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Erebus the Black

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Everything posted by Erebus the Black

  1. When I ask people an A or B question and they simply answer Yes or No I am constantly baffled. God damn it people, Yes what?! Also there are still people who think humans have germs in our stomach that help us break food, and this is perpetuated by kids shows (such as Arthur, although in his case it might be true). NG and science channel put up shows about the universe and physics where they say that (in the context of the double slit experiment) electrons are magic particles that when they are faced with a dilemma of which hole to go through they act like a wave and when looked at they act like a particle. Originally Posted By: Triumph Well, I'm a historian, so...history. There are all the specific myths, untruths, and inaccuracies that people believe, but there are also the cliches and false assumptions about history itself that people glibly toss around (e.g. that "History is written by the victors;" that we know every about the past; that we can't really know anything about the past; etc.). Bah, humbug! That's why someday, when I finish this Ph.D., I hope to become a teacher and embark upon a career of trying to fight back against the nonsense. As an agnostic I can tell you I fell we really can't know for certainty anything about anything.
  2. Originally Posted By: Harehunter "That could be an invitation to a weighty discussion of mass," sighed the Harehunter heavily. Which brings us to this : http://www.xkcd.com/89/ (don't forget to read the alt)
  3. I was referring to this wasteland , Are we talking about the same thing? And I even read it esveral times before posting to prevent this sort of thing, and it still happened :facepalm: (or maybe Alorel edited without marking the edit, but that's probably just my paranoia)
  4. Originally Posted By: Nikki. Huh? Why do you think this - guns have as much a place in RPGs as swords and spells do. I mean, nobody would argue that Final Fantasy or Fallout aren't RPGs, and games in those franchises feature guns prominently. And let's not forget Shadowrun and Wasteland
  5. Unless you didn't remember with which alt you made the account and so couldn't get a restoration mail, or forgot the old mail's name as happened to me several times.
  6. I see where you could have got the wrong notion : Zero X
  7. I don't think I was aware of this site in 2002, so it probably can't be me, but could you send an email to Nikki (no ".") to check if the account owner is Nikki. on an alt email account? (if you receive an appropriate answer it's Nikki.) And I will keep looking for a PDN I like
  8. I was gunning for Avatar, could you please check?
  9. Nough said, move on. There are better discussion pastures out on the board.
  10. Has there been any further advancement on the confirmation (or otherwise) of the pseudo-new particle as the Higgs?
  11. Now just get rid of the animation in your pic or they might ban you again for breaking board rules
  12. Two things: 1) I thought of making and sharing a script that remembers the member number and allows you to set their names so when displayed you will always know who's posting. But I don't know where to start. 2) The main reason I keep changing PDNs is because the PDN I want is taken by someone (who IMHO no longer posts) and I haven't found a PDN that sits well with me yet. (although erasmus was close but then I looked it up)
  13. This Tuesday is the 30th day for my grandmother's passing, and we are going to her grave to see the tombstone, so I hope you can forgive me for using special characters for this occasion. Oh, and good news for you, in Beorn's house in "the Hobbit", there are talking ponies (although they only talk to Beorn), which made me think about you when I read about it, thinking how happy it would make you guys if they appeared in the movies.
  14. So you hate Solberg and X? Because by A6 they are most definitely liches.
  15. Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith Thanks for the advice. Do you have any specific recommendations for textbooks? The main difference between Language books and Algorithm books is that Algorithm books tend to use more pseudocode rather than an actual language leaving it to you to decide how to actually implement the algorithm. For example this is how the DIJKSTRA algorithm is written in Intro to Alg.: DIJKSTRA(G,w,s) INITIALIZE-SINGLE-SOURCE(G,s) S <-- empty set Q <-- V[G] while Q<>empty set do u <-- EXTRACT-MIN(Q) S <-- S union {u} for each vertex v member of Adj do RELAX(u,v,w) leaving you not only to decide in which language to implement it but also to decide with what data structure to implement S and what sub methods the set S needs. One test asked me to implement this, and even though I new and understood the algorithm by heart the decision of which data structure would be best kept me stumped throughout the entire test. (And I believe I already mentioned this on these boards, so you can see how traumatized this left me)
  16. How many pages back did you fan back in order to Necro this old topic?
  17. Although he did outsource some retail company to port some of his games to Linux (or so I seem to recall reading here), so maybe he's not all that strict about not having/wanting to work with others.
  18. Unemployment -101 as I even can't register to a master's degree with my B- avg
  19. Also you need to refrain from killing one of his high commanders (I don't remember the name now) when he flees. Then save just before you enter Dorikas's keep and you should be able to replay both endings quickly.
  20. Why would a spider be registered differently from a guest?
  21. This is more of a spoiler than a walkthrough, since you don't explain how to defeat each stage but rather just tell us (loosely) what to expect at each stage of fighting him. It's a nice start, but you should work on improving this if you are serious. And remember: the edit button is your friend!
  22. My favourites are : Ultima 4, OMF 2097 the Olympic Gold And of course Golden Axe, although I prefer the old PC version which I cannot find.
  23. Doesn't the American southwest have the Amazon river and is mainly jungle and rainforest?
  24. I don't know much about the subject, but from all the old movies I've gathered that the main reason the west indians (such as the apachee) were migratory/nomadic was because they were following the bison's or buffalo's migration path, how come it didn't occur to them that instead of following the bison around they should just rope a few and domesticate them? Is there something in those animals behavioral patterns that causes them to die of depression if left in one area for long (or anything else for that matter such as an extremely aggressive nature preventing them from being useful for plowing)? Or maybe its because their religion had restrictions or customs that dissuaded people from trying domestication? Any other ideas?
  25. I wonder how many of you are aware of the 50 move draw rule, which states that if at any point in the match there has been no capture or a pawn being moved in the last fifty moves then either player can demand the game to end with a draw?
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