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The Ratt

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Everything posted by The Ratt

  1. But the problem about being in command though is it takes away from the story. You're no longer in the thick of the action.
  2. Well, most easily you could just change graphics of drakons and unbound for pc creations, and then change the drakon attack to the unbound attack. Also don't ask me how to do that. I'm not very well versed in messing with scripts.
  3. I believe hitting "tab" will bring up labels for the keyboard shortcuts.
  4. I first believed this, but the common sense stuffed somewhere in the back of my head started saying that all the new work Jeff would be doing is rather unlike him, as well as taking a ton of programming.
  5. Do you mean in the scripts? I'm not sure what wands there are, but for batons, there is: 1. Thorn Baton - Thorns 2. Venom Baton - Venom Thorns 3. Acid Baton - Acid Thorns 4. Submission Baton - Submission Thorns 5. Reaper Baton - Reapers F.Y.I. Thorn batons are weakest, Reaper Batons are strongest, Each baton requires different ammo which is stated to the right of the baton.
  6. A suggestion that I think many other people besides me would appreciate. Let the healing finish completely before damage is dealt. I don't know how many times, that I've healed myself for 200 hp, only to have it stop after fifty because I was poisoned and that had to deal 5 damage. Also in midbattle, you heal yourself for 200 hp, it gets to 100, then an enemy hits you for 159 and you never finish healing. Edit: typo
  7. Random there's your next task. Or was it Synergy that did crazy things like that. I think that was Syn.
  8. I was wondering the same thing, as well as "I don't want to read all that..."
  9. I took that pun two ways. 1. Artila-ry: Sounds like hillary and is just a pun. 2. Artila-ry: pronouced artillery, it is a joke about her style of leadership or something like that. Which one is right?
  10. Edit: Stupid UBB, you did not just eat my post!
  11. I'm predicting that the sixth class will be the playable drakon. Which, if magic holds its same strengths, will completely own anything in the hands of an expert.
  12. On an enchanted anvil combine mandrake tincture and demon bile. The combine the result with a shaped item. Note that purifying does not effect the item's performance, and several shaped items, such as the shield and sword, cannot be purified. Also look in the helpful links section for anvil recipes.
  13. And people had a hard time understanding a two colored essense bar...
  14. LP, you also seem to assume that the shapers had to hide, or hid against the will of the citizens, perhaps the civilians didn't want the shapers to go, and in fact would not let the shapers sacrifice themselves so they would survive. So, because of that, the rebels kill everyone since they don't agree with what the rebels agree in. Yup, I see your point. The shapers are cruel maniacs because they are killing an enemy that would do the same to them. While the rebels just kill farmers who don't agree with the rules they would instate. It isn't everyday that you see a farmer take down three or four shapers (or rebels) before being killed, but a drakon or eyebeast is perfectly capable of doing such a thing.
  15. Quote: Originally written by Nick Ringer: B A G G A G E O R N K S ! I H A V E A H A R D T I M E R E A D I N G S T U F F L I K E T H I S S O P L E A S E D O N ' T D O I T A N Y M O R E ! ! ! ! For those that have a hard time reading that: I have a hard time reading stuff like this so please don't do it anymore!!!! Capitals and exclaimations generally work fine. And past G4 the only reason baggage ornks would be useful is so you can carry more items, which, though useful, is quite unrealistic. "Oh no, a wingbolt! I think I have some icy crystals from two chapters ago that are good against these, let me just rummage through the three packs of random items on my ornk." Also what happens if the ornk gets killed?
  16. One thing you forgot, is maybe the civilians in the towns that didn't expel their shapers were actually happy with the way the towns were being run. Perhaps the towns wouldn't even exist if not for the shapers stationed there. You seem to have completely forgotten that is possible. Also with all those destroyed farms and mines, don't you think that survivors (assuming the rebels aren't cruel enough to kill everyone, which you make it sound like they do) would have a hard time making a living afterwards, especially if mining or farming was the main way of income? And then do you think those survivors would be happy with the rebels? "Oh thank you for destroying my home and source of income. I can never thank you enough for all the happiness you have granted me simply by displacing me from the land, killing almost everyone I know, and overthrowing the tyrants that protected us from the dangers outside, healed us when we were sick, and helped form the base of the economy." Edit: slight tweak
  17. I agree that stunning is quite useful, but I believe tat it is so low in G4 is that otherwise, glaaks, some vlish, and most battle creations would just stun you into oblivion. I have not taken the time to try out A5 and therefore do not know much about the battle disiplines (see I can't even spell it right), but adding them to battle creations sounds like good compensation for the cost of essence; though it could cause balance problems if all battle creations get them, and some people may be confused on how to use them or the likes.
  18. For some reason, Dikiyoba I think you are right. Check in G4 since that is the game I am most familiar with, and therefore it is most likely from. Also, even though this is a few posts late. Stop saying that the Geneforge series, or any of the games, are like what the nazis did to the Jews. There are a few similarities, but more differences. Edit: 400th post
  19. Awww... you can't hit yourself with a fireball. Health and enemies. And maybe a spell that you can hit yourself with.
  20. Do you mean making, let's say, a cryoa instead of a fyora? Or turning a fyora into a cryoa after it's been created? Or turning a fyora into a roamer after it's been created? Be more specific. For the questions I said: For the first one, click on create creation button, then, if you have enough shaping of the required type, and a skill of 3 or more of the creation, there should be a plus sign in one of the bottom corners, which if you click, turns it into a variant (which could be considered evolved) form. For the second and third one, it's not possible. Also some creations and creation variants, such as rotdizoins, golems, brutal thalds, unbound, and others, are not available to you in the game to shape.
  21. If I am forced to choose between shapers or rebels I go with shapers all the way. At current the shapers have the right ideals of keeping shaping out of the hands of the common man. In fact if you think about it the main reason the shapers have to be so harsh is because people are jealous. Common people are jealous of the fact that shapers can create servants to do the work for them, and can create life. They don't realize the power though, and if they don't understand the power they will be more likely to misuse it. The reason the shapers have had to crack down on the availability of shaping is because of power nuts that would use the power to take over and rule as a tyrant. Also for those of you who argue that the shaping techniques are inhumane, and that the shapers act inhumane by not helping villages. Don't you think that a misshapen creature would be in agony the minute it was created? So why not kill it right away if it's in pain. For those of you who argue that making a creature in pain is inhumane, the creature itself probably doesn't gain a sense of being or pain until it is almost completely created and is not in the world long enough to suffer too much. For those of you who think shapers think that not helping a village is inhumane, the Shapers need to consider what the effects of introducing a new species will do for the surrounding enviroment. Think about Drypeak in G2, with the wiry trees overgrowing everything. That could happen every time shapers introduce a new species, so what if they introduced a new grain that grew so plentiful and couldn't be contained that it overran open fields and forests, and eventually stripped the land of the nuitrients. And I personally think that if an area can't support mildly modified plants, then that area is probably not worth settling. Or at least not by getting food by farming.
  22. How could you forget ornks? Also you forgot all advanced creations except eyebeasts, and in that case you forgot gazers.
  23. If you don't get any response in here try in the Tech Support forum.
  24. The sounds like the first game I ran on G4, but unfortunately I accidently overwrote it. You may just want to start a new game. You can make all the decisions again, and more to your advantage if you want. If you do restart a game, I would suggest turning over the safehouse since it doesