up earlier in the morning to pull a Rickroll over me...
  9. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan EDIT: woo Dr. Woo? Exactly.
  10. Originally Posted By: Seiðmaðr Yes, kids these days do suck. Today's youth has failed me for the last time!
  11. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: The Mystic Originally Posted By: Dantius What we need is some kind of vast, isolated desert wasteland where we can send them. Located in the Southern Hemisphere, thousands of miles away from civilization, lots of deadly things there that can do our dirty work for us... We already have a place like that; it's called Antarctica. You missed the point. Australia was the penal colony of Great Britain; they sent their criminals there to die/get them out of their hair.
  12. Originally Posted By: Txgangsta Playing as a 2 party fighter-preist and archer-mage, I joined the Amana so I could buy those wisdom crystals, get cheap priest spells, and then ditch it. It all worked perfectly. I went to Shafrir, un-geased myself. However, I still cannot use mage spells. Is this supposed to happen? Is there a way I can do all this and work the editor so I can use the mage spells anyway? -Tex You need to relearn the mage spells from trainers/books/etc. I believe Shafrir has a book that teaches you three levels in the first 8 spells.
  13. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: The Mystic ending felons to the moon: Good idea, but way too expensive to be feasible. Too good in concept to just abandon. What we need is some kind of vast, isolated desert wasteland where we can send them. Located in the Southern Hemisphere, thousands of miles away from civilization, lots of deadly things there that can do our dirty work for us... Let me get back to you on this, okay?
  14. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: inni 4. No, as propoganda and awarness grows so will the people supporting it, look at seatbelts, STDs, smoking, homosexual rights, and black/ native rights. Yes, but I don't care about any of those things, despite being quite aware of them and subject to "ad campaigns" on them.
  15. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: The Mystic all of whom immediately start acting as if I had a UFO double-parked somewhere nearby. So they took you to their leader?
  16. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: Dintiradan Cage match between Zombie Malthus and Zombie Ceausescu. FYT.
  17. Originally Posted By: Triumph Ahahaha! My brilliant plan for rooting out the pro-hat clique on Spiderweb has succeeded!!!!!!! Your comments intrigue me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
  18. Originally Posted By: Niemand Quote: Hats FTL! I agree; we should devote more resources to developing faster-than-light hats. Bah! My hats are all modified to go at LUDICROUS SPEED!
  19. Originally Posted By: Triumph Originally Posted By: Rowen I learned to stop hatting and love the bomb. Yes! No hats no hats! Bombs > hats. Hats FTL! I'm sure that Eph and Nalyd would disagree...
  20. Originally Posted By: Rowen As for me, I learned to stop hatting and love the bomb. Strangelove FTW!
  21. Originally Posted By: Nioca Originally Posted By: Dintiradan Wait... Eva murdered sleeping people in cold blood? Well, I'm guess their blood was boiling when they died, but whatever. Still, makes me uneasy about my new spell song. Yeah. She's got a hidden weakness that, whenever she becomes aware of sleeping people, she gets an instant and uncontrollable compulsion to set them on fire. Why do you think she never takes watch? I like Eva a lot better now.
  22. Originally Posted By: Cthulhu http://www.helium.com/items/1882339-doomsday-how-bp-gulf-disaster-may-have-triggered-a-world-killing-event Jeez, that guy writes like David Farah.
  23. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: Lord Safey The argument I was making or trying to make was that space travel would be a lot easier and potentially profitable if infrastructure was established on the moon and in earth orbit. Establishing that infrastructure will in turn make traveling to even more distance world easier and also teach us how to live and extract resources there. What I suggested that could be done the moon however could be done with current technology. Hm. I heard that an alternative to the Mars mission would be to send twice the supplies and fuel and people, but only have it be one-way. Then. after they establish an outpost, you could send probes containing small amounts of fuel for the eventual return trip back, which would be much cheaper(somehow). Interesting, to say the least.
  24. Originally Posted By: Undoomvahgaz Rifle I have only had one PDN with "Doom" in it, it was the sixth of six words, and it wasn't in a sentence. Oh, and I think it was before you showed up on Spiderweb. So probably not me. —Alorael, who concludes that it's time for a new doom name. A self fulfilling prophecy. I'll count that as a victory!
  25. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Originally Posted By: Triumph In the end, the troubles with population control just seem to keep... multiplying. Exponentially, even. Dikiyoba. Well, I think the model is something like P(t)= 6.5E9*e^(.011t) currently, so yeah. But remember, it's growing much, much faster in developing countries approaching their carrying capacity, which is the problem.
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