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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: Zalatar2 I'm kindof lost. Okay. so Lilith is a 'she', X has been almost totally forgotten here, there's a bunch of awesome mathematical and linguistic discussion, and idk what is going on, so I think we should bring this back into ow ow ow I'm ow trying to ow pull this threaow ow ow back on track. ow ow ow my arm ow My mentaow arm is being pulled owut of it's socket ow Okay. Phew. Back on track. X. I think that X should be found SOMEWHERE, if not in this game. Maybe in this game in an easter egg or something? *rubs mental arm* Back off track. I didn't even bother to read all 8 pages, I only read 1,2 and 8. So, I know that the people of this forum are even more awesome than I already thought you people were : you like math! (I think) Back ow on track. "I can't shake him!" "Stay on target." "I can't shake him!" "Stay on target." "AAAAAAA-" Back on track. PLEASE STAY ON TRAXCK. What.
  2. Originally Posted By: Nioca Okay, just a heads up, but I might have trouble making it this Saturday. Something's come up, so I may wind up running late. Yeha, and I might not be able to make it either. Eh, screw it. It's about time for a new CALENDAR at any rate. Please fill it out ASAP, it would be nice to have a session sometime this year.
  3. Dantius


    And here I was thinking that Slarty had given up spam...
  4. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES What's special about math that makes it a priori the definition of all relationships? Because everybody is egotistical enough to think that it is their chosen field of study is the best and purest and awesome-est field there is, and that us plebeians should just shut up and be in awe of them. Historians do it, teachers do it, scientists do it, mathematicians do it, engineers do it, manual laborers do it, politicians do it, everybody does it. They're all wrong, of course. But noone will admit it.
  5. Dantius


    tl;dr, although, in all fairness, tl;idc would be better. Mandatory Internet response aside, I don't disagree that high level math can on rare occasions be useful, but I can't think of any scenario in everyday life that could be answered better by simpler methods. For instance, when your kid asks how long the bubbles will last, get him a stopwatch and teach him how to find averages. It will be far more useful to him than explaining advanced mathematics to him, because he's certainly not going to care about the rate of change of the quantity of the bubbleswith respect to time.
  6. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: Randomizer First assume a spherical problem ... Heh, that reminds me of a joke where various professions are asked to "prove" that all odd number are prime: Professor: 3 is prime, 5 is prime, 7 is prime. The rest are left as an exercise to the student.
  7. Originally Posted By: Lilith The standard version of Blades available on Spiderweb's website is very old and doesn't run well on new computers. You're better off with Open BoE, a community project which fixes bugs and updates Blades to run on modern computers. Try that and tell me if you still have the problem. So I'm guessing that although there are 32-bit BoE's offered, there are no 64-bit builds available, or are they just hidden away somewhere I'm not looking?
  8. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES It's harder to overlay a clear-cut structure like "vocabulary here, grammar there" onto other subjects. But you can! Take a calculus textbook, for instance. Start with limits and continuity, move up to derivatives, then onto the Fundamental Theorem and definite integration. Then antiderivates, differential equations, maybe a little multivariable calculus if it's a higher level, and a few other things you want to tack on anywhere, such as Taylor polynomials and Fourier series. I mean, it's not like you can just say "Eh, we'll teach limits after we do diff eq's" just for the hell of it. There's definitely a progression of knowledge.
  9. Originally Posted By: Niemand So, uh, I didn't miss anything? You missed us... silently sitting around waiting. So no, you didn't miss anything. There wasn't even a oneshot session.
  10. Double post reminder for... uhh... double the remindering power? The session starts in an hour, in the usual room, spidwebRPimperium!
  11. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: Master1 So we have concluded that Wikipedia is fine for a cursory or even deeper inquiry, but is not sufficient to make you an expert. Opinions of a few people on a gaming forum != legitimate criticism of Wikipedia. Especially when people make general statements along the lines of "Well I knew a guy who knew a guy who said it's wrong".
  12. A quick reminder, the session is TOMORROW at the usual time. Until then, here's a log!
  13. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: Celtic Minstrel Originally Posted By: Lilith it also found that the wikipedia articles were generally more poorly written and structured and the errors that were there were more likely to be serious, though I have found articles to be poorly written at times, yes. The worst is when the article presents its topic in a way that expects the reader to already be familiar with it. I've found that to be more a problem in their mathematics articles than their science article, but I pretty much agree. I could also defend Wikipedia by redirecting you to their excellent articles on pop culture, but that might have given me a brain aneurysm.
