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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Originally Posted By: Txgangsta I read somewhere that the play Bluebeard is what helped spawn Avadon. How long has Jeff been planing Avadon? Edit: This is A3, Southpoint Lighthouse on the Isle of Bigail. Well, Bluebeard does prominently feature locks and keys, so that does fit with the motif for that room.
  2. Originally Posted By: Nioca Woo! Level again! Click to reveal.. (Johnathon Dark, Level VI) JOHNATHON DARK Occupation: Pilot Temperament: Hotshot Rank: Ensign Attributes STR - 3 (9/9 Stamina) DEX - 4 (14% Dodge) CRD - 1 (3 Speed) INT - 5 END - 3 (28/28 HP) Skill Points: 0/55 Skills Pilot - 5 Melee Weapon (Nuclear Blade) - 4 Turret (Atom Blaster) - 3 Melee Weapon (Planar Blade) - 3 (+3) Knowledge (Spacecraft) - 2 Perception - 2 Handheld Weapon (Stun Pistol) - 2 Computers - 1 Diplomacy - 1 Bluff - 1 Armor - 1 Traits/Feats Supreme Focus - Once-per-day and for 5 stamina, can get a guaranteed minor critical on a single roll. So, basically, a bit of training in my new-found melee weapon. Not very imaginative, but it ought to be useful. Just so you know, you don't have to put points into Planar Blade. It works off of your skill in the Nuclear Blade skill.
  3. Originally Posted By: Txgangsta A ring in A3, the effect is worded like this: -50% less chance to be hit Does this mean the chance to be hit is 50% less, or will I be hit 50% more? The only reason I ask is this is a cursed ring, but it looks to me like it gives a great bonus. Thanks! It means you get hit 50% more often. It's a bad deal. I think the only "good" cursed items were the Bloodthirst Spear in A2 and a ring that gives a bonus to Luck in A3.
  4. Well, that was a cool little session, and the party is finally off of the Planet of Doom (At last! After only four sessions!), and with the mission accomplished. That should deserve a levelup, and it does! At any rate, I'll have the log posted sometime this week. Until then, have the side session between me and Dana. Alas, there are no rolls, but they were all quite good (15+), so that's not too much of a concern. Click to reveal.. Dana (ET): Are there more doors? DM (Dantius): The halls lead north to the lift, and then reach a fork to the east or west. Dana (ET): I take the West hall. DM (Dantius): After a short while, you reach a door. DM (Dantius): It's quite clearly labeled "Quarters. No entry permitted." Dana (ET): Hmm, I head back and check the East hall's door. DM (Dantius): The East hall leads into a massive conference room. DM (Dantius): There's a small portable computer sitting on the far side of the room. DM (Dantius): Through the window, you see the speeder take off and fly away... Dana (ET): I grab the computer if I can carry it and head back to the quarters. Dana (ET): Is the door locked? DM (Dantius): The door to the quarters is unlocked. Dana (ET): I enter. DM (Dantius): As you enter, a guard inside the door moves to stop you. "Hey, what are you doing here?" Dana (ET): "Oh, I was just..." Energy lance. Spend two stamina to make it really hurt. DM (Dantius): The guard cries out and stumbles back. "Ahhh!" He drops his weapon in pain. Dana (ET): I pull out my gun and aim it, "Run, while you can." Dana (ET): Bluff roll? DM (Dantius): (Yes.) DM (Dantius): The guard dives for his pistol and shoots off a blast at you. DM (Dantius): You take four damage. Dana (ET): I return fire. DM (Dantius): You hit the guard again. He's badly wounded now. DM (Dantius): He returns fire at you again. However, this bolt just barley grazes you. One damage. Dana (ET): I try to finish him with my blaster. Dana (ET): "You should have run!" DM (Dantius): The guard goes down quietly. Dana (ET): I search the room. DM (Dantius): The room is another empty antechamber, Doors lead in all cardinal directions. Dana (ET): Crap, no boxes or chests or whatever they keep things in in the future? Dana (ET): I entered from the south, yes? DM (Dantius): (From the east) Dana (ET): Are there any labels on the doors? DM (Dantius): (East door leads back out into the hall.) DM (Dantius): (No labels, but you presume that this is Rodar's quarters) Dana (ET): Oh, nice. I check the South room first. DM (Dantius): This room seems to be a small, well-furnished bathroom. If you had the time to take a shower here, it would be quite a nice place. DM (Dantius): Exits are to the north and west. Dana (ET): There's another door in the bathroom? Closet I presume? I check it. Dana (ET): Real quick like. DM (Dantius): This door leads into Rodar's