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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Originally Posted By: VCH So I'm replaying some of A6 and doing some quests I skipped. I'm having a problem with the food thieves North of Dharmon. I approach the gate and some guys come out and tell me to strip down, take off my armour, weapons, etc so I can come inside. But when I do that they don't let me in, they just kill my party. What's up with that? I've done everything they asked of me. Is there another entrance? I know, right? That reminds me of the time in Geneforge where you can surrender to those bandits, but they just kill you instead when you're defenseless and unarmed! So unfair!
  2. Dantius


    See, this sort of problem could be easily fixed if everyone just adopted the dollar and the one true currency. And no, we never have any inflation or value issues, silly! That's a totally fabricated lie, probably perpetuated by the Comintern.
  3. Originally Posted By: Masquerade Thats a valid point, but if Jeff did that to every game he would never have the time to make new games, he would be to busy remaking the remakes so that they stay current. I just think that the people at spiderweb need to give Avernum and Geneforge a rest for a while (preferable a long while) so that they can devote time and energy to new games. Yes, but the Avernum series has proved his commercial viability. If Avadon is a flop, why shouldn't he resort back to a tried and true cash cave cow? It certainly makes more sense than trying to continue a series that flopped, or god forbid starting another one...
  4. Originally Posted By: tridash If you're interested in judging for the contest, please reply. Judging will probably go on until early-mid September, there will be some kind of meeting where the judges make the final decisions, and then results will be announced. Clarify "meeting" please. Do you mean like an AIM chat or Skype?
  5. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity So somewhere in the middle is the sweet spot, of conspiracies big enough to be interesting, but small enough to be worth worrying about. Just how big is this, do you think? Should we be worrying about the oil companies, or e-mail, or the NSA, or what? It has to be large enough that it has influence but small enough that no one will spill the beans and destroy the conspiracy. So the maximum possible size depends on the influence of the people themselves. Of course, you don't actually have to know about the conspiracy to forward its claims, so you could have a few elites at a company in on the conspiracy and a few thousand "supporters" of the conspiracy. Of course, as size increases, the chance of discover by accident or investigation ALSO increases. This sounds suspiciously like some kind of differential equation. Math people who are less lazy than me, get on this. However, taking a SWAG at the problem, I'd say that it would be risky to have more than ~20 in the inner circle and at most a few thousand furthering things indirectly. So maybe about 2000?
  6. Originally Posted By: BerryPolter I have never seen kill wands literally "kill" something, unless damage was greater than remaining health. Yeah they don't autokill the target, all Kill wands do is deal a little over a hundred energy damage. It's decent enough to use in a pinch or on a boss in the first part of the game, but it you save it up too late, most of the enemies have resistance to energy or magic, and they do about 10 damage. Really nothing worth writing home about.
  7. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Originally Posted By: Txgangsta I hate stupid windows people... That's what you get for getting SW games several months ahead of us. Dikiyoba. Also we can play any other game. Ever. It's pretty cool, actually.
  8. I'll judge. I also posted my willingness earlier in the thread.
  9. Originally Posted By: Ephesos <img src=http://www.savagechickens.com/images/chicken1984.jpg> And yet he's a mindless puppet either way...
  10. Originally Posted By: Arancaytrus Heh... I remember I found the comic in December 2007, and read the entire archive in pretty much one week over the break. Seriously. I caught up the entirety of OOTS in two days when I was sick in bed, and I managed to go through the 8-Bit archives in a five-day vacation, despite there being well over twelve hundred densely worded comics there. Reading through archives is not a demanding task, at all.
  11. Originally Posted By: Txgangsta Well, lets get the ball rolling. I dislike the Republican Party. I also dislike the Democratic Party. In fact, I dislike political parties altogether. I vote for whoever is less stupid.
  12. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES No. I tried to make one for some of the more community-significant scenarios, and it was extremely difficult. I do have that somewhere and it will be published at some point as part of another project... Translation: It will never be published.
