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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: waterplant Mathematics (bad or otherwise) aside, it is the Earth itself that decides what the human population limit shall be. Nope! This was true up until about 1850, when the Industrial revolution gave us the ability to artificially inflate carrying capacity beyond natural limits. It because really untrue during the Green Revolution, when the carrying capacity was increased by many, many billions. It will continue to be untrue as we continue to increase the carrying capacity by shaping our environment (instead of the other way around).
  2. Originally Posted By: Vertimyst Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba It's been a very long time since I've played G1, but yes, Leader Khobar will tell you what little he knows after you complete either one or two minor quests for him. Dikiyoba remembers being able to convince him to tell you sooner if you have high leadership. Yeah, but that's just it, I haven't completed any quests yet. His response seems to indicate that he's supposed to say that after I do complete a quest, but I've only accepted them. What's your Leadership score? It is above 5? I recall he tells you if your score is over five, but that might be the servile for Pentil (bad memory)
  3. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES there's wayyyyy too much bad math flying around in this topic Bad engineering and bad physics, too.
  4. Originally Posted By: ginger8445 It doesn't work for me. I'm on a Mac. Originally Posted By: Zeviz As for topic revival, there is no exact rule, but you shouldn't post in topics that are several weeks old unless you have something very important to add. If you have a new question, it's better to start a new topic about it.
  5. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: Rowen What about matter-antimatter reactors? Could we build a few of those once we find some dilithium crystals? Of course not. There is only one way to solve the world's energy problems: We must construct additional pylons.
  6. Originally Posted By: Niemand We might then think to derive a quantity describing not only a poster's influence through surviving posts, but also through the impact of old posts which are now gone. We might call this olbiness, or, as I prefer, oldbosity. A possible construction for such a measure is (total posts)^2/(surviving posts + 1). (The +1 in the denominator is intended to control the behavior of the formula for very old accounts which have few, or no, posts left.) Oh, you made a typo. Let me fix it for you: log([total posts])/(1+[surviving posts]) A log would more accuratly describe the measure. Look at it this way: 1000 posts would make relativly little difference in, say, Aloraels postcount, because it would be what, 6% of his total? However, if you gave those 1000 posts to someone with only 50 who registered in 2001, it would be a huge difference in their oldbiesity. In addition, some sort of time metric needs to be added, so members who joined in 2001 can beat out members who only joined in, say 2006. That said, oldbeisity is a trait I desire about as much a obesity.
  7. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: Txgangsta Once solar energy is cheaper than oil/coal/natural gas, they will build it. It doesn't matter what it costs, economics still says their will be a profit. I mean, there'd be a huge profit in instantaneous teleportation, were it invented. That doesn't mean that it will be invented just because there's a profit motive.
  8. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: Do not resurrect Ah, but with sufficient advances in solar cell design, robotics, and (why not?) superconductors, the plan becomes quite feasible. Pick your future tech! No. Not even then. EDIT: You'd have to contend with: Originally Posted By: Dantiu 4. Cost: Prohibitory, and even if no; who would pay for it? The UN? The US? China? 5. EROEI: hahahahahaha! 6. Designs: The entire Sahara desert? A millions square miles? 7. Sovereignty: Last time I checked, there are quite a few sovereign nation inside or partially inside the Sahara desert. How would they feel? 8. Engineering: Impossible. It would be the biggest anything ever by orders of magnitude.
  9. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: Frozen Feet some plans I've seen of covering Sahara with solar panels utilizes the phenomenom to transfer energy more easily from one place to another: electricity created by the panels is used to separate hydrogen and oxygen from seawater, and those are then transferred by long pipelines or containers. No. That is not possible. 1. Resources: there are not enough of them 2. Manpower: How are you going to feed, clothe, house, or even get enough people to do that? 3. Logistics: ...would be a living hell. I can't even... 4. Cost: Prohibitory, and even if no; who would pay for it? The UN? The US? China? 5. EROEI: hahahahahaha! 6. Designs: The entire Sahara desert? A millions square miles? 7. Sovereignty: Last time I checked, there are quite a few sovereign nation inside or partially inside the Sahara desert. How would they feel? 8. Engineering: Impossible. It would be the biggest anything ever by orders of magnitude. So no; impossible.
