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Everything posted by Acky

  1. pleaselikeme - Makes everyone forgive your crimes. It doesn't affect anything major (Like say, the SHapers will still be mad at you if you kill Alwan) iamweak - Gives you some experience. Good until level 45. iampoor - Gives you some money exitzone - Makes you leave the current zone and takes you into the world map clearthisarea - Makes the area you are currently in green on the world map (for mac users) dbugkill - Kills every enemy in the area. Be careful; this is absolutly not supported by Spiderweb givesussnack - Gives you some cake I think thats it The Great Archon
  2. No, then you're forced into an ending, if I recall correctly. One guy did it a while back, and even though he was a loyalist, had to go through with the Astoria Ending. The Great Archon
  3. Um, you can only raise a skill twice with trainers. The Great Archon
  4. My mistake. Anyway thanks for making them into pictures from now on Dikiyoba. I won't be able to take a picture of the whole thing though. I don't know how to make them smaller while still taking up the whole screen. Whatever. As an related question, how come images got locked out to regular members anyway? The Great Archon
  5. Once we returned to Mera, Sarah decided that she needed a few extra helpers around. Summoning a Vlish named Methane and a Plated Bug known has Philip, we went out into the mined swamps to see if we could nick some easy Exp. Other than that, 'twas a boring click fest (the artilas weren't very difficult) As I'm writing this, I've realized that I forgot to get the Tinkers Bauble from the Rotghroth. I'll get to that. After resting up in Mera, selling our loot, we head south towards Heft to take care of the local Vlish infestation. The Submission and Pacification Vlish we pushovers. Most didn't last more than two rounds. They had a magic attack, which is dangerous for Clawbus, but Regeneration Aura made that danger practically none existent. A Terror Vlish got Captain Crunch for a few moments, however, and then went after Sarah. Those poison blasts hurt like a sunofagun. Fortunately, Stingray came and took care of that floating sack of tentacles. We mozied on down to the south side of town when all of the sudden some annoying Drayk popped out and told us to go away. All we want to do is get some papers. We managed to intimidate it enough for it to let us in. Quickly killing its pet Cryoas, we blessed our selves and went for the lizard himself. We cornered it in Melee, preventing it from using its breath attack on our lovely bugs. We let loose all the marbles, Wreck, Lightning Aura, Burning Spray, the poison the bugs are putting in, the curses from Methane, ice bolts (we took the Ice Spray canister near Mera). Philip is starting to get his second attacks in. One of the good things about majoring in Battle Magic is that you have access to a lot of damages types, save physical. If you can get the creature cornered, and then apply Burning Spray (Acid), Searer (Poison) and Lightning Aura or Essence Lances, your opponent will suddenly begin losing 200 or so a turn. Apply Wreck and/or blessed, it goes up exponentially. It takes a while since the Drayk has a lot of health, but it's dead without any casualties. I would have taken a screenshot, but damn it, I forgot. After we help ourselves to the loot and the canister of Battle Aura, we get our papers. We don't want the rebels to get them, and we have no intention of helping Rawal, so we think we'll keep them for a certain Shaper down south. The Great Archon
  6. Originally Posted By: Atheism's Martyr Luminara's taken, Acky. Star wars sucks
  7. I really don't want to be impatient or impolite but could a moderator please, um, put up the link? If theres a problem with it, I'd much rather be told (via PM), because its honestly disheartening for it to be taking so long.
