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Everything posted by Rahvasaadik

  1. Rot as in rotting hid as in hidden zon as in zombie
  2. Originally Posted By: Gros Tigre MAJUSCULE By the way, I pronounce it geneforge as in generations jeanforge sounds retarded although it is more correct. Exactly what I thought. This will be useful when someday, Geneforge series will be made into movies.
  3. So, here is a puzzling question or two: What is the proper way to pronounce "thahd"? As in "thaad", eating the second H? Or bluntly "thahd"? What is the proper way to pronounce "geneforge"? The part troubling me is "gene". Should it be pronounced "geen", as in the bihelix micromolecule contaning the code of life or "gene", as you pronounce it in the word "generations"?
  4. I played the game without siding with anyone and then, when I got to the point I had visited all zones and cleared them, I made multiple saves, each with different names, indicating the factions I leaned towards the most. Then I progressed to do the factions main questline (which isn't that difficult with cheatcode "dbugkill" ) I managed to obtain most of the endings. True, it worked out better when I did it in G1, but since that game, the different endings you can get have also multiplied.
  5. Wow, whats up with the offense. Besides, far-fetched ideas are my speciality. *casts lvl 20 mass daze on you all*
  6. I have reasons to believe that the character in Geneforge 5 is the one who created the Geneforge in the first place. My suspicions arose when the game told me in the end that the character was very sad to see the last Geneforge to be drained, not even knowing why.
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