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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Originally Posted By: Internet Forum Zombie Originally Posted By: Handyman ...concluding that all people are stupid... So true. Except for the smart people. And now that I dont have anything to really add to this topic anymore, I will have a hard time saying anything without spamming. Great...now im craving spam... I had this problem once. Then, I traveled to the seven sacred sages of spam on a high mountain in a remote province of China. They taught me the secret, old ways of spamming, and now I am a master spammer, unrivaled by all my contemporaries, with the possible exception of Nikki, who can't even be bothered to write his own message he is so optimal.
  2. Originally Posted By: Excalibur Originally Posted By: Droid You guys have horrible attention spans. Threads often don't stay on topic. It's generally true with any type of conversation. Nonsense! We at Spiderweb are focused on relevant conversation like a lase- ooh, someone posted a butterfly in the Photo thread!
  3. Originally Posted By: Lilith but with such a big corporation you need a big judgement to make them take notice. that's what punitive damages are for 2.9 million is not a lot of money to McDonalds. Cursory Googling reveals that 72 billion dollars of sales were made in 2009. The term "mote in the eye" comes to mind.
  4. Originally Posted By: Lilith Originally Posted By: Insanity on a Stick I still remember when some women got coffee from McDonalds, and after putting it in her lap (and then spilling it) she sued McDonalds. I dont remember how much money she got from it. oh yes how unreasonable to sue when a company serves coffee so hot as to cause third-degree burns and permanent scarring within seconds if you so much as splash it on yourself! surely this is her fault for spilling it It's a very famous case because Stella Liebeck (the spiller in question) got $2,900,000 in damages. That is more money than most people will ever make in their lives. Now, I would have no problem with a 10,000 dollar settlement. But 2.9 million? There's even the Stella Awards, which is an award given to ridiculous lawsuits that abuse tort law. Some of them would be humorous, if they weren't so utterly, utterly stupid.
  5. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Originally Posted By: Insanity on a Stick Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity ...or IQs too many standard deviations above the norm... Sounds like me. My IQ is at 200. TAKE THAT AVERAGE PEOPLE! You do know that IQ tests are in no way a reliable indication of intelligence, right? Dikiyoba. I dunno. I find IQ test extremely useful for quantifying stupidity. For example, if you tell someone who thinks they're smart that you're in, say, Mensa, and they launch into a diatribe about how they scored ten standard deviations from the mean and are being oppressed, it's easy to dismiss them as not knowing what they're talking about. But beyond using it to eliminate stupid people, it's really quite poor as a discriminatory tool. So I don't use it much.
  6. Originally Posted By: Squish! And eventually cyberimmortality, but there might be a wait on that one. Originally Posted By: Lilith no
  7. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Originally Posted By: Slartucker The lairs of the crackpot crystal souls, or the Lava Dome, on the other hand... The Lava Dome is interesting for sure, but it's pretty random. Dikiyoba's favorite dungeon of A2 is the Vahnatai Fortress. By far the best dungeons were the end labs in G1/G2. Nothing in the Avernum series even remotely compares.
  8. Originally Posted By: Lilith also the wsj is terrible and i don't trust it to accurately report what he's suing for The WSJ is fine at actually reporting news, and at reporting important news well. Now, editorials is another story, but I digress. Seeing as the WSJ isn't blatantly partisan enough to blame "ZOMG LIBERALS" for something like this ala Fox or some other corners of News Corp. would, I'd say trusting accurate reporting would be fine for this specific instance.
  9. Originally Posted By: Randomizer Quote: A federal judge in Hawaii ruled last month that a man claiming to be addicted to a videogame can sue the game's maker for gross negligence in not warning him he could become a joystick junkie. Craig Smallwood alleges in his lawsuit that, as a result of playing the online game "Lineage II," he has "suffered extreme and serious emotional distress and depression, and has been unable to function independently in usual daily activities such as getting up, getting dressed, bathing, or communicating with family and friends." Correct me if I'm wrong, but if he's suing for emotional distress as opposed to damages, he couldn't do so in a small claims court, so doesn't that me his claim has to be in excess of $10,000? I kind of fail to see how he could manage to get that much money out of a judge for damage due to playing video games.
  10. Originally Posted By: Rowen Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Seagull (I think it's a western gull, but I don't know enough to be sure.) I saw a baygull that looked just like that once. How do you tell them apart? Well, when you apply about five hundred Newtons of force in the form of a shotgun blast, you can tell the difference because a baby gull flies much farther.
  11. Originally Posted By: Rowen Translators need Dikiyoba now. Diki is just that influential. In Soviet Russia, translato- *shot from behind*
  12. Originally Posted By: Insanity on a Stick Only way you could call it Futuristic Oblivion, is if the Adoring Fan from oblivion was in Fallout 3. I loved getting him killed by casting frenzy on him... By Azura! By Azura! By Azura! I'm a thousand years into the future!
  13. Originally Posted By: Lenar Labs™ He also notes that the Sci-fi channel, or SyFy, or whatever they call themselves now, has been trying and failing for many years. Oh well. Has Syfy ever done any other than produce B-movie adaptations of bad pulp science fiction novels? Oh, and make a kajillon Stargate series spinoffs- that too. Actually, come to think of it, their Dune miniseries was pretty decent, if you could slog through all six hours of it.
  14. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan Why not make casting spells of a certain level depend on both your skill level and your character's level? Because then a pre-gen high-level character could just give himself a rank in every school and be able to cast every spell at a high level of competence, which would be gamebreaking.
