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Everything posted by Supernaut

  1. Dikiyoba - thanks for the info - don't think I noticed the book icon in the dialogue boxes (still in the demo) - I'll try that when I get home. Thanks! JB
  2. Are the Journal entries in Geneforge 5 supposed to be editable by me? Or do they get loaded/written automatically at certain points or events in the game? Just curious - I wanted to take some notes and didn't see it mentioned in the instructions. Thanks, JB
  3. I found the console in Utilities --> Console. The error generated while trying to mount the Avernum 5 DMG is: 2007-11-19 21:47:11.782 DiskImages UI Agent[390] couldn't load SLAPane.nib?! 2007-11-19 21:47:11.782 DiskImages UI Agent[390] The DiskImages framework encountered a fatal error and will need to be reinstalled before it can mount this image Nov 19 21:47:11 dinette /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Versions/A/Resources/DiskImages UI Agent.app/Contents/MacOS/DiskImages UI Agent: DiskImages framework needs to be reinstalled to display an SLA Seems like a GUI error? Perhaps an error during the display of the dmg folder image? That's just a guess - what little I know about this process in OSX would bounce around in a thimble. FYI Thanks, JB
  4. Yeah, I think it's a local issue here as well. Other dmgs mount just fine, although the same thing happens with Scorched Earth 3D. I was hoping for pointers to debug information somewhere in OSX. Thanks, JB
  5. Hello all - I can't mount the Avernum 5 disk image on my 1.5 GHz PowerBook, though I can on our MacBook . No errors anywhere - some activity when I double-click on it but it doesn't mount. I downloaded from all the mirrors and got the same results everywhere. Is there an error log somewhere in OSX I can check to see what's going on? Any suggestions?? Cool game, by the way, I'm enjoying it. Thanks, JB
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