  10. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: Triumph Originally Posted By: Sarachim If we can find a way to suspend the laws of physics (and that's a big if), the method described will work. That's all? I'm sure our dread sovereign lord Dantius has already taken care of it. Niemand and I are working on it as you speak. We've gotten up to Code: import antigravity on Python, but Heisenberg's principles are a bit of a roadblock.
  11. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES I have to agree. They aren't massive, and I don't see what screams snake oil about the website. The text certainly goes out of its way to say things like "and that's a big if." Yeah, snake oil was the wrong term. The word I'm looking for is.. ah, whatsit... "Green ink", that's it.
  12. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: Eld They're really not that massive. The text body is larger that 12pt. That's too large.
  13. Originally Posted By: Txgangsta Post your order of favorite to least favorite and stop arguing about the little inconsistencies. Purists... =p The generally agreed upon order is: G1 G2 G4/G5 <-- tie with G4 ahead by maybe a little bit G3
  14. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: Txgangsta Electrolysis works. Here is a basic very easy to read explanation of what you have to do so that you gain energy. http://witcombe.sbc.edu/water/chemistryelectrolysis.html Like I said, you need a solvent. Otherwise yes, you are using more energy than you are getting out. 1. This assumes 100% energy conserved. That is ridiculous. 2. The website design is screaming "SNAKE OIIIIIILLLLL!" at me. Inherently distrust a website that uses MASSIVE GREEN AND BLUE LETTERS.
  15. Originally Posted By: Master1 Jeff has to give credit for all ideas not his own. He'd rather just avoid the hassle and come up with ideas on his own. Observe: Quote: Special thanks to: [...] Members of the Spiderweb Software forums [...] Now wasn't that easy?
  16. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: Micawber This topic went insane remarkably quickly. It only took four posts, too! Yet another proof of EARTH 4-CORNER TIME-CUBE!
  17. Originally Posted By: Maahes I realize the installer writes only to local drives, but is there anything stopping me from moving files over to a thumb drive? Do any of the Avernum/Geneforge games write to the registry for that matter? Thanks Yes, you can put Jeff's games on a thumbdrive and play them anywhere, if you so like. I mean, I find just installing them on a Netbook is less hassle, but whatever floats your boat.
  18. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: Niemand If you were saying that both +1*+1 and -1*-1 are equal to -1, then you are claiming that there is a bias towards negative. Thus, you are claiming that negative and positive are inequal opposites. I am not denying negative numbers, rather I am stating that negative and positive are as equal opposites, in concordance with the principle of opposites. Academicists convolute everything and make it seem more esoteric than it really is. But with wisdom, we realise that the truth, indeed, is simple. A superior mathematics is one that is not logically flawed, and one that describes the reality of the universe. Only the Cubic mathematics meets those criteria. For example, if you have 5 apples, that is -5 for the source and +5 for you. Then if I take two away, you get -2 and I get +2. +5+2 = 7--that is to say, it is a cycle towards you and then away from you. That cycle is indeed one of the perspectives inherent to that transaction-situation. This oscillation is a 4-corner cubic cycle. Similarly when a pendulum swings, it oscillates in Cubic 4-corner style. If you use 1-corner maths, then you're blocked from that perspective. You're limited to less than the full, real truth. Without incorporating cubist thought into multifaceted 4-cube life, WORD mathematics is less useless than 1-sided triangle. Incorporation of light-dark dualism withing 4-corned mathematics required 4-set solutions for one-dimensional problems. -1 * -1 result must be four-fold in 1, -1, i, and -i to maintain harmonic cubic wisdom. Your claim on -5 from source and +5 for you contradicts harmonic quadratics. With two cubed systems present, only one fourth cubed possibilities extant- there must be four-space interaction in simplest cubes problems. Source description of -5 + 2 oscillation is bias towards reality- fourth corner mathematics create solutions outside set- fourth root of 16 generates cubic set of solutions: 2, -2, 2i, and -2i. Without harmonic resonance between solution, cubic interchangeability breaks down and cube-function collapse irrevocably destroys harmonic information. Without transitional oscillation, the destruction of cube mathematics breaks down, leading to wisdom collapse and loss of cubism. Hence, harmonic oscillation predict appearance of extraneous-intraneous solutions fluctuating inside and outside the solution set as cube field rotates.
