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Everything posted by rampancy

  1. It's awesome to see Spiderweb at long last on GOG; a lot of people there, including myself are quite fond of them, and we've actually talked them up on many occasions - it's great to finally see more people get the chance to experience them and sample the hype.
  2. As far as I know, I haven't encountered any similar sequences to the destruction of Cotra, except for the sewers in the Fang Clan city. I had no problem leaving the quests in the Occupied Lands for later, especially when I realized that I had to level up my characters for a particularly gruelling set of fights.
  3. I've been having trouble with this quest too. Specifically where should I look after he's dived down the hole? It seems like I've searched everywhere between Cotra, Silvar, and Fort Dranlon (both in the tunnels and above ground) and I can't find him.
  4. Originally Posted By: Thuryl Originally Posted By: Spidweb What resolution are you trying to run the game at? You say it has slowdowns after some time playing? Is the speed normal at the start? How long is it before things slow down. - Jeff Vogel I've been having the same experience with my MacBook. I'm running it at 1280x800 because at the other available resolutions, the edges of some windows are cut off by the edge of the screen. Most of the time it runs okay, although there's some slowdown, especially when fighting in outdoor areas for some reason. After playing for three hours or so, the slowdown will suddenly increase dramatically and the game will virtually grind to a halt over the course of a minute or two. Yeah, that's pretty much what I've been seeing, though it never seems to get to the point where it grinds to a halt; at its worst for me effects for spells like Bolt of Fire and Smite literally crawl across the screen to their targets...I too run A6 at full screen 1280 x 800. The slowdowns start about 2-3 hours into my playtime (and the game speed is perfectly normal at the start), after which overall performance just plummets. Edit: I should also note that I tried playing in a window at 1024 x 768, and it seems to hold up though.
  5. I've also had issues with running other games on Case-Sensitive formatted volumes. I think I remember that Giants: Citizen Kabuto didn't like Case-Sensitive volumes, and I think I also remember reading that COD4 doesn't like them either.
  6. Is it just me, or does Avernum 6 slow down to a crawl for MacBooks with GMA 950 graphics? I've been playing A6 on a 1.83 Ghz/2 GB RAM Core Duo MacBook with 10.6.2 and a 2 Ghz/3 GB RAM Core 2 Duo MacBook with 10.5.8; on both systems I seem to experience a major slow down in the game after some extended time playing. In some graphically simpler areas with less game sprites or scenery objects, the game seems to return to normal speed, but for the most part, particularly in pitch battles like the Cultists near Almaria, the game practically slowed to a crawl. Curiously, I haven't seen this with GF5 on either Mac... Has anyone else encountered this issue? Edit: I just wanted to also note that I've followed the various steps in the Tech Support/Read Me file, and they've not seemed to have helped much at all.
  7. Finally, after hacking and slashing my way through A4, I'm at an impasse. I'm able to shut down two of the control panels at the bottom level of Rentar-Ihrno's keep...however, two others say something along the lines of "...after you fiddle with the controls, it sputters and sparks before returning to its original state". Do I need to boost my Tool Use or Nature Lore skill to turn these last two off? (My highest is 15 Tool Use so far on my Mage, including bonuses from the Tinker's Bauble/Tinker's Gloves.) That fight with the Vahnatai Lord is annoying enough without those infinitely spawning Golems bearing down on me.
  8. Originally Posted By: Spidweb It's definitely very apocalyptic. Much of Avernum is going to be trashed. (Or trashed again.) Doesn't Avernum get trashed in pretty much every Avernum game? Quote: * My favorite trio of wizards, Solberg, Lark, and Gladwell, return. As does X. And many other familiar faces. I've been dying to know if X finally got his anvil spell finished...
  9. This isn't an issue with GF5 - I think it's likely an OS issue of some sort. I've had intermittent keyboard failures in GF4 and A5...as well as Halo, Wingnuts 2, Active Lancer, and Airburst Extreme, to name a few. I read once when trying to resolve my keyboard issues in Halo that it might be tied to some issues with QuickTime, but I'm not sure.
  10. While playing the GF5 demo on my MacBook Pro (Late-2006; 10.5.5), I noticed that the audio was playing on only one channel - the left channel. Has anyone else encountered this? I haven't encountered this issue either with GF4, or A5.
  11. For some reason that I can't fully understand I'm getting my butt royally kicked by the Sentinel Prime in the Workshop. I've been trying to focus on hacking at the unstable servants to get them to attack the Sentinel but they just get turned again against me. On that same vein I've also had problems with Shankar's machine quest - I've tried to avoid the shades but no matter how far away I run they still hit me pretty hard with their attacks. Any tips (i.e. potions to use, spells, etc.) on what I could do to beat any or both of these quests?
  12. Thanks for the help, guys. I finally got through Gelmax and Persephone - yes, what got me through Persephone was hasting my melee fighters and having them engage her at close range, along with acid spray; with Gelmax I think I used slow to great effect. I took a peek at the GameFAQs guide for A5 a few minutes ago - I think I need to pay someone a visit to pick up Lightning Spray...
  13. When you encounter Ruth at Harkin's Landing with non-humans in your party, there's a tidbit of interesting dialogue with her if you mention what the Empire did to non-human species in the past.
  14. I'm having a devil of a time trying to take down both Persephone and Gelmax - for some reason I just can't seem to hack it, especially with Persephone - the last time I tried to kill her she zapped me with lightning. Are there any general hints that people have to offer for dealing with these and other especially powerful enemy magic users? I'm still trying to un-learn some of the habits that I developed when I played Baldur's Gate/Icewind Dale to disrupt enemy magic users...
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