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Everything posted by Acky

  1. Drewy never really got off the ground. I'll probably pick the idea back up later this summer. So anyway, we arrive safely at Minallah to shape us some Clawbugs. Two Clawbugs are shaped. We've named them Captain Crunch and Stingray. We have enough essence for another one, but we need that for our spells. Both of their AI is turned off, btw. We want to control them. We set off for the eastern core. Sarah and her Clawbugs make mince meat out of those creations in the mines. Hint: Don't deactivate them. Just kill them; it'll get you more Exp. The Fyora's weren't a problem. Didn't even use daze. The Clawbugs and Sarah just chopped them up. We slipped down and sabatoged the control panel, so the presence will be getting a bit of a shock pretty soon. We ran into those traps and let them go. None of the creations were a problem. Too easy. We got our Wreck canister, and two levels for our troubles too. Plus the loot. That pretty loot. Finally, after healing up, we went in for the kill. The Presence lasted maybe two rounds. We've also iceased out Battle Magic to 8 at this point, which makes for some pretty strong returns. We ran into the Green Fyora on our way back. We ducked in, letting the Fyora's come out and killing them one by one. We casted Wreck on the Green bean itself and the thing almost dropped dead on the next smack. Seriously, Wreck kicks ass, even at low levels. I would be hard pressed to find something more murderou on an enemy for a while. We forsee our main strategy being Daze, Wreck Target, and then kill it with spells/creations. We got our reward from the captain, and then started sniffing around in there. More on this later tonight. For now, heres a screenhot. http://thespireofarchon.webs.com/photos/Sarah-Story/Sarach%20pic%201.JPG
  2. I'm very doubtful of that. Canonically, Drypeak was up some forgotten ditch far away from civilization. It's too close to Turabi for this to make. Plus, the Geography is all wrong/messed up. Do you have a direct quote that explicitly says that Gazaki-Uss is built on top of Gazaki-Uss. Plus it's far, far to large. The Great Archon.
  3. We are told in G5 that Drypeak Valley is near the Storm Planes, so around those mountain chains to either the north or south of Gazaki-Uss. The Great Geographer
  4. Quote: Earth to Ackrovan? the drakons were MADE to destroy the shapers. if something was trying to kill you, you would fight back, no question. Agreed. Same goes for the Drakons, considering that their existence contradicts Shaper Law. Quote: the outsiders either want POWER or REVENGE, and they have the nerve to call the shapers ignorant? Most humans who are fighting want revenge for the years of domination and cruel government at the hands of the Shapers, yes, but it's under good reasons. The Shapers have outright neglected outsiders because they did not want to introduce new species so quickly into an environment. While this is well intentioned, the fact that they are too lazy to even take the time to explain this to humans is inexcusable. Quote: However, is Ghaldring much better? Yes. He at leasts lets outsiders complain about what he is doing to his face (go talk to Greta). Events like Thosso-Losso are rare and uncommon. Quote: challenging me once shows spirit. any more then that shows defiance." If you're fighting a much more skilled enemy, than you can't afford to tolerate to much "defiance" in your command struture. Plus you got the quote wrong. Originally Posted By: Ghaldring Challenging me once shows spirit. More so, and then you are interfering with the war against the Shapers. ....Which you are. And the Shapers would do the same anyway. Quote: THEY ARE CREATIONS. THE SHAPERS MADE THEM. THEY HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO WHATEVER THEY WANT TO THEM. If you found a peaceful, intelligent, talking dog, would you kill it and get a new, dumb one? I hope not. The Great Archon
  5. Something like this As you can see, the land routes are pretty messed up. The Great Archon
  6. Quote: because drakons just want to be the "new shapers" but crueler. That didn't answer his question. He was asking why don't the Drakons have a reason to rebel. Because the Shapers would leave them alone? Hardly. The Shapers would take advantage and destroy them without a second thought. Quote: the rebels attack their leaders, which have the big guns around here. Well of course they're going to attack their leaders, just like the Shapers/Drakons would attack them! Their homocidal maniacs that torture and execute anyone who questions them, not to mention the years of cruelty and neglect they have treated their creations with. The Shapers deserve what is happening to them. Quote: rebels are poor. Okay, this statement has me lost. Do you mean financially poor, or that their morales and reasons for rebelling are poor? The Great Archon
  7. Quote: Battle alphas are better than Glaahks Are not A Glaahk will overtake a Battle Alpha in Melee almost everytime. They can't act when their stunned to death. Yes, their stun has been nerfed, but its still potent. Quote: Drayks are the best tier 3 creation. They always have been. To maximise your effectiveness, however, you should have a mix of Glaahks and Drayks. Glaahks to stun them in Melee and then Drayks to blast them to bits. The Great Archon