  19. I've got in enough responses, so the heads-up is that the session will be FRIDAY JULY 30th, in the room spidwebRPimperium at the usual time (6:00 CT)
  20. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: Niemand I, for one, am not going to believe in this amazing new idea, however, until I see a demonstration of how it leads to a new, more elegant mathematics which eliminates 1-corner singularity biases towards positive like -1*-1=1. Ha! What you didn't realize was that I have twenty ranks in Knowledge (Mathematics), and took Feat: Epic Obfuscation last level! Watch and learn: Given: u = ai + bj + ck v = ai + bj + ck u × v = (ubvc — vbuc)i — (uavc — vauc)j + (uavb — vaub)k Let u = 0i + 1j + 0k Let v = 1i + 0j + 0k Substituting then yields: u × v = (1*0-0*0)i — (0*0-0*1)j + (0*0-1*1)k which simplifies to u × v = 0i + 0j — 1k Hence, j × i = -k Now, just taking the magnitude of the vectors (work is trivial), we get: 1 × 1 = -1 Q.E.D.
  21. Originally Posted By: Unknown NPC Originally Posted By: Triumph (some dislike some unfortunate...discontinuities in the game, such as a continent disappearing...) Really? I think I noticed something of that manner, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was exactly. Someone care to elaborate? There were several (what's the opposite of a retcon?) in the game. For starters, in G4 it was explicitly stated that there were 9 Councillors, three from every subsect (Guardian, Agent, Shaper). In addition, there was second continent aside from Terrestia. G1 stated that the Shapers had been around for ~2000 years. In G5, one of the "oldest" Shaper fortresses had been around for two centuries- off by an order of magnitude. Things like that, mainly.
  22. Originally Posted By: Earth Empires acid halberd? No, I think it's the Slith Bloodspear, although I like the helm better than the spear anyways. +2 damage levels? Sign me up!
  23. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: Niemand I, for one, am not going to believe in this amazing new idea, however, until I see a demonstration of how it leads to a new, more elegant mathematics which eliminates 1-corner singularity biases towards positive like -1*-1=1. That is because you are EVIL EDUCATED STUPID, of course! 1-corner singularity proves cubic wisdom!
  24. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: Lilith hydrogen is a way of storing energy, not a way of producing it. you will always get less energy out (in the hydrogen-burning step) than you put in (in the water-splitting step) also hahahahahaha you fell for a HHO scam Did I tell you about my energy generation system? You see, time is really cubic, and because Earthrotates through a 4-corner day every 24 hours, it's possible to feed energy through a vertex of this "time cube" to create a riftlooping into the others. As Earth passes through these rifts, energy is generated in massive amounts, since it's actually being drawn from the future. Furthermore, due to this harmonic cube wisdom, no energy is being drawn from the future, because the future is drawing energy from it's future! It's brilliant! Truly I am the wisest human to ever live!
  25. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: The Mystic Originally Posted By: Dantius Originally Posted By: The Mystic We already have a place like that; it's called Antarctica. You missed the point. Australia was the penal colony of Great Britain; they sent their criminals there to die/get them out of their hair.Yes, I know that; and no, I didn't miss the point. I meant using Antarctica as a modern-day equivalent of that bit of history. Well why not just use Australia, then? Has it sunk into the ocean in the past week?
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