bedroom. DM (Dantius): Again, it's nicely furnished, but not overdone. There are two doors to the northeast and northwest, plus the one you came from. Dana (ET): Any containers to search? Dana (ET): If not, I head northeast. DM (Dantius): No containers in here. DM (Dantius): Ah, now you've hit the jackpot. This seems to be Rodar's personal armory. Dana (ET): "Finally!" DM (Dantius): Two alternate suits of armor line the walls, and a rack of weapons adorn the other. DM (Dantius): Some of them are yours. DM (Dantius): A computer terminal occupies the fourth wall. Dana (ET): I grab my whip box, my needle gun, and my nuclear blade; and drop the atom blaster I have. Dana (ET): As for armor, can I carry it for now or do I have time to change? DM (Dantius): One is a suit of heavy combat armor, and the other appears to be some sort of powered armor. DM (Dantius): (You can change.) Dana (ET): I'll put on the heavy armor then. I assume I can't carry the power armor for someone else later? DM (Dantius): Your comlink crackles. Johnathon's voice echoes out. DM (Dantius): (Yeah, it's a gigantic suit of armor) DM (Dantius): "Ensign Dark to Templeton, please come in." Dana (ET): Alright, then, I leave it, sadly. DM (Dantius): As you put on the heavy armor, you feel a strange pressure on your back. It seems like Rodar has modified his armor. There are two attached repulse packs, powerful enough for you to hover for a short while... or descend safely from a long fall. Dana (ET): Ahahaha! Awesome. DM (Dantius): (That was coincidental when you said that ) Dana (ET): I know! Dana (ET): Are there windows in the bedroom? DM (Dantius): (Yes.) Dana (ET): I head out and fire my needle gun at them. DM (Dantius): The window shatters explosively. Dana (ET): What's going on out there? Dana (ET): Like, would I land in the middle of a battle if I descended? DM (Dantius): There's the front of a battle about a mile away. DM (Dantius): Support troops and supply lines are barley visible, but they don't stretch to the foot of the main building. DM (Dantius): They're also in the opposite direction They're looking north and you're jumping out to the west. Dana (ET): Perfect, I jump out and activate the repulses. DM (Dantius): Pilot roll. DM (Dantius): You activate the repulsers and head towards the roof of an auxiliary building. You land somewhat lightly on the roof of a fifty-story building with minimal damage. DM (Dantius): 1 damage Dana (ET): Any ships I can steal? Otherwise I'll keep heading down. Dana (ET): Assuming the repulsers aren't spent. DM (Dantius): (They need a little time to recharge.) Dana (ET): While the repulsers are charging, I check out that computer I stole. Anything immediacy useful on it? Like clearance codes or stuff like that? DM (Dantius): There's a wealth of data on the computer. Riffling through it quickly, you do spot a message entitled "AUTH CODES." Dana (ET): Hmm, I open that file. Dana (ET): And prepare to jump down to street level in the direction of that hangar. DM (Dantius): It's filled with hundreds of pages of twenty letter codes, for everything from missile firing to ship activation to sewage channeling. Everything that you would need to run the base, is here. Dana (ET): I head towards the hanger, careful to stay out of view. DM (Dantius): Stealth, then. DM (Dantius): You walk up the path. There’s very few people around, but they can see you. None of them look surprised, though. Dana (ET): Are there any alarm codes in the list of codes? Dana (ET): Can I set off an alert on the other side of the base? Dana (ET): Or other side of the hanger? DM (Dantius): Yes, there are. But you don't have access to the mainframe, just the personal computer. Dana (ET): I move closer to the guards trying to look like I'm concentrating on the computer in my hands. DM (Dantius): The guards snap to attention. "Sir!" Dana (ET): "Report, soldier, what have we got left here. Any hardware not currently on the front?" DM (Dantius): (Roll Bluff.) DM (Dantius): "Yes, sir! We have several light cruisers ready, and a few armored transports, plus some heavy fighters." DM (Dantius): "They're not being used in the battle." Dana (ET): "Excellent, Rodar will be pleased to have reinforcements. Get the remaining ships manned, I'll take a cruiser out myself to our Leader." DM (Dantius): "Sir!" Dana (ET): I head to a cruiser, the nicest one. DM (Dantius): He turns into he hanger and barks out orders. A private approaches you with a small clear chip. "The key, sir!" DM (Dantius): You manage to spot a lithe and fast ship that appears quite well-armed. You hop