  13. Originally Posted By: Nioca *ka-bump* The log for Session 10 is now complete! My sincerest apologies for not getting it up sooner; it slipped my mind a few times. Anyway, we currently only have two epilogues in thusfar! Please, make sure to send in an epilogue for your character; if you don't really know what to write, you can just send me a simple idea of what you want your character to do, and I can fill it in from there. Oh, did I not post my epilogue? My bad. Click to reveal..
  14. Because 2000 postcount threads are so cliche.
  15. Originally Posted By: So Much Killing Originally Posted By: Masquerade I still find it hillarious that we Aussies can have a political coup and all you yanks care about is the popes airfare. Our news media only report things that reinforce their viewers' preconceived notions about things. Since Americans have no notions of Aussie politics, the media don't report on it. Bah, of course Americans know what we're talking about in Austrian politics. We follow multiple news outlets from Vienna! Let it never be said that we don't know what we're talking about.
  16. Originally Posted By: Iffy This thread as well as the last one is missing Rise Against. This thread as well as the last one is missing good music.
  17. Originally Posted By: Master1 Are those two female ducks?? I can't quite tell... Female, the males have a more grey color scheme as opposed to brown, and they tend to have patches of a single color instead of the speckles. But the most easily distinguishable trait is that the males also have bright green heads. They're very distinctive, like this: Click to reveal..
  18. Originally Posted By: Txgangsta Quote: What? Pants are awesome!! Especially in A3. Alas, there was no artifact pants. Only the Pants of Power if I recall correctly...
  19. Originally Posted By: Upright and Thrifty Not always. —Alorael, who will accept sufficiently good writing and world-building in lieu of sufficient novel. If I wanted world building instead of a story, I'd read a DnD sourcebook instead of a novel. And "good writing" is a term so subjective as to be meaningless, cf. the discussion about One Hundred Years of Solitude earlier in this thread. So yeah, writing is first and foremost about the story.
  20. Originally Posted By: Lilith Originally Posted By: Upright and Thrifty his horrific scarring by which you mean "awesome glowy scarring" It's like your face is made of lava. Why would I want Cerberus to fix me looking like a badass? I mean, I suppose it could be incredibly painful, but hey, you're a biotic space marine. Suck it up a bit.
  21. Originally Posted By: Tirien I thought i remember curing potions being able to get rid of lightning aura? Curing elixirs, not curing potions. However, curing elixirs also cure fatigue, meaning that you can use an exploit to give yourself infinite turns per round by using Adrenaline Rush and Curing Elixirs, which is far, far more valuable than getting rid of a little bit of recurring damage.
  22. Originally Posted By: The Abyss Subtlety is bad now? I prefer not to be hit in the face repeatedly with a book's Anvilicious Aesop Not when it's so subtle people miss the point. Sometimes when you bury your moral deep in layers of subtext, people walk away with a totally different conclusion then the one you intended. Also, I hate you fro linking to TVtropes. Grrr.
  23. Originally Posted By: Excalibur Also, Brave New World could be viewed as utopian if you're a man, but women in the book are treated as sex objects. They're clothes are easily removed and they're encouraged to be promiscuous. Well, it was written as a time when women were viewed as objects, so perhaps Huxley just thought that that trend would continue towards them becoming sex objects, as opposed to it devolve towards women having more independence.
  24. Originally Posted By: Excalibur Originally Posted By: inni Brave new world not what I was expecting What exactly were you expecting? Well, honestly, if you go into BNW expecting 1984, you will be disappointed. Huxley's book isn't dystopian, it's really utopian. Everybody has everything they need or want and they are all happy. Of course, the dystopian bit comes from the fact that it's a shallow and meaningless existence, which is quite scary when you think about some of the tings going on today. 1984 is still the better book, though, if only because you can't miss the message that Orwell's trying to send, whereas BNW is much, much subtler.
  25. Originally Posted By: Biurgy is worse —Alorael, who produces music by blowing into the ends of hollow wooden and plastic tubes with holes in them. In fact, he's considered releasing an album, but for some reason no one will give him a recorder contract. Well, if you switched to blowing into metal tubes with holes in them, then you could call yourself a virtuoso flautist, which sounds much cooler.
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