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Everything posted by Rentual

  1. is it possible to make it so that when your character has a weapon equiped it doesnt change to the next model it just stays the same model?? so the weapon wont show up cause i want to do it for the servile and infiltrator which i changed to drayk and drakon and when you equip a weapon they change to the next model like the characters do any help would be greatly appreciated thx in advance
  2. Shapers because theyre right if the power of shaping isnt controlled it would mean chaos it would be like makeing murder legal and going into a city and giving everyone a machine gun and telling em to go nuts the travokites are half right because shaping is bad but it is immpossible to destroy everything about shaping it is ancient their would be bound to be a book or tablet or watever left and if someone finds it and learns to shape even a fyora they could make an army of rouges like monarch did and no-one could stop them because they could make new creations where as everyone else only has so many soldiers
  3. i found out how to do it it works awesome Originally Posted By: Lyric go to the data folder in your g4 install directory, open g4itemschars with wordpad, and scroll down untill you find the begindefinecreature 48 line and change cr_graphic_template = 140 to cr_graphic_template = 110. Note that you cannot change the image displayed in the inventory screen to the shaper one(at least i can't). and this is far easier than copy/pasting the files an renaming them...
  4. would it be possible to change the graphic that my char uses??
  5. i know im trying to change the model without changing anyone else in the game
  6. i always name my character but im to lazy to name creations
  7. on geneforge 4 is it possible to change the model of the lifecrafter class into a shaper model without changing any of the npc i know it is possible because i have done a search but i couldnt find out how to actualy do it if anyone gave me instructions on how to do this i would realy appretiate it thanks in advance
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