in. DM (Dantius): (It’s a heavy fighter, armed with a atomic cannon and stinger missiles.) Dana (ET): "Good work, you all head directly for the front, I'm heading to our ground base, don't wait up." I close doors. Dana (ET): Nice. DM (Dantius): Pilot roll to get it off the ground and out of the hanger. Dana (ET): I make for the coordinates. DM (Dantius): You take off without issue and pilot it out of the hangar without arousing suspicion. DM (Dantius): Another Pilot roll to reach Johnathon's location, DM (Dantius): After a few bumps, you begin to head out to Johnathon's location. DM (Dantius): You can pick up the speeder on your scanners. Dana (ET): I land as close as possible. DM (Dantius): Roll Pilot. Dana (ET): Does this outfit I have any kind of face cover? DM (Dantius): Yes, it does, a full mask. Dana (ET): I cover my face! Dana (ET): And draw my whip before exiting. DM (Dantius): Are you sure? Dana (ET): Yes! DM (Dantius): So do you disembark? Dana (ET): Yes? I make sure the ship is in good order first of course. DM (Dantius): You deactivate all engines and open the hatch. Dana (ET): I breathe heavily. Dana (ET): And then remove the mask.
  5. The session begins in 15 minutes, in spidwebRPimperium, and to get there, just paste Code: aim:GoChat?RoomName=spidwebRPimperium into your browser and go! Hope to see you there.
  6. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity Well, exactly. But what do those things actually mean? To say that God creates light by speaking the words and I don't, because God is omnipotent and I'm not, is just a reiteration, not an explanation. Some people would argue that we are to God as the characters in a novel are to the novel's author. Others would say that we are to God as a semicolon is to the author. I say that we are to God as a semicolon is to God. We are just patterns. Hence my interest in classes of patterns. This sound suspiciously like what a witch would say! Do you weigh more than a duck? Just asking...
  7. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity I too can say, "Let there be light!" But it doesn't seem to work when I do it. Why not? What's God got, that I ain't got? You mean aside from being omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, and omnibenevolent?
  8. Originally Posted By: Acky For the most part no, creatures will not respawn anywhere. The closest you can get to farming is in the 4th act of the game, when you get to the Slith lands. To be more specific, there are an infinite stream of Slith warriors in/around Formello. I'm not sure if you get any XP for killing them, though. (Kind of like how you didn't get any for killing spawned creations in the Geneforge games).
  9. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES But the vahnatai are particularly tall... quite different from pygmies. How do you account for that? A wizard did it.
  10. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES Yes, and the abruptness of the duplication was particularly evident in Avernum 4. *stay calm slarty... stay calm... stay...* 227CLAWBUGSCLAWBUGSCLAWBUGSCLAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW So it's better that chitratches having the clawbug icon?
  11. Originally Posted By: Niemand Taken together they're sort of a cross section of everything I've worked on in past couple of years. And while most of it isn't really all that excitingly weird, even I couldn't tell you exactly what 'what is this file's correct name?' is. I understand what some of those icons are. I'm only curious as to why one of the folders in named in what appears to be Chinese. Also, now I do want to know what that files correct name is.
  12. Originally Posted By: Lilith The log for the previous session is up. The log for this session will be a while. Yeah, I can attest to the fact that editing logs are no fun. Especially combat sessions with lots of grids. I've had to deal with two separate fifty page logs. It took me about three hours apiece. No fun at all.
  13. Originally Posted By: Spiderweb Exceptionalism If it is the sort of story that someone could reasonably expect to be punched for if recounting it in person, it is not funny on the internet. But that was the exact kind of stories linked to. See the Easter Pageant one, or the logo one...
  14. Somehow, I managed to find a complete first edition (All 9 volumes) of Scott's Life of Napoleon printed in 1827, and I got it for a steal. I understandably dropped everything and started reading it. Fascinating stuff, I've always found the Napoleonic era a... interesting... bit of history.