  8. I said they're good for the time you get them, which is in the Storm planes. Most creations that attack with Melee are Glaahks, or aren't that tough at all. The bandits don't do much damage in the first place, save the thorn flingers. The borrer bugs get whacked in one hit typically for a magic-dependent Shaper that has powerful Glaahks. By the time you get to the Dera Reaches, I'd ditch them and get something with a bit more kick, but for a while they aren't to shabby. Certainly better than a Battle Alpha. The Great Archon
  9. You can't get Searing Artilas in G3-5. Glaahks are are not pieces of garbage. Their stun attack has been nerfed a bit, but their isn't anything else in the game that resists Magic as well as they do, and by the time you get them, they can take on about everything in their path. They squash Battle Alphas, and can take out Glaahks if they can get them into Melee. In twos and threes, they can keep just about everything in Stasis and destroy them with their tails. I'd argue Wingbolts and Gazers, but when compared to War Tralls, pretty much everything sucks. The Great Archon
  10. Click to reveal.. If you are siding with Ghaldring, he gets the serviles in Kaz to tell you that there is a trap door in Mera that comes out of that door The Great Archon
  11. I think something is screwy with the Warrior/Guardian Guide. Is anyone else coming to the forum when they click on it? The Last Archon
  12. It doesn't affect the ending at all, and it barely affects the game itself. The Great Archon
  13. Or you could just give your Puresteel Sword a Golden Crystal and one-shot everything. In retrospect, there is no "Best sword". The Oozing Blade and the Frozen Blade give useful automatic effects. The Guardian Claymore, or the Charmed Falchion give great booats to your stats. The Puresteel Blade's got the most pure power to make it worthwhile. So it's really just a matter of preference as to what the "best" sword is. The Great Archon
  14. I'm going to post updates on my.......11th?......playthrough as a Sorceress named Sarah on Torment. This meant to be a guide or anything like that. Just hopefully a successfully completed game that I've written about, and hopefully something you can entertain yourselves with by reading. Without further adu, let me introduce, Sarah to Loyalist Sorceress. It'll be a canister-addict Alwan runthrough. Canister addict because too many people do loyalist runthroughs without canisters. Me and Sarah woke up in some smelly servile barracks. We shift around for a few minutes, trying to get our bearings. We give ourselves a single point in Intelligence, then a point in some Battle Magic. We put the rest of the skill points in Leadership and Mechanics. We get our equipment together, and then get bothered by some sweaty servile named Mekhon. We leave the barracks. A few serviles come running at us, getting chased by some bugs. We weren't to thrilled about having to touch a few bugs for a few creations, but exp is exp nonetheless. All the serviles survive. After we're done picking up the loot, we run off to try to see what else there is to kill. A huge battle Alpha comes running at us, Thrasher we think his name was, trying to get all rough and tough with us. We smack it with a bolt of fire, and than attack it again, letting Mekhon take most of the punishment. With careful timing, we land the killing blow, getting extra EXP. We unlock the door to get our speed pod, and create a Fyora named Dixy for kicks. We (including Dixy) march off to the south, calming the Fyora, then killing the Fyora, dealing with testy worms and artila's and whatnot. We calm the Roamer and then go inside the lab next to it to see whats inside. After getting two more levels, we bump Battle Shaping some more. Then we get to the Vlish, landing another level just for getting our pretty selves there, again pumping Battle Shaping. While that Mehkon girl handles the Vlish, we round about, killing the rogues before they have a chance to give us the stink eye. After we russell with the Vlish, Rawal decides to come in and break up the fight. Poor Dixy never saw it coming. After we got into Minallah, a Shaper and an outsider were arguing about a Roamer. The dumb Agent thought it was rogue, apparently. We calmed it, getting a little Exp for our trouble. We then ran through Minallah, since most of the populace wouldn't talk to us, and went to Rawal. We turned in the servile for the point in Intelligence mostly, and for the the Endurance of course. We get my allowance from Rawal and run back into Minallah and sell my loot. We return to that incompetent Shaper and get him to train me two levels for Thahds, plus some Cure Affliction. And a point for a Fyora, which I regretted later. After a batch of three Thahds is made, we storm in and take care of those vile rogues in his storeroom. I ran to the mage and got him to teach me Daze and Burning Spray. We also took his crystal. Going back into Minallah, we ran all wiley nilly, doing this and doing that. Took care of those mines, killed the thahds in the back room, and manged to pacify Twixx before we had to kill her, getting so much Exp in the process. We take all the quests from the people. We also unlock a fair amount of doors, so our Living Tool supply is a little dry at the moment. We run back north with three new thahds (the first tree were absorbed to maximise Exp gain) and storm through the place, raining hell on the surviving rogues. No Fyora cloak, but we did get an Ice Crystal. We raise our Battle Shaping to 6 with all our exp we gained. We intend to raise Battle Magic and Mental Magic soon too, and than General Skills. We storm out into the