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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Originally Posted By: Biurgy is worse It's probably cheaper to buy Windows and install it on a Boot Camp partition. That's how I've played Mass Effect. See, recently I've been trying to get into PC gaming on Steam. The problem is, despite having a computer that's less that six months old, the graphics card it came loaded with us about five years old, so the most recent game it can play with any level of playability is Oblivion. Plus, the cost and hassle of getting and repacing and installing a new Card would make it much cheaper to just buy a used 360/PS3 off of EBay, and it's not like PC games are so much cheaper that it would be a good investment to get the card. So I've now just gone back to console gaming right now. Except for Spiderweb games, of course!
  2. Originally Posted By: Rowen I love legos. Can I come over to your house to play? Legos! Wow, that makes me nostalgic. I remember when I used to play with Legos.
  3. Originally Posted By: Biurgy is worse That encourages stupid spoiler-based min-maxing and powergaming even more than Jeff's games already do. —Alorael, who can see the reasons for it. He just doesn't like the idea very much. He also knows he'd end the game with entirely vacant scarab slots. It doesn't even encourage intelligent min maxing. Just only equip the most powerful scarabs at the endgame, done. That was easy. Now if you designed the game ala A5, where there were challenge areas alongside the main areas, the perhaps equipping the light scarabs so you could clear out the lich's crypt and get the +5 Staff of Nuking at level 10, then you could get some intelligent min maxing.
  4. Originally Posted By: Nioca Chocobo breeding? There's a great 8-Bit theater I'd like to post here, but something tells me that that would be a veeery bad idea.
  5. Originally Posted By: Arancaytrus As a professional nitpicker, I am forced to point out that the the x-mancy terms are derived from Greek (manteia: divination), so you get necromancy, pyromancy and hydromancy instead of thanatomancy, ignimancy and aquamancy. Which means biomancy might fit the pattern more closely than vitaemancy. (Not that that is any of my business. I'm not even in this RP... ) As a profession engineer, I am forced to point out that Latin is a good enough approximation of Greek, as they both sound cool and foreign and somewhat similar.
  6. What's "Vitaemancy"? Is it the same as Necromancy?
  7. Originally Posted By: The Ratt (Yes, I know all dung beetles are scarabs, but not all scarabs are dung beetles. Interestingly most of the scarabs found in egyptian culture, which is probably what scarabs are most know for, are dung beetles.) In Egyptian mythology, I thought that the rolling of dung symbolized the sun, and the sun got pushed through the sky by a giant dung beetle. And you though some of our legends were weird.
  8. Originally Posted By: Synergy I ain't eatin' no beetles. -S- It could be worse. They could be dung beetles.
  9. Premise? Check. Characters? Check. Players? Check. DM? Check. The only thing missing? Code: aim:GoChat?RoomName=swcityofhope
  10. Originally Posted By: Tirien Poor Dantius having his pyramid scheme ruined. Hey, I run a Ponzi scheme here. It's much more complicated than a simple pyramid. On a completely unrelated note, I found a great offshore hedge fund that can get you 15% returns on your principle in 60 days!
  11. Originally Posted By: Masquerade The pope is visiting Britan? He will come to Britain soon. There's an internet protest on the fact that the UK government will foot the bill for what is essentially a religious visit, which violates... something (does Britain have an establishment clause?). Like all internet petitions, it will do nothing.
  12. Originally Posted By: Masquerade Tell me about it, i just logged on and BAM! darn you tolken! So have you Americans heard about the whole Julia Gillard thing? its pretty big here. Nah, the only news from abroad that I'm following intently is the Pope's visit to Britain.
  13. Originally Posted By: A horse! Originally Posted By: Dantius Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba You could always go as a clown. Dikiyoba. Yeah, I hear you can get a Nietzsche costume for cheap at party stores now. wow, you're like, so educated and cultured!!!1! Five exclamation marks, and a 1 in there? It's surely a sign of a demented mind! Originally Posted By: A horse! edit: quote pyramid, GO As you wish. EDIT: Quote pyramid is broked. Stupid UBB
  14. Originally Posted By: A horse! and at the end, i'll post a link to what's left of discord, right? You can't post a link in a book. We'll just have to reduce the entire scenario to 0's and 1's and have them put to music in a nineteen hour opera.