  15. Originally Posted By: Lilith Originally Posted By: Dantius Waitwaitwaitwaitwait. Wait. Wait. So I can post email exchanges in which I am an [censored] to nice people with legitimate questions for me, on the internet, and people will find this funny? And clever? only if you are australian If I fake a bad Australian accent while doing so, does that count?
  16. Originally Posted By: Synergy Congratulations. Enjoy your reward: Yeah, that's not what I was looking for at all. "27B/6 is Australian humorist, designer, and Internet personality David Thorne's personal web site where he posts hilarious emails and exchanges with real people. The site's reality and sharp humor are uniquely funny. Read this email exchange between David and a woman asking him to create a missing poster for her cat, and you'll agree. (Via 27B/6)" Found courtesy of The Huffington Post. I do love them wacky Aussies. -S- Waitwaitwaitwaitwait. Wait. Wait. So I can post email exchanges in which I am an [censored] to nice people with legitimate questions for me, on the internet, and people will find this funny? And clever? Cool!
  17. Originally Posted By: Master1 Also, I used to just use apple desktop images until the big volcano eruption a while back. You mean Eyjajakawhatsit?
  18. It's not much... I like my desktop clutter free. And by clutter free, I mean "I'm too lazy to figure out how to a) unhide my icons and change my desktop image". Why am I using Windows 7 again?
  19. Originally Posted By: Aethne Anyone know the area it's in? Don't want exact location, just the name of the town/forest/area whatever... It's in the Southwest Wasteland, and it exits into the Remote Woods.
  20. Originally Posted By: tridash Would end of Sunday PST work? What about Sunday midnight GMT? Less arbitrary...
  21. Originally Posted By: ThirdParty Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity Originally Posted By: Dantius I do have to suspend disbelief that "I can pay this guy 200 pieces of eight and he'll suddenly improve my skill at shooting a bow instantaneously". I always figure these guys are giving quick but very helpful tips. After all, I'm only gaining one skill point. I always figured it wasn't instantaneous, and the game just wasn't bothering to show the boring weeks you spent practicing with the guy. Well, no time passes when you train (or at least no days pass) in the earlier Avernums or Geneforges that included a day counter. Incidentally, I never figured out what the deal with the Geneforge day counter was. Did it do anything? And, more importantly, how did it even count days? Time spent playing the game? Zones traveled to?
  22. Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith It's usually around the time that webcomics become a soapbox for the author that you know they've jumped the shark. One of the main problems with this kind of comic I think, aside from not being funny, is that it's really more of a commentary than an argument - the opposition always stands around like an idiot while the author berates him for panels. For the comic to work, the author assumes that the audience either agrees with him, or that it hasn't thought about his point before. It's basically a bastard type of observational humor that alienates a portion of its audience and strokes the ego of the rest. Very applicable. Oh, and a general warning about how Cracked uses strong language. I don't think there's any in that article, though.
  23. Originally Posted By: The Ratt What game is AE? I can't figure it out. Astro Empires. It's an MMO that's popular at Calamity Refuge, a satellite board.
  24. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES Actually, this board is for the first trilogy plus Avernum 4. It's illogical and frustrating. Eh, I'm hoping that the entire Avernum series, 1-6, will be merged (And Geneforge will be merged, too), when Avadon comes out. Of course, that probably won't happen, but if it did, that would be cool.
  25. By far the three best webcomics I have ever read have, unfortunately, been discontinued or finished. THey fall into three categories: Gaming: 8-Bit Theater, the granddaddy of all gaming webcomics (2001! That's, like, when I was using AOL!), and still the best. Story: Rice Boy, which has this fantastic surrealist artwork and a really good story to boot. I like to think of it as the webcomic that Dr. Seuss would have had. General: Of course, the precursor to XKCD (and still funnier), Men In Hats. It's more black humor, though, so your mileage may vary. I of course read a smattering of others, Vattu, Darths and Droids, OOTS, XKCD, Stolen Pixels, and (gasp!) the actual newspaper comics (remember those?). Dilbert is my favorite that's currently running, but my all time favorite newspaper comic had to be Lio (with an accent on the o). Yeah, I really do like dark humor.
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