  15. Originally Posted By: Triumph I feel like a lot of this, if it's a problem, is just a matter of correcting player understanding. Maybe we just need to stop thinking of 10 as epic-level skill. See, I was under the impression that you didn't hit "epic" level in a skill until you had 20 points in a skill, not 10. I mean, the way I've been "converting" points in my spell schools to the relative DnD spell levels is just floor[skill/2], so I've been running a character that is apparently an epic level evoker as someone who barely has access to fifth level spells. Perhaps all this confusion could be cleared up by saying that 20, not 10, is epic level in a skill, and then instituting a cap at that point?
  16. Originally Posted By: Triumph Regarding levels: I thought the double-level system that Sarachim implemented was originally supposed to include getting levels half as often. I haven't kept track of the number of sessions from RP to another (that'd be interesting to look into...) so I don't know whether Sarachim lived up to that goal or not. I don't think so. There will be 9 sessions by the end of the campaign, so that makes the equivalent of adoublenlevel every other session, whereas a standard level every other session seems to be the born in the campaigns. If Sarachim dies award a bonus level, he'll average out to about a standard level every .8 of a session, which is waaaay more than any other DM. Besides, levels serve as a psychological reward, so I'd rather get a slot of small levels often and feel like I'm doing well than two or three massive levels campaign that entail nothing but paperwork. I would also line to apologize for any oddly placed or misspelled words in thus post. I can't actually see what I'm typing due to a flitch in the browser on Imobile versions of Safari.
  17. Originally Posted By: Nioca Yeah, I think the double level thing breaks down as you gain levels. If I had focused on two classes instead of three, I'd currently have epic level training in two different spell classes. At level 5. I mean, if the campaign kept going, Eva would be a spellcasting force of nature before she hit double-digit levels. Which is a bit broken, to say the least. This is just because the party is overleveled. Labyrinth people ended on level 5 (I think?) and Blood Marsh/Selos people ended on level 7. The smart money is on this party ending on essentially level 11, which is way, way higher than any previous campaign. In all fairness, we had level 7 characters like Nixak with 13's in spellcasting skills, so it's not surprising that someone many levels higher has 6's and 7's in multiple schools. That said, I'm just wondering if this is a function of spells and not skills. Eva has some pretty powerful spells, whereas some of the Selos/BM characters kept the spells pretty tame.
  18. Originally Posted By: Arancaytrus ... I knew there were some weird characters in Unicode, but not that. That is awesome. ☣ is also cool, but it doesn't compare. I prefer some of the Arabic characters, like ۩ or ۞
  19. 1. What is your name? Grand Vizier Dantius I 2. How old are you? Approx. e^21 seconds, give or take a year. 3. Where do you live? At a point somewhere north of State and Madison, but within 50 miles of said intersection 4. What is your favorite color? Black. Unless clear is an option, in which case that. 5. How many phones do you own? In my life? Thirteen landlines, seven of which are currently being used in various rooms, two fax machines on a different line (none in use, one in a closet somewhere), and three cell phones.(Obviously I'm only using one) 7. Wait, what happened to question six? It's locked in perpetual orbit around a point three seconds to the left of the future. 8. Someone has just loaned you a time machine that can take you to any location on the planet during any time period. Where/when do you go? Go back two decades to 1990, and abuse my knowledge of the future for gross personal benefit. Failing that, France in 1800. 9. If you were forced to change your PDN to something completely unrelated to its current form and your original username, what would it be? The Incorruptible. 10. If you could transform at will into any living animal, what animal would it be? A virus. You see, I was recently researching your species, and humans... aren't mammals. [can't remember any more of the Smith monologue ] 11. It's ninja sliths versus pirate nephilim. Who should win? Who should win? Shapers, duh.
  20. Originally Posted By: Randomizer Originally Posted By: Dantius Super ultra mega bonus points for identifying the image. Decent actor doing a bad version of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?. It's the script's fault since it changed the book's premise. Ding ding! Help yourself to a free Internet, good sir.
  21. Originally Posted By: Insanity on a Stick Some really bad actor in a bad film that ive never seen? Incorrect on both counts, and also you fail at good taste forever.
  22. Originally Posted By: Niemand Be careful applying this test; clever conspirators may subvert it by artificially lengthening the telomeres in the material used to generate the clone. This can cause the clone to have telomeres of about the same length as the original, making them difficult to distinguish, or longer, leading to incorrect conclusions about which is the original. This counter-measure has become more common recently due to the widespread use in commercial settings of basic techniques to detect clone infiltrators. Be sure to consider the source, since this is a shot of Niemand at work: Click to reveal.. Super ultra mega bonus points for identifying the image.
  23. Originally Posted By: Triumph they can easily escape. Originally Posted By: Triumph doesn't seem to do much to recapture them. Originally Posted By: Triumph he left behind [...] the Death Star plans Originally Posted By: Triumph he's playing the party for fools, somehow. Is that supposed to be a question? Because you answered it yourself- why would some do these things?
  24. Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated. Rumors of a log, however, are true. We need to pick up the pace, and preferable in such a manner that forces me to actually be prompt with things. As such, the current calendar will be a little bit different. You get calendar that's about two w=months long, and you pick as many dates as far in advance as possible. Then, I schedule 4+ sessions and we're working on a schedule. If subs could fill this one out too, that would be great. So the URL of the calendar. Also, I'm still missing levelups from people who are not Nioca. As such, I'm stealing his policy from Brigandage and saying that IF I don't have a levelup when I start the session, you don't get a levelup. (You can still store skill points, but you have to say "I'm just sorting my skill points for now."
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