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Tenderfoot Thahd

Tenderfoot Thahd (2/17)

  1. and you usually need to turn in the quest before it updates, I think. eg. even once it's done you need to go back to the person who gave you the quest to complete it.
  2. hmm. I'd prefer not to cheat. And I don't have to go through vengeance to get to ghaldring anymore, since I've cleared the zone east of rockwell or whatever the south fort is called, so I can go into the zone from there... but it kinda sucks that vengeance is entirely closed off to me now unless I want to try and kill every last creation there, regardless of who they were working for
  3. is now entirely hostile to me. halp. The rogues followed me back inside and now the whole fort wants my ass I know I'm sexy, but seriously.... halp! I've tried exiting the zone and coming back, but they all go nuts again the moment they see me... any way to fix this other than reverting to a previous save?
  4. Let me rephrase that. How on earth could you pass Stoneworks and not be able to get through nodye pass? Holy crap... Stoneworks is brutal
  5. lol, I got through below nodye pass with almost no trouble, but it took me going through that entire side of the map before I was able to even start in on Stoneworks. Those golems are mean SOBs
  6. hmm, I thought so. Still seem to be missing an awful lot. I must be a noob at casting spells Thanks for the quick reply
  7. What exactly affects the accuracy of battle spells (eg. firebolt, icespray)? I did a search but didn't find anything... sorry if it's been asked before.
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