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Everything posted by avatis

  1. Plot thickens..just noticed tables next to guards where cups were in past games.

    In past, I could move the cups. Now tables are just art, non movable

  2. Thanks for the Rapid Response! to start, I’ve never had more than a couple of dozen stored there at any time this new game had no cups there from beginning, before I began starting saving items there. I’ve looked at other saved games, cups there to infuriate this is Infestation, so no earlier versions to load and so far nothing has been lost I’m so used to moving them that it surprises me to the point that, possibly I’ve moved them in an irate, cannabis-induced..but I looked everywhere for them. I know that I’m so lazy that I would have just moved them to edge out of reach.
  3. After many plays, today I noticed the guards in Drypeak have no mugs that are usually there..and somewhat annoy my ocd when placing stored items. Has anyone noticed and does it signify something different with this particular run of the game?
  4. I’ve enjoyed these games over a decade now..Queens Wish has been consumed and enjoyed..

    ..thank you!

    looking forward to the sequel..*shoe taps floor”😜

  5. thank you have done so, but will do again next week again, thanks
  6. game loads full sound, yet cursor and and page layout is pixelated
  7. out of the four characters created, only one got the "crescent".. just cannot seem to get it. Did as the book suggested to no avail suggestion gladly accepted
  8. that's what I did.. worked for me as an Agent
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