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Everything posted by Beastworker

  1. hmm i swear ive tried talking to her before. Maybe i must talk to her again. I thought i found the area she wanted to check out from the job board. I killed those Nephil mercs, but i guess thats not the right area. Thanks Guys.
  2. do you know where to get the quest.
  3. ohh wow, umm kinda pointless if im running around with a mage. I guess i'll go ahead and do gladwell geas. Thank you is there an importantce to the sea ogre?
  4. Who and what are the anama? I know ive seen them and they seem...priestly.
  5. Im sure this has come up, but ive read coutless postings and still haven't really found people who gave their opinion about Gladwell. I have just started playing and when i started talking to Gladwell and he wanted to control me i didn't think i really wanted to do that. But i would like other's opinion on whether or not they would be controled by him if they played again. Also, is there a posting that deals with quests only?
  6. I am playing with a slith custom pole, a Nephil custom bowman, a slith custom priest, and a slith custom mage. I might be wrong with all being custom, but i figured maybe it would be a good idea so that i can kinda maximize the starting skill points. The slith melee, i looked at the starting stats for a slodier and basically instead of using sword, i put those points into pole. Same with the archer, priest, and mage. Maybe someone might give me some advice to were i can maximize my skill points into skills that I will need and maybe what max i shouldn't go over. Like say in traps i shouldn't make that skill higher then 15.
  7. ok, so i have been reading on these threads for a while and im still not sure what min-maxing is. I'm sure it has something to do with spending skill points. Can someone tell me in laymens terms.
  8. Ok. i wasn't sure if it would work. I was looking for both. Thank you for the help. Do you know where i can edit the picture?
  9. maybe i worded it wrong, but what i an wondering is if there are graphics for custom pc. Like here enragedslith but with the player Picture where it shows your name, health, and energy. Ive lookd at some pages and the enraged one is all i found. It is still only partial.
  10. would i still be able to use them with Avernum V?
  11. i've noticed when you point over items it will let you know if you can sell it or not. I know you got your answer already but just an fyi.
  12. I played Exile and Blades of Avernum and i remember being able to download and use custom made avatars. Does anyone know where i may get them?
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