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Everything posted by Acky

  1. As some of you may know, I and a few others have been making a Geneforge Wiki, Danette's Library. Work has been going well, and the project is underway. Recently, I've started working on the article specifically discussing the war (what I've come to call "The Terrestian Rebellion"), and I've hit a wall. I'm not sure as to what ending should be used. At first the rebel ending was going to be used because jeff said in an interview that he would pick the creations/rebels. But I feel that a community discussion would be far more productive. This is not a debate on which side is right. Its a discussion as to which ending you think would be best. - The Great Archon
  2. I'd probably by one. Assuming Jeff doesn't have to pay for it, I don't see anything wrong with it. He'd have get most of the profits, however. And of course, you need his permission.
  3. Congrats. Any idea what the next adventure you will suffer through is?
  4. Ask her about the assasination attempt, and then ask her what you must do now.
  5. Quote: Battle Shaping is not broken, but in G1-G4 it was largely terrible This is not so. In G1-2, Battle Shaping was on par with Magic/Fire Shaping.
  6. Is it outright said thats its actually scrying? I havn't played G4 in a good while.
  7. Personally, I prefer shorter, more friequient updates rather then longer, sparse chapters.
  8. Scrying Magic, however, has only been in Avernum-Exile games until G5.
  9. We made a quick trip back to the bandit camp, seizing all of the remaining goods for ourselves. Our coin purse is getting heavy. We have Shaped up a brand new Plated Bug named Jimi Hendrix. He's weaker then the other creations, so we gave him two points in Strength to even it out some. We entered the northwestern part of the Mera Fen, from the southeast. We stumbled across a large infestation of Artila's. No, no, no. They simply won't do. We started luring the Artila's out one by one, surrounding them and killing them off. It took a good few tries to finish the job, but after about 3 trips we managed to trim the Artila's numbers down to half. All of our blesses up, we ordered our troops forward. The bugs tore the Artila's up with no difficulty. Our Vlish floated from behind, casting orbs left and right. The magic damage was a pinch. The Plated Artila's had Acid, which my bugs do not take well to. But Sarah is strong enough to cover for them, and heal her precious bugs when need be. She can also reliably Daze/Terrorize them, but we don't want to be lazy now, do we? Besides, its much more satisfying to blast them to bits. In addition, we love having options. The Artila's fall, and we get a nice bit of Chitin Armor, although not as good as our Thahd tunic. We were all set to leave and rest when an Unbound approached. We patiently waited a few minutes for it to leave before leaving. We rested in Mera and came back to the fen. Using the information we got from the bandit camp up north, we checked out the paths and sure enough, found the hidden entrance. We blessed up, casted Regeneration Aura, and made two Charged Thahds. We bellowed our commands to our creations, and ran in, spells, tentacles, fists, and pincers waving. Sarah went Talon-to-Baton with one of the Baton Wielders. The two thahds avoided the humans and went for the Pyroroamers. The bugs went and took targets. We made the mistake of sending Jimi forward, away from the rest of the group. A guard caught him by the wall and began hacking him. A Plated Artila blew him away with Acid and Magic. Jemi fell. It was most unfortunate. We secured the outer buildings, collecting the loot from our fallen enemies. One thahd was killed by the Roamers. The other one was absorbed for the needed essence. We busted into Crechshaws room. Sarah laughed at his desperate pleas to for life. We dazed the lot of them, casting Wrack on his goons and himself. It was over quickly. We stole the last of his ill-gotten goods and departed the camp.
  10. Open after reading the Chapter: Click to reveal.. haha hilarious. Good as always.
  11. G1's Essence Orbs are different then G2-3's orb graphic. I just remembered this.
  12. Spddin was talking about the canonical fact that the Shapers don't allow those kinds of creations to be made and kill them on site. For engine purposes, yes, the Shapers don't do anything if you have illegal creation with you. That would just be annoying.
  13. Click to reveal.. Miranda gives a few out for completeing her quests. Turning the spy, and saving the Guardian will net you some tokens too .
  14. Not when you first enter it, but the rebels can. All thats defending it is a single Agent, a few guards, and some War Tralls and Kyshakks.