  8. (Crap I'm making up on the spot) Yystopher Nymarin Luminara Tykro Jalkrecha Omiwin Loris
  9. Well, Jeff reconned the amount of councilors in the games, so in G5 its 7 while in every other Geneforge game its 9. But the councilors themselves are never refered to by name until G5; just "The Council". So you're pretty much gonna have to make some crap up if you don't want to use one of the councilors in G5. The Great Archon
  10. http://www.ironycentral.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=118731#Post118731 ^ The Great Delicious Vlishs' Shaper Guide. Before I go back and start making guides for things that already have them, if I even should, I would rather finish up making a guide to Agents/Infiltrators and a guide to Magic Creations. The Great Archon
  11. Hey thanks. I'm working on it. I certainly didn't forget about it. I'd give a date, but then I'd probably jinx myself and never get it done. The Great Archon
  12. I believe there is a servile Hermit in the Rising Lands that can give you an aproximation of your reputation. Learned Darian, I believe. The Great Archon
  13. No you're thinking of the Infiltrator. The Great Archon
  14. http://www.ironycentral.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=173871#Post173871 A Shock Trooping Guide for Shock Troopers. The Great Archon
  15. Pyro, I think the link to the G3 trainer in your sig is broken.
  16. The Shock Trooper is a strong, classy lady. She's a tough Shaper that exchanges magic with weapons. Unlike the Shaper, she can charge into the thicket of battles and come out with only a few scratches. Like the Shaper, she will be relying on creations to do most of the front-end fighting for her. There are two main variations of the Shock Trooper. The first is a Melee fighter that spends more of the time with her creations. Like the Warrior, she will need a fair amount of Strength, Melee Weapons, and Quick Action. 8-9 is a good target for Strength if your willing to push it, but you can get away with 6 if you would rather put those points in something else. If you need to drop a piece of armor to avoid putting more points in Strength, drop the Shield. It's weight/benefits ratio is pretty bad. For Melee Weapons, get about 8 or 10 if your willing to push it so you can give everything a firm jab. For Quick Action, about 10 will give you a solid 50% to get a second chance, so that's a fair target, but again, you can get away with 8. Using Sods Dancing Pants you get from killing the servile bandit lady in Bonepeak will help a lot. As for weapons, the Stunning Blade or the Steel Broadsword from the Bandit in the Whitespires Inn at first, and then you should improve as you go. Inevidably, you'll want to the Puresteel Blade for it's massive damage multiplier. Altered with a Golden Crystal will make it oh so much more dangerous. A Melee user can be harder to do, but is still entirely playable. The second is a Missile user. Unlike the Melee user, a Missile User will have to stay in the back more often. Dexterity and Missile Weapons are what you'll need to decimate your foes from the back. You'll still need some Strength to wear heavier armor. About 12 for Missile Weapons will allow you to defeat most enemies, even on Torment. If your willing to be stealthy, you can slip into Gorash-Kel and get the Farsight Breastplate from the body in the northeast corner of the fortress (not the patchwork/podling nest). The +3 to missile weapons will give you a lovely boost so early in the game, and will let you forgo pumping Missile Weapons for a while. I kept mine for an entire game I fell in love with it so much. Dexterity should be pumped very high, in the 14ish area, to give you an extremely amazing Missile attack. Rely on Javelins for the Whitespires, and then switch over to Venom Batons, then Acid Batons, then Submission Batons, finally to your beloved Reaper Baton. You will be able to one shot most opponents on lower difficulties, and give everything else a thorn in their hide on higher difficulties. You can harvest Reaper thorns in the Lethia Gate area. It'll make the Shaper there hostile, but its definitely worth it. Both of these builds will benefit from having some Healing Magic. Plus, its really cheap for you. I brought it up to 10, 15 with items and charms. This pretty much let me keep my creations in good health no matter what was hitting them. To have a strong character, you'll have to accept a slightly smaller horde than a Shaper might have, but its worth it. Bringing Intelligence to 15 to a great mark. This will give you enough essence