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Everything posted by 5anchalee

  1. Originally Posted By: The Mystic Originally Posted By: 5anchalee Has anyone tried Virtualbox with Vista64? I think I will go with it instead of Basilik just because the instructions seem clearer. I just checked the VirtualBox website; 64-bit Vista is listed as one of the supported host operating systems. My system is only 32-bit, and it works great. You may want to double-check the documentation, just to be sure. Can you help guiding me then? I did download Virtual Box and set up a drive but didn't have XP OS system copy at the time (Is that downloadable from the site or do I need to buy it somewhere?) so I had to uninstall the program just to be on the safe side. Would downloading this program hurt the speed or memory of the pc? I am not comfortable tinkering with the system on my own. The Mystic, it would be great if you can tell me what to do step by step. Thanks ahead.
  2. Has anyone tried Virtualbox with Vista64? I think I will go with it instead of Basilik just because the instructions seem clearer.
  3. I went to the beginner's guide of basilik II and downloaded it. Then I unzipped the folder into C drive. At this point, I'm lost because I don't know how to get rom Mac file or where exactly I should put the .sys file. The instruction is for window NT and mine is Vista. Is service pack1 different greatly from pack2? I just assume that my window update would eventually update to pack2 automatically or is it something must be done manually? I'd appreciate some help very much because I would really like to play the blade games. Thanks
  4. Sorry for sounding ignorant, but I am not sure how to go about doing it. Would this program help with other game issues such as those old hasbro games?
  5. So all I have to do is to install either Basilisk or Virtualbox, right? Would it work with Window OS?
  6. Hi, I have the same problem as Fooblepie with the blades of exiles and many other older Hasbro games (Mine OS is Vista 64 bit). Could someone guide me through this dilemma? I am a bit confused here. Thanks. Newbie....
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