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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Originally Posted By: Elrik Thanks, finally found him walking around the near-east side of dungeon. Asked for supplies, doors opened, but there was a guard standing in front of the locker blocking my access. He won't move. Oh well. I'm still enjoying this! I checked. The locker contains: An Iron Shortsword Pants Cloak 6 Javelins Dried Meat , all marked Not Yours. Nothing worth worrying about.
  2. Originally Posted By: Niemand Of course they can, in general, simply be replicated (with the exception of the Knowledge Brew recipe). It's probably possible to replicate the Knowledge Brew recipe along the lines of the G2 crafting system. Have an NPC say that if you bring him the herbs, he'll make the knowledge brew; then just script he encounter to remove the herbs and give the knowledge brew. Simple really.
  3. Originally Posted By: Celtic Minstrel Originally Posted By: Handyman If I recall, all of Avernum 3's artifacts are present in the default Blades of Avernum items. Not quite all; Fury Crossbow and Pachtar's Plate, for example, are not present in Blades of Avernum. None of the epic artifacts from A3 were present in BoA, including the Knowledge Brew recipe. I guess Jeff just figured they would be too ripe for exploitation.
  4. Originally Posted By: Triumph Locmaar, this is random, but what language is the statement in your signature, and what does it mean? Google says it's elvish, and a quote from Galadriel. I don't speak fake languages, though, so the best I can get is a random website's translation: Quote: The world is changed, I feel it in the water, I feel it in the earth, and I smell it in the air.
  5. Originally Posted By: Handyman Maybe you could recreate your party using the Blades of Avernum editor? If I recall, all of Avernum 3's artifacts are present in the default Blades of Avernum items. Although honestly, Blades of Avernum scenarios seem to have so many ridiculous items that they may be unusably weak. Is there a way to quickly get the right sort of artifacts for one's party level? Yes, Terror's Marty created a scenario called Artifacts Hall. It contains all the artifacts from all the different scenarios charted by level range. Quite useful for when you want to generate a party for a high-level scenario but don't want to play through a half dozen scenarios to get all the good loot.
  6. Originally Posted By: Handyman Ok, I've sent out the beta version. And as an aside, do you guys really think hiding your emails with "(at)" is going to trip up even the simplest algorithms? Heck, I don't even know if "name at subdomain dot com" would evade detection. Ah well--thanks again for the help! It might be because of a spam filter on Spiderweb's part. Y'know, to avoid spammers that say "FREE VIDEO GAMES CLICK THE LINK" etc, etc. I've certainly run into forums where you can't link external web addresses for that reason. It's annoying but there are workarounds.
  7. It Originally Posted By: Snail I'm playing Avernum 1 on a PC laptop. I therefore don't have a proper numpad, so I use an external usb numpad for certain games. Its been a while since I played Avernum 1 so I don't remember what keys used to work when I had a normal keyboard. Anyway, with my current comp, I can only move with the proper arrow keys on it, and not with what would be the keys 1,3,7,9 on a numpad. Since the mouse clicking is way too sensitive to trust when say, moving crates near water, or positioning yourself in front of a door in order to open it, this is pretty annoying. Every time when in a town I have to slow the game down, and that "slow" mode is different for different towns (Formello acts way slower than the previous towns on the same setting ), so I don't keep running one step too far past all the doors. And that slowing down doesn't really affect dungeons so when looking for secret doors this drives me insane ;D Can ppl with normal computer keyboards use their numpad to move in all directions? And can something be done about the crazy mouse sensitivity so that clicking once means taking one step? Maybe delay the reaction time for holding the mouse button down. Because this mouse thing I remember from years back when I first played the game on a much slower comp. So it shouldn't just be me. Thanks! /J I believe that this is simply a poor design choice on Jeff's part. AFAIK, it's not possible to change in either A1 or A2, though it was fixed in Avernum 3 and Blades of Avernum. I find the trick is to position yourself a square away from the wall and then use the mouse to move and switch which set of diagonals you're travelling on, like a bishop in chess.
  8. Originally Posted By: Randomizer In the Castle!!!! That place has autokill nodes for doing things like that. Although it is an interesting ending. Hmm. Now that's just being mean on Jeff's part. Enticing us with treasures that we can't get? Or kill people to get? Although in all honesty it's probably just a Healing potion and five coins... You could always use the walk through walls cheat, though.
  9. Originally Posted By: Lilith Reminder: as of the time of this post, City of Hope begins in just under 48 hours! Clear your schedules for that day and head to the chatroom swcityofhope! What, a break with the time-honored spidwebRP? Shock! Horror! Looking forward to it.
  10. Originally Posted By: The Turtle Moves No, he never moves. The locker you want is in a little nook just to the west of the jobs board. Then just resort to the old RPG standby of killing him and taking his stuff.
  11. Originally Posted By: Elrik Thanks, finally found him walking around the near-east side of dungeon. Asked for supplies, doors opened, but there was a guard standing in front of the locker blocking my access. He won't move. Oh well. I'm still enjoying this! Try standing a few steps away from him and hitting space a few times to wait a turn. He should eventually move away.
  12. Originally Posted By: Master Shaper1 Funeral music playing. Let us all gather here today to remember our dear fanfic.It was a good fanfic,strong and brave but it was lazy.That laziness is what got it forgotten as a post.So come my virtual brothers and sisters and say someting to our dear friend who we still look once in a while if it has something new,but it never does. Oh Geneforge fanfic, you were too beautiful for this world.
  13. Originally Posted By: The Abyss Or maybe just rewarding meaningless behavior. I was under the impression that that was simply the paradigm under which the entirety of society runs.