  15. I agree with Excalibur in that this should be put to a vote. Quote: 'k, with regards to the genre-tagging issue. We could just add an extra thread, "Scenarios by Genre." Boom. Problem solves. Sticky it and we can move on. Indeed. As for the idea's, I'm a little torn, but I'll have to agree with *i's idea and move the CSR to here. Expanding the player base is certainly the most important thing we should aim for.
  16. Book learning was in G1-3 (there were books you could read in tombs that increase your stats. Not quite the same but you did read it).
  17. The characters page was a very good idea, Dikiyoba.
  18. Salmon, I believe you are not understanding, or not trying to understand, that porn on the website with the CSR *period* is still a legitimate problem with some people, including me. Excellent post ADoS. A few little things Quote: This category includes graphics, spelling and grammar Wouldn't Spelling and Grammar be in the Writing category? I mean, its got more to do with plot and atmosphere and such then it has to do with "Aesthetics". Quote: I don't think we need a rating scale for short/long/epic, because the length of the scenario isn't subject to opinion. We could just include a Number of Towns and Size of Outdoors field in the database, I think Sound suggestion. Quote: 3. Linear<->Open-Ended (Can anyone think of a scenario where this might need an N/A? Not necessarily a BoX "scenario" but scenario in the literal sense.) I'm not sure. IMAGINE THIS SCENARIO maybe? It's not really meant to be a "real" scenario anyway. Quote: Do the majority of BOX scenarios have a sufficient number of reviews for that to work? Unfortunately not. Some scores for BoE CSR just give numbers, for instance. If this takes off, I suppose we'll have to try something, though. That might include a few reviews that just give scores we might have to knock off, and for BoE scenario's like the Little Girl we could just put all the numbers to zero, or as close as can be gauged by whoever is putting them up.
  19. Originally Posted By: Naughty Salmon So, back to the questions. 1 - Do we need to change how scenarios are rated? You know, the methodology. 2 - Does the CSR need moving? Certain answers to #1 would mandate it, others wouldn't. And no, moving it because some folks can't post on SV is not a valid answer. Some folks can't post here. Actually, probably more BoX people are restricted from posting here than there. Exactly. There are some people who can't post everywhere, for whatever reason. So why not move it to a place where differnces don't matter?
  20. Here? I honestly don't believe that Jeff will allow the CSR on his own website. He doesn't really support the Blades Community as it is, so what makes you guys think he'll put it up? But, hey, it makes everyone happy, so its definitely worth a shot. At worst, he'll just say no, and we would be no further back then before. (also, we should probably ask him relatively soon, because he's supposed to start Beta testing A6 in a few weeks, and will be more likely to just say no out of annoyance then anything else.)
  21. Quote: No location will work for absolutely everyone. (And it's not like there aren't indirect methods if someone has something they really want to say.) Dikiyoba. But that's something that should be avoided, not counted on. And true, one could just Email the review to the designer himself, but then what use is it to the player and/or anyone else Quote: I still think we need some description of what a 1, 2, 3 or D, C, C+ is. Teachers don't mark without a list of letter grade descriptions, or one is available at the very least. I realise that everyone has a different idea of what outstanding or first class combat or plot is. Yet I still feel we need at least a sketch of what each letter or number actually means. We should be trying to standardise the reviewing process. Every reviewer should look at the list of number descriptions and then decide what number that scenario deserves. Otherwise it is like pulling a number out of the air. "I like 5s today, maybe a 5 will be a 7 tomorrow". Second. Like I mentioned earlier, this is the state of things. If not for the direct benefit of the Designer, the Player would benefit at least from a consistent and sensible rubric.
  22. Yeah, further bickering, like Ephesos said, will bring nothing but flames of misery and lead to a further divided BoA , which is NOT what we want to do at all. Besides, if anyone should be acting bitter, it should be me. And since I'm not publicly bitter, you have no right to be. But I do believe that moving the CSR should not be out of the question. It should be available to all of the community, regardless of ones personal feelings for one another. I can't really participate in a AIM chat for a while (blame parents.) I'll have more to say on the rubric later.
  23. Level 61 is the highest level the player can go to.
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