  15. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Originally Posted By: Rowen I have a birthday party that I have to make an appearance at and act like age really has any meaning other then everyone is going to die. You could always go as a clown. Dikiyoba. Yeah, I hear you can get a Nietzsche costume for cheap at party stores now.
  16. Originally Posted By: A horse! i'll play when I'm sober, so as not to be a big enough [censored] to make you quit blades. just kidding, sorta, but I will play later. The Decline and Fall of Blades of Avernum will consist of nine volumes contain nothing but the word "Nikki" repeated over and over.
  17. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES Yeah, you're right on just about all accounts. Yay! Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES 2) Languages do not evolve "just like" species. There are some strong similarities, such as the existence of common ancestors. But languages do not reproduce (certainly not sexually), and natural selection does not operate even remotely in the same way for them. Natural selection applies in a certain sense to specific elements of a language, but the criteria that determine what is selected for vary according to factors that lean heavily on other aspects of the language in question, and not at all on the environment. Well, there's common ancestors, extinctions (like Latin), enviromental factors (which nations speak which languages), language barriers, spread by conquest, mutation, natural selection, etc. So it's certainly very similar to evolution, even though languages aren't alive or have genes or anything like that.
  18. Originally Posted By: Randomizer J.R.R. Tolkien created an artificially evolved language where his Elvish had a primitive form, Quenya (High Elvish), Sindarin (Common Elvish), and wild or woods Elvish for those elves that didn't go west. The information can be seen in the footnotes and appendices if you really want to see the relationships between root words and the forms in the different languages. Yes, but that still doesn't mean that it evolved from a human language in the real world. So my point stands. Although that does mean that Tolkien was fanatically meticulous in his creation of the language, to the point where it's actually kind of bizarre.
  19. Originally Posted By: Lilith "empathetically" is also a real word, it means "with empathy" Hm, so it was my fault. I hate it when that happens. Oh well, at least I learned a new word today!
  20. Originally Posted By: Lilith also d-dawg you meant "emphatically" not "empathetically" Hm, that's odd. Chrome usually catches things like that.
  21. Originally Posted By: Locmaar When you speak of 'normal linguistic patterns' by which languages evolve - what exactly do you mean? I'll use a tautology here and say that the patters by which languages evolve are the patters how languages evolved- French and Italian and Spanish are descendants of Latin, etc. Like this, for example. Languages evolve just like species, with common ancestors and all. There's whole fields of study on it- historical/comparative linguists, I think it's called. Elvish, on the other hand, was created as opposed to evolving, so it's like a Frankenstein's Monster of linguists, because you can't make sense of it. But you're really asking the wrong person about this.
  22. Originally Posted By: Locmaar It's been made up - nobody ever denied this. How is it fake? It's a synonym? Artificial, fake, counterfeit, etc. It didn't evolve through normal linguistic patterns, so it's fake. There are lots of other fake languages, too- Esperanto for example. Just because people speak it and write it doesn't mean it's not fake.
  23. Originally Posted By: Lilith I don't want any of you missing the first session, so here's a final reminder: City of Hope begins in 24 hours! Get your hopes up! And yet, inevitably half your players will still be late, despite your best efforts. EDIT: Sniped, and also point proven.
  24. Originally Posted By: Locmaar Originally Posted By: Triumph Locmaar, this is random, but what language is the statement in your signature, and what does it mean? It's the opening of the movie 'The Fellowship of the Ring'. The words are originally Treebeard's from the book 'The Return of the King' and have been translated to Elvish by a scholar of the 'fake' language. His name escapes me at the moment. No, no. It's a fake language. There are quite empathetically no quotation marks.
  25. Originally Posted By: Niemand Right, but it will be local to a scenario. There should be no problem making duplicates of Pachtar's Plate, the Fury Crossbow, Black Halbard, and Ring of Endless Magery which the party can carry from scenario to scenario. Wouldn't the RoEM be impossible to duplicate because the "restore SP" effect is scripted in that scenario, or am I just not aware that BoA can, in fact, handle that sort of thing?
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