  14. Originally Posted By: Geneforge34 Is ganduv's modified file posted here on the forums? Yes, it's linked in Strategy Central. The download link is here. Originally Posted By: Geneforge34 also how do you run the editor and where's the minallah sign? There's a sign in Minallah right as you enter the zone from the Testing Hall. Just click it and and a dialog box will pop up showing the options for character editing.
  15. Originally Posted By: Locmaar Originally Posted By: Heindrich1988 ... Others play for simple pleasure, though I think that's difficult for a game lacking in graphics like Avernum. If your copy is lacking graphics, try downloading a new copy and reinstall. Lacking in graphics != Missing in graphics. For instance, this post is lacking in words, but it's not lacking words. Originally Posted By: Locmaar BTW - I used to play Pong or Pac-Man for pleasure. Yeah, my favorite game ever is Rogue, so it's not like graphics are very important to me. That said, the graphics in some of these newer games are pretty impressive.
  16. Originally Posted By: The Ratt Wait, wikipedian protest CITATION NEEDED What was 1,2, &3? Where are you getting this data? On another note, I don't own SC2, because I'm not that great at RTS games. I ruined my training by using resource cheats in AoE2. I'm decent at FPS, however. I'm getting it from Wikipedia of course! 1 is The Sims, 2 a sequel to The Sims, and 3 is World of Warcraft, not counting expansions. Also, {{fact}} tags are blue and supped, like this: citation needed
  17. Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith Originally Posted By: The Mystic Originally Posted By: A horse! I've never played the first StarCraft game, so I certainly don't own the second. Same here. With all the cool games here, why go anywhere else? Because Jeff doesn't design world renowned RTS games. Fourth bestselling PC game ever, yyyyyeeeeaaaahhhhh!!!!!
  18. Originally Posted By: Geneforge34 thanks, dantius. Im now on geneforge 5 scripts folder. now how do i transfer the script from the editor? Either right-click and select "Copy", and paste, and et cetera, or you can just click on the file, hold it down, and drag it to the desired location and release. Again, if it give you a permission error, I can't really help you, you'll just need an Administrator password on that machine.
  19. Originally Posted By: Geneforge34 im on windows Okay, here's a step-by-step guide. I'm fairly sure I've done one of these before, but still. 1. Move the Geneforge 5 icon to the desktop [not strictly necessary, but it's easier] 2. Right-click the icon. I'm redirected to HP (C:)\Program Files (x86)\Spiderweb Software\Geneforge 5\, you might be sent somewhere different if you installed it somewhere else 3. Select "Open File Location" 4. Open "Geneforge 5 Files" 5. Open "Scripts" 6. Move "g5itemschars" to somewhere safe. It doesn't really matter, I just a "Backup Scripts" folder in My Documents". 7. Get Ganduv's modified file from the Internet. 8. Copy the file to the "Scripts" folder in the Geneforge 5 file. You may need Administrator permission on your computer to do this, since it's in a protected location. 9. Close out, and boot up Geneforge 5. 10. Go to Minallah and run the editor through the sign (I think that's how you activate it, if not, my bad) I think that's all, if you need anything else, just ask!
  20. Originally Posted By: Geneforge34 My geneforge 5 game is stored in a file called spiderweb software and theres no script folder. I cant find the program files either. Are you on Windows or a Mac? I believe the way the files and savegames are handled is totally different. On Windows, you can just right-click the icon in your Desktop and select "Open File Location, which should take you there. Sometimes Program Files can be a hidden folder, in that case just go to Control Panel and select "Show hidden files and folders", or just google "View hidden files on Windows" for more detailed instructions.
  21. Originally Posted By: Niemand Originally Posted By: Tirien Forgot to mention, you can hit invisible monsters with magic, just has to be a aoe spell like. . . the priest spell that made all the blades Cloud of Blades. This was probably my favorite spell in A2; it was tricky to use, since each target would be surrounded by a 5 by 5 area that was as deadly to my characters as the enemies, but very powerful, and its uniqueness made it fun. It's also an important spell in BoA due to the way that fields inflict level based damage, so that at very high level where the game's balance starts to break down badly, Cloud of Blades is the only spell that can still inflict appreciable damage. (While other BoA designers have gone so far as to prohibit its use, I did sort of the opposite and taught the NPCs to cast it, though only in my personal copies of a few scenarios to date. That made for some tough fights indeed.) In Blades at least, I found Simulacrum quite good at high levels(since monsters scale with themselves), especially when used in conjunction with CoB, and getting the simulacra to act as a choke point and then hitting him repeatedly to slice everything around him to bits. I recall killing Vahkos with ease by just cloning him and watching him kill himself.
  22. Originally Posted By: Scorpio I've never played the first StarCraft game Get out.
  23. Originally Posted By: Sylae Corell Goog god, I swear I'm the only person in the world who doesn't own SC2 I wonder how much it's going for on EBay, what with supply and demand and all. A hundred? Two? Five? I don't own it, but I plan to buy a couple copies in a month or so.
  24. Originally Posted By: Txgangsta I cannot seem to find a list of the augmentation platforms and their bonuses. Does one exist, and if so, could you post a link? Thank you! Off the top of my head, the one in the GIFTS lair provides +10% to Mental resistance. Don't recall any others, though.
  25. Originally Posted By: Warmaster Kahrikkis for ornks? are u a ornk or u have some? or why? because ur pic looks like a ornk His avatar is a drake from the early Avernum games/BoA. It's quite clearly *not* an ornk.
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