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The Ratt

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Everything posted by The Ratt

  1. No, hostile effect resistance is resistance to fire, cold, energy, stun, poison, acid, mental, all of the non-hidden resistances. So have 100% hostile effect resistance means that all effect attacks (wingbolt breath, roamer spit, poisoning, etc.) will do almost no damage.
  2. I didn't mean you had to, but I guess you'll do it anyway. Well thanks.
  3. Alright, that's fine. Have you figurred out how to make it so items can be enhanced multiple times? On the first item of each class (i.e. swords, cloaks, etc.) there is a line that says It_can_augment = 1; If you change the 1 to another number I think you can change how many times an item can be enhanced. Now you can give a puresteel soulblade a strong blessing and an acid infusion. Note: I have been too lazy to try and prove this so anyone is free to prove me wrong.
  4. Lifecrafter's right. I think first you need to ask him where he gets his ingredients, then he will go to check on them. You need to position yourself off his path and so you can just see him when he gets there, and unless you want to fight him, wait until he leaves to go in.
  5. Actually I did some messing around and those are stats. For future reference when I stats they are set up as it_stats_to_affect = 220; it_stats_addition = x; item abilities are set up as it_ability = 58 Sorry if I sound mean, I just want to make sure everyone is on the same page.
  6. I applaud you. Clap clap clap. Also you made merc. I'm still at newb. Here I'll help you. (Note: There are gaps that can be filled on this list) Item Abilities 3 = Firebolt 4 = Searer 5 = Essence Orbs 7 = Diamond Spray 10 = Stun 13 = Terror (Monster Cast) 14 = Terror (PC Cast) 15 = Dominate 16 = Fyora Fire 17 = Ice Breath 18 = Ice Spray 19 = Ice Spray (Shaila Version) 20 = Javelin 21 = Flung Rock 22 = Stunning Rock 23 = Drayk/Drakon Fire 24 = Ur-Drakon Fire 25 = Disruption 50 = Thorn 52 = Venom Thorn 54 = Acid Thorn 56 = Submission Thorn 58 = Reapers 60 = Decaying Ray (Ray Damage+Poison) 62 = Charm Ray (Ray Damage+Charm) 64 = Slowing Mist (Ray Damage+Slow) 65 = Confusing Mist (Ray Damage+Curse) 80 = Poison Sting (Ray Damage+Poison) 81 = Poison Bite (Ray Damage+Poison) 82 = Icy Touch (Cold Damage+Slow) 83 = Rotting Touch (Melee Damage+Acid) 84 = Stunning Blow (Melee Damage+Stun) 85 = Radiate Energy (Stronger Stunning Blow) 86 = Confusing Touch (Damage+Curse) 87 = Terror Touch (Damage+Terror) 100 = War Blessing 101 = Elemental Cloak 110 = Speed 120 = Unlock 130 = Mass Restore 140 = Mass Energize 160 = Burning Spray 161 = Venomous Spray 162 = Acid Shower 164 = Aura of Flames 165 = Stunning Aura 166 = Kill 168 = Daze 170 = Strong Daze 172 = Mass Madness 174 = Mental Barrier 178 = Essence Shield 180 = Essence Armor 182 = Steel Skin 183 = Spine Shield 184 = Augmentation 185 = Regeneration 186 = Battle Roar 190 = Light 191 = Charm 192 = Wrack 192 = Essence Shackles 195 = Lightning Aura 196 = Essence Lance 197 = Unbound Death Breath 198 = Unbound Fear Breath 200 = Heal 201 = Heal Self 202 = Heal Group 206 = Minor Heal 207 = Major Heal 210 = Cure Affliction 211 = Cure Self 212 = Cure Group 213 = Banish Affliction 214 = Aura of Cleansing 215 = Haste Other 216 = Haste Self 217 = Haste Group 220 = Restore Essence 225 = Protection 226 = Shield Self 227 = Shield Group 230 = Bless Other 231 = Bless Self 232 = Bless Group Feel free to fill in gaps.
  7. Yes, Ratt agrees with Lifecrafter, and will stop posting on this. P.S. Are there any Dikiyobites?
  8. Alright, more to add. Also do you know if it will say someting like resistance to ray damage +25% if you figure out those hidden resistances?
  9. Oh, nice, more for the list. Keep us updated. By the way are those item abils or stats?
  10. Are they the ones that change your stats at the beginning of the game, if you talk to the sign?
  11. Actually, I think exec files might be graphic files. After all that's what the graphics for the game are stored as, and nothing shows up when i open it up in a text editor.
  12. Alright. When you open the file for a conversation, it will say begintalknode 1; state = -1; nextstate = -1; condition = (whatever is here I don't understand it, I wouldn't mess with it) question = (if it says special I think it means it affects what people think of you, not sure) text1 = "blah blah ( to instert quotation marks use the underscore key) this is what you read. begintalknode x; is the text page you read nextstate = x; leads to the nodes that have a state of "x" Also if you make a new node make sure the node number you use isn't being used already. That's all I can really think of right now. Also I'm not very good at changing stats, or giving items through talking. but I can send you the editor, you could probably learn more from it than me.
  13. Sorry about that, .exec I don't have a progam that reads that on my mac.
  14. I kinda know how to change conversations, I can send you an editor that can change your stats, but I didn't make it. And if you want I can try and describe how to change conversations.
  15. Yeah see if you can make a battle alpha have a sword or armor. By the way, what program reads the .exe files.
  16. did you ever think about setting up as it_stats_to_affect 0 = x; it_stats_addition 0 = y; it_stats_to_affect 1 = x+1; it_stats_addition 1 = y; it_stats_to_affect 2 = x+2; it_stats_addition 2 = y; trying multiple stats at once?
  17. Well I think you probably could make the character spit fire, ice, or acid if you changed the attack ability of the character in the itcharsgf4 file.
  18. Wait, then what numbers other than the ones we have worked?
  19. Hmmm. That could mean there are a lot of resistances. Ooo, brain wave. The slots btween 100 and 200 my be resistances to item abilities (i.e. reaper baton, ray damage, disruption, etc.) check for those.
  20. Well you need to remember that it is just the skin. So I don't think it would make sense if a shaper put on drakon skin gloves and was able to spit fireballs (even though that's a cool idea). But it does make sense if they got all the resistances. Even if they made essense flow through the skin, that would just increase resistance, not allow fireballs. Drakons make fireballs, not drakon skin.
  21. That's true, but also think about it this way. The ornk was made of essense, but it no longer has it flowing through it because it cannot shape and is no longer being shaped, where as the skin was infused with essencse permanently to increase magical resistance, magic power, etc. (please don't comment about the spelling).
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