Promeade, ready to slay some rogues. We get the quest from the Mythbusters to reable the Pylons. So we go around, turning on the pylons, and than kill the rogues one-on-one. Didn't even need to cast daze. We rest in Minallah and head back out to take care of those Shrouded Rogues. The worm wasn't a problem; it died in three turns. Neither was the thahd. We kept it dazed while our thahds pounded on it, and our Burning Spray killed it. We proudly claimed out Students Belt, enjoying the extra intelligence. The Fyora was a bit of a problem, but nothing to serious. One thahd died from the Fire Attack though. Still no Fyora Cloak. We put some more points in Battle Magic. A new thahd is made as well. We sell our little loot, and head off for the Testing Grounds. We give the old hermit his crystal, letting the Roamers attack us to get the extra Exp (took care of those pesky Fyoras too.) We walk into the Testing Grounds. We didn't get too much of a hassle, although we did fight our way instead of sneaking around the Roamers for the Exp. We lured the big worms in the back out one at a time, and with Battle Magic, it wasn't able to get a hit on us with that Venom wave attack. The shielding blade was worth it. We did use a Speed pod for the fight though. We trick the thahd into attack the other thahd, and then keep our timing right to land the killing blow(s). It took a few tries, but we managed to do it. We proudly take our Clawbug reward, and are now preparing to take on the Presence on its own turf. The Great Archon
  15. Try looking here at the Genewiki, a community effort to establish a Geneforge wiki. I'm pretty sure that I've got something about this to at Danette's Library, which is a wiki run by me and a few other people about Geneforge. I don't remember for sure though. But basically, an Apprentice is recruited by a Shaper to be trained, much like you wrote about, because they show loyalty to the Shapers and that they seem to have a knack for creations. They are than taken to a school, such as Greenwood Academy, where they are teached the very basics of the Shapers, such as history, creations, magic and such. After that, they are sent to do small, unimportant jobs, like going with an Agent to check in on distant colonies, or helping to colonize lands the Shapers have recently taken. Sometimes they get a guide or master to go with them, sometimes they don't. Depends on the mission. Afterwards, they are actually taught how to Shape basic creations, such as Thahds or Arilas, and taught how to cast simple spells, like Daze or War Blessing. After this, they are sent to a Training Grounds, which are usually near the school itself, where they must overcome obstacles a Shaper would commonly face with Combat or Stealth, Mechanics, and Leadership, or a mixture of the three. If they survive, they get their final powers and are sent out by the council to do their biding.
  16. I don't really see any problems with your writing, except for the occasional sentence where you use too many comma's. Like so: Quote: After seeing you control my rogue fyora, I decided that you may make a good member of our order, I wished you to travel with me back to Dillame to request that the council member sponsor you to study at our academy, that is if you would like to?” I'm about half sure that this is still grammatically correct, but nevertheless, this would look better if it was broken up. For instance: Quote: After seeing you control my Fyora, I have decided that you would make a good member of our order. I wish for you to travel with me back to Dillame to request that the council to sponsor you to the academy. That is, if you would like to. Otherwise, I'm liking the story. The Great Archon
  17. The sword with the highest damage is the Puresteel Blade, which can be forged for you by a smith in the Dera Reaches for two Puresteel Bars. On the other hand, you could just kill him, and he'll drop one. The Great Archon
  18. Also, Quote: Emperor Tullegolar kicked Neossokrass. "Ooh and ahh," he whispered. "Ooh." "Ahh." I'm a little confused as to what that is meant to mean? The Great Archon
  19. Just one typo Quote: Dintiradan and the Lurker waited by the Deth Ray. Other than that, solid Chapter. I like how duck got confused with ducking. The Great Archon
  20. Originally Posted By: The Most Gigantic Lying Mouth Well, tell them to learn basic reading and comprehension skills. I have little chance of suggesting to other people to improve their English skills and not be a fat hypocrite. The Great Archon
  21. They're just trying to have a little fun Nikki. Spammy fun, but fun nonetheless. The Great Archon
  22. I'm pretty sure thats just a mistake on Jeff's part for not placing a death node on those ornks with the serviles. The Great Archon
  23. I am the Archon. I can do anything I desire. Which includes staying up through the night and studying a video game. The Great Archon
  24. Creations that can reproduce are allowed to continue to live under Trakovite belief, such as Ornks. Other creations, such as Living tools or Thorns, are considered livestock and raised appropriately. Weird livestock, to be sure, but livestock nonetheless. Creations that cannot reproduce, such as Battle Alpha's, are allowed to live out their lives, but no new ones are to be made. Even creations like Gazers are allowed to live and reproduce as long as their peaceful. The Trakovites want to end the advancements of Shaping, not it's products. The Great Archon
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