  14. I especially liked the bit where we set fire to a jungle. As the first action of the first round of the first combat. Yeah, this party is awesome.
  15. Originally Posted By: Randomizer Gods aren't mentioned much in Exile/Avernum except the Troglodytes mention their gods bringing them back or at least what they thought were gods. There are many different churches (some examples): Anama Church of Divine Lucre Shrine of Divine Attainment (Avernum 6) - belief in the individual Temple of Elgar (Avernum 2 - Mertis) - warrior deity There's also the Priestess of War in, IIRC, Muck in A5.
  16. Originally Posted By: Lilith maybe before that bottle of riesling i could do that, sure A convincing case for not downing an entire bottle of Riesling, to be sure.
  17. Originally Posted By: Lilith it's really not that hard once you remember the total cost of each skill level (1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28) then to add them up i just use the google search bar as a calculator It's even easier to mentally compute things, though. The skill points to get n points in a skill is just (n^2+n)/2. And you everybody should be able to add/subtract numbers that sum to less than 60.
  18. Originally Posted By: Lilith i'm kind of pleasantly surprised that everyone except me apparently resisted the urge to game the levelup system by starting out with the same strength they'd have at level 5 in order to maximise their HP No, I did. However, this was more due to my innate fondness of HP's that are divisible by 5 than due to a conscious attempt at power gaming.
  19. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: Randomizer Originally Posted By: Shaper Cirikci Okay restating a question:Do you guys look this up or do you just know it already from school? Wikipedia. Originally Posted By: Not the #$^@* Mother-Being! Originally Posted By: Shaper Cirikci Okay restating a question:Do you guys look this up or do you just know it already from school? Wikipedia. I believe this is the answer you are looking for, Cirikci.
  20. Originally Posted By: Lilith vernor vinge is still the most absurd name he sounds like he should be a 70s bond villain or something Ooh, and he's pushing technological singularity too. I could practically write his villainous reveal for him... "So Mr. Bond... you tried to stop the inescapable progress of technology. And for this, you shall pay the price by being devoured by me army of self-replicating nanobots. Once my hyper intelligent AI has been released on the Internet, all human communications will be disabled save those on MY satellites, and then, in the chaos that follows, my legions can organize a governmental coup installing me as the Global Tyrant-for-life" Ah, Bond villains used to be so awesome. Of course, they suck now, but I can always keep hoping that they'll ditch blond Bourne for some insanely British incessantly punning hard-drinking womanizer like Bond should be.
  21. To avoid any of the nasty confusion we had last session, the next TotI session will be SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 25 6:00 PM CDT I will edit the log hopefully by Thursday, and possibly even by tomorrow.
  22. Originally Posted By: Lilith there is also a rock-paper-scissors world championship people will pretty much just use any excuse to feel superior to others FYT
  23. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Oh, Dikiyoba did try the mushroom. Dikiyoba is not dead yet. Ladies and gentlemen, the culmination of three billion years of evolution in action.
  24. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: Goldenking I agree with this on a discursive level. I think there was even the discussion of it being an Aztec versus Spanish type of sequel. I think that would probably be cool, if Jeff did it. I'd buy that game. So basically a game where you slaughter indigenous people with superior technology and viruses. I agree with you; I'd totally buy that game. (Incidentally, Avatar would also have been my new favorite movie if it had adopted that stance to Human/Navi relations, i.e. we kill them all accidentally with the common cold/Smallpox/the Flu)
  25. Originally Posted By: Nioca ...the hell? Seriously, Dantius. It's called "advance notice" and "reminders". Advance Notice means that people know ahead of time that a session's going down on a given date, and Reminders ensure that people who missed the initial announcement are informed before they make plans for the evening. Bold-faced text helps in this regard. So in other words, yeah, won't be making it tonight. So like if I posted it a few days ago, and said something along the lines of: Originally Posted By: Dantius So the next session is going to go a head this Saturday, the new usual date, at 6:00 CDT, the usual time, in spidwebRPimperium, the usual room. Of course, this session will anything but usual... and a few people replied acknowledging that I posed this, that's not advance warning?
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