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Everything posted by Jadan

  1. Maybe Jeff does this intentionally? See a high price here, you're more compelled to pay 8-12 bucks for it elsewhere, he STILL makes money, and if 30 more people buy it at 8 for every one at 70, I'm sure it's worth it, no? (these a random number, I don't actually know how the sales are comparatively.)
  2. So it has been some many years ( I was 11) since I first discovered this wonderful corner of the web. Strangely enough, despite having my own money, a wonderfully powerful gaming pc, a child, and literally no time for games, I CAN'T bring myself to leave this behind. No game as yet has matched the enjoyment I got out of Jeffs games, and it's driving me INSANE waiting on a new one, but I digress. In the years past, I have struggled with a ridiculously withdrawn personality. I'm SO antisocial, I think I have MAYBE 4 posts here in all my years watching the insane folks here. (creeper status) BUT, that brings me to this. There were times where I seemed to have nothing left to hope for, my family seemed tohave all but abandoned me, I had no friends, and no desire to live...But, this darn forum, and Jeffs games, GAVE me that reason, from 11 to 16 when I finally left my parents behind, and I just wanted to say thank you for saving my life Spiderweb peoples. This sounds a little gay and all, i'm aware of that. I don't give two shits, it's 100% truth. I probably won't get back to this anytime soon either, so no need to reply really. It's just a thank you.
  3. There is an option to set move order to party order. (Might be Default even) And I believe you can change your partys order through the information window. Bottom left of the interface.
  4. Jadan


    Sorry about this..I'm not so numerically eloquent as verbally. But doesn't 0 = 0 when Multiplied or Divided regardless? Rendering the entire proof slightly unneeded? Or does f(x) f(s) and f(t) intend another meaning besides multiplication.. Sorta lost me on that..
  5. Jadan


    Originally Posted By: everyday847 No, comparisons aren't defined in terms of mathematical relations. Quite the opposite; you can't define a field and hope that its structure will just tell you how to order its elements. (Though because of external intuition because we have concepts of eating more and less or whatever, some orderings seem more natural than others.) Comparisons of less than greater than equal to are most definitely mathematical equations themselves. Certainly not something one would suppose to be normal, however. 3x9+8 = (100/4)+10 3x8+8 < (100/4)+10 Equal to Less than Greater than Originally Posted By: Randomizer No, it can be simple stimulus and response. If no signal that you are full, then keep eating. It's a simple do loop with at least one conditonal. You could add conditionals for signals outside the body like some one removing the food and or eater. Well, stimulus and response implies something of a different variety. E.G. A horse that has had enough running, will not run anymore, a child who is too tired, simply will not stay awake. A Horse that is full however, will continue to eat if given the option, and should a new visitor appear, the horse will change his attention to the new arrival, until finding out whether this new person has any food, or no food. It's a simple issue known as "You have more than me, and I want it regardless of if I have any or not." Also, I doubt a horse's brain works much like this IF(OBJECT)=APPLES THEN.DEVOUR# #
  6. Jadan


    Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES reacting differently != abstract realization. You can only assume it is abstract realization. One has a no evidence as to whether the horses reaction is acknowledgement of a quantitative advantage or simply a desire to eat. Reguardless, Eating more or less is still a generic terminology involving mathematics.
  7. Jadan


    Originally Posted By: waterplant Nouns are products of language. Numbers are products of consciousness - a horse doesn't eat 6 apples. As far as the horse is concerned he or she eats the food that's accessible and most attractive. On the contrary, I believe a horse is fully capable of realizing if it has eaten 6 apples or 3 apples. Maybe not in so many words, but assuredly his demeanor and attitude towards you would be different if you continued to 6 apples instead of feeding him 3 and keeping 3 for yourself.
  8. Jadan


    Not to backtrack, annoy, or even step on anyone's toes, but numbers truthfully have always existed, only being discovered when someone/thing managed to realize where they were. Take for instance the very first rock ever. Also suppose this rock had roughed edges, giving it something like 18 faces, or Urgh faces. Already that is numbers, or whatever else you wanna call it. Then divide 18/Urgh/Gibber faces by it's two halves = 9, Multiply that by (syllables of Eighteen = 2)+ (Left and Right Hemispheres of Rock = 2) and you arrive at 36. Everything is rife with numbers, and just waiting to be found out. Without a doubt numbers exist, or better it is to say existence is in itself a number.
  9. Very nice storyline Markel, however, it would, as Master kinda pointed out, fit better as a Prelude to G5, right up to where you are discovered by the First shaper guy. (Can't recall his name) Too bad there's not chance of that being added to the game, it'd be a nice update in like 5 years or so, just to bring it back lol =P Personally, i'd much rather an upended approach personally, where you are neither the "Pact" persay or the barbarian/ruffians. Say you are are arriving at the gates from parts unknown, or something of the sort. Being such, your character could logically be reasonably equipped, in nice physical condition from travel. And no doubt after a journey of this caliber, your character would've learned some spells or enchantments through sheer boredom at least. Secondly, you are some renowned assasin/swordsman/warrior looking to escape penalties of death at home, and in turn for shelter from your enemies, the Fortress's government asks for your help in eliminating some "minor" annoyances. dun dun dun <--eerie drum beat.
  10. Ahh. Exploding sock puppets. Probably not, but it would be nice to see. That'd be fun Namine, or if the room with multiple doors as dictated by Jeff in Bluebeard's story would be in the game. A possible option at the end to use the doors to enter the same door twice would be nice, thus leaving you with your alternate self to kill, and harvest the essence from that universe. MORE POWER!
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