to make a large amount of monsters while still having a powerful character. Bringing it to 20 like a Shaper would will leave you with a weaker character. Either choice will leave you with a satisfying character/party. Endurance should be also given some love. 6 is a good target, although Melee users should get about 9. You'll get access to items to increase these, so don't worry much more about increasing them past what was advised. As for Shaping Skill, Battle Creations are excellent, while Magic and Fire Creations are fair. Majoring in one aspect and then minoring in another is a great idea. Battle Creation are cheap and pack a punch. Fire Creations offer every damage type you can attack with, save acid and Physical (the melee attack isn't the best). Magic Creations offer powerful attacks and tend to be excellent companions with Battle Creations. Basically, mix it around for maximum effect. Clawbugs and Vlish for early in the game are great. Rotdhizons and War Tralls are a match made in heaven; War Tralls stay in the back and pelt enemies with rocks while Rotdhizons apply acid damage and run down their enemies, nailing two attacks almost all of the time. Now for the artifacts. What and why. For the boots, anyone can tell you that the Assassins Boots are the real winner, and a must-have, even to missile Shock Troopers, who would be tempted to get the Dreadnought Boots for the boost to Missile Weapons. Getting to act twice in one round is more important then ever now. It can make so many fights much easier, and will make the difference between life and death most of the time. Getting the Firesteel Gauntlets for the blessing magic is a great idea, although the Lifecrafter Gauntlets will make your creations much stronger. If you want a blend of the two, go for the Gauntlets of Mastery. The Firesteel Gauntlets, however, are probably the best choice. It'll make your buffs last a very long time, plus give you access to Acid Shower, which is a great spell to lace an entire area with. You will, however, have to wait until near the end of the game to get it. While most would go for the Girdle of Victory, you should really go for the Lifebringer Girdle for the boost to Healing Craft and the boost to your Shaping skills. This will bring up your healing abilities dramatically while still giving some love to any newly-made creations. The Black Iron Greaves are the best fit for any Shock Trooper, admitting more to the Melee user then the Missile User. The Spellcraft will further boost your healing and blessing capabilities. The Parry won't be of much use, but the Quick Action certainly will. Never sell any creation parts or gemstones. Use these to make new wands and Crystals. They are pretty plentiful, so you can safely rely on them. The Shock Trooper should never go into battle alone. She is not a Servile or Warrior. She lacks the defensive capabilities. She should always have a few creations with her to back her up in a fight. The Great Archon
  17. Do you mind sharing where you got these cheats? I'm sorry, but I don't have an answer for you. The Great Archon
  18. You can leave your stuff anywhere and it will always remain there for the rest of the game. I like to leave my stuff near the entrance in Kratoa Stoneworks, so I can get to it from both North and South terrestia. Until I get there, I keep it in the entrance of a town, like Mera, for quick use. The Great Archon
  19. Originally Posted By: MSIVX If you need cheats for G2 go to my trainer thread. Also if anybody needs any other cheats for G1-G5 then i can make them for you really quick. You can make them? Is it possible to make a cheat to that will give me a point in a particular spell/skill/creation then? Thanks The Great Archon
  20. I used the Geneforge. In fact, its not even possible to kill the presence without the Geneforge. Like I said, I'm in a rush, so I'm skipping to the important stuff. The Great Archon
  21. Originally Posted By: Untamed Banana Slug Yes, I am. An extra four levels of magical damage against a foe that resists 80% of the increase is not significant. And you can't outheal damage from a Wingbolt, Kyshaak, or Artila (as from memory, Glaahks take full damage from acid). I'll give you Wingbolt and maybe Kyshakk, but unless you've pumped nothing into Healing Craft throughout the entire game, you can keep up with the Artila that apear. Quote: Except you can't afford to have patience. The longer you take to kill an enemy, the more of an opportunity they (and other opponents) have to kill you. Quote: Glaahks are pretty fragile as well. Two hits from a cryodrayk, and game over. Two or three hits from a Drayk on Torment means cooked Alpha for breakfest. Same goes for a Cryoa. Quote: I don't doubt that, but you're forking out 3 times the essence for a 60 (?) hp increase in health and a slightly higher level. Yes, the investment is pricy but the returns you get are well worth it, even with Sorceress' and Warriors. Quote: Battle alphas can damage almost every enemy reliably, whereas glaahks cannot. Battle Alphas barely tint the windshield, whereas Glaahks do. The only time I had trouble with them in the Storm Planes is with the Borer Bugs, and even then, they were still doable. In contrast, a Battle Alpha would be decimated, simply because of the lack of signifigant damage outake it can give, even when its at high levels. And thats not the only time. The Podlings just wipe them to death. The Kyshakks are worse. I have to baby sit my Alphas while I can trust my Glaahks to hold the line. The Great Archon
  22. Quote: Sure, but you're not looking at the big picture. Your glaahks will rarely be fighting opponents like battle alphas. Almost everything in the Storm Plains has decent magic resistance (searing artilas, podlings, wingbolts, kyshakks, GLAAHKS), and this will hamstring your glaahks. So you're essentially sinking 120+ essence into two creations which won't be able to damage a significant proportion of opponents. You're not taking into account your ability to Heal and Bless. Battles against Magic-Resisliant Foes are long, but are easily winnable as long as you have the patience. Quote: I can tell you from personal experience that absorbing my glaahks and replacing them with cryoas and drayks vastly improved my party's performance. Cryoas are a godsend simply because of their ice attack, which not only has a large multiplier but consistently damages almost every enemy in the game. I will tell you the exact opposite. Making a mix of Glaahks and Drayks worked wonders when compared to just Drayks. Cryoas, even when highly leveled, are just too fragile. They can't be relied upon to stay alive in battle, even with melee creations up front and even with their Ice Attack. My freshly made Cryodrayk was an improvement over my Cryoa. It's attack was just as powerful, had more hit points, and a better melee attack. Really. I would, again, argue that Battle Alphas are not as reliant as Glaahks, but honestly, I can not see any gain that could come from it. The Great Archon
  23. The Mind can Terrorize your creations. Mindshield Aura counters this. I used a mix of attacks. My Acid, plus the Bugs poison, chipped away at its health when I needed to pull back and heal. Took quite a few turns to do, but it worked. The Great Archon
  24. Sorry, forgot the screenshots. http://thespireofarchon.webs.com/photos/Sarah-Story/Sarah%20Pic%202.JPG http://thespireofarchon.webs.com/photos/Sarah-Story/Sarah%20Pic%203.JPG http://thespireofarchon.webs.com/photos/Sarah-Story/Sarah%20Stats%201.JPG http://thespireofarchon.webs.com/photos/Sarah-Story/Sarah%20Stats%202.JPG Edit: Does anyone know why these aren't coming out as links?
  25. Sorry that I have to speed this up, but I'm way ahead of what I'm posting now. Me and Sarah cleared out the rogues and such filth and then went after the Clawbugs. They weren't that tough. We could take them on one at a time, and with Wreck, they weren't going to last long. We sold the Nimble Sandles but kept the Carniliean Gloves for the Battle Magic. The Servant Minds little worms were destroyed by a few Ice Crystals. I casted Mind Shield Aura and let my Bugs rip. It was a frantc battle, but we managed to kill it. We used the Thahd canister and took the rest of the goodies. Next we ran an attacked the Presence Servile. We calmed the Turrets and then killed them one by one. After getting the key, we made an Unstable Thahd for the fight and ran in. Mind Shield, Wreck, Poisoin, Clawbug, all were key for this fight. Running back to Rawal to get our reward, we sold our loot, making almost 2000 gold with savings. We cleared out the inn and got our reward. That annoying captain let us through the gate once he saw our papers. We skipped the bandit for now, but came back later and took care of him, letting the refugees get to Mera. The assasination went fine. In fact, we even managed to land to killing blows, scoring some exp. We cleared out the Roamrs, and now we're on the way to find the Shadow Road. Sorry I had to skip so much . From now on, I'll be able to write full, detailed posts. The Great Archon
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