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Everything posted by Luke24

  1. So, I have the papers for the Wayfarer, but I'm not sure where to take them. I'm supposed to "leave it under a barrel behind the stone spiral where I met him", but I don't remember where I met him. Help?
  2. That's annoying…thanks for the response though.
  3. Yeah, I've already wiped out the Loyalists, gone on to complete Gladwell's final quest, etc. But from the ruined tower, how do you get north? It seems like it's all blocked off by rubble…
  4. How do you access the area to the west across the river from Spire and Bargha (north of Darkside Loyalist fortress). I know there's something there because when I have 'showmeall' turned on, I can see red dots, and it also appears on the map in the hint book…I just have no idea how to get there.
  5. So I ran into the Cryptkeeper Hraithe on an island in the Dark River area, and so far, have had no luck fighting against it. I can't seem to damage it in any significant way, and then it summons skeletal warriors and other bad guys and then drains my energy as I fight them off. If I kill enough of these guys does it weaken the Hraithe, or what?
  6. So I'm pretty far into the game (I'm planning on killing Gladwell to remove the geas before moving into Dark River territory, but other than that, I've pretty much taken care of everything else) and I've accumulated quite a bit of "materials," normal ones like leather, steel, emeralds, focusing crystals, as well as the more uncommon ones like mandrake tinctures, demon's bile, and some eyestalks. The question is, what's the best use for these materials? Is there any reason to hold onto them any longer, or should I just trade them in at Highground and Muck for weapons and armor? I guess even if I didn't really like the equipment I got, I could turn around and sell it, which would be better than just carrying around items I'm not using…unless I should hold onto them longer for some reason? Thanks in advance.
  7. So I killed a bunch of Rockhounds before I got the quest. I've killed a few since then. I have 10 of the 12 crystals I need, but I can't find anymore of them. I go into the resting chambers over and over again, but they don't seem to be there. Help? Also, when I'm under Kherebass, on my way to the secret path out of Vahnatai lands, there's a section of the map that I can see on ledges below me, but can't seem to reach. How do I get there? I wonder especially because if I turn the "showmeall" cheat on, I can see more figures down there, and I wonder if they could be Rockhounds…
  8. I'm struggling with this one too. What kind of crystals do you get after you kill the rockhounds?
  9. Thanks. I had miss that one too
  10. Thanks! I'm still on Moref the Shade, so I didn't know about Kingsley and the Mindwarp Chitrach yet!
  11. I have Gladwell's geas, and can't pass the Howling Depths gates until I steal the scrolls from the Anama. Thing is, I'm assuming doing so will make the whole town mad at me (like with the drake's skin and Harkin's Landing) and I don't want to burn my bridges there until there's no reason to go back. After I finish the Ahonaria quests, are there any reasons to ever go back there or can I steal the scrolls and not worry about it? Thanks.
  12. I have the hint book, and it lists a couple of quests that I haven't been offered: 1) The Enemy Shafrir: I'm supposed to get some tools from Shafrir for Solberg, but no one in Ahonaria has said anything about him. Where does this quest come from? Or can I not do both quests? 2) The Dragon's Brew: I haven't heard anything about Melanchion or a recipe. Where do you pick up this quest? Also, I'm having problems smashing chitrach eggs. I know that I've come across and smashed several, but I don't see a reocrd of it anywhere, and when I go back to the mayor, she doesn't say I've finished the quest and it still appears in my quest book. Where do I find more of these?
  13. How do you do it? He gives out a lot of damage, and when I turn the stone servants against him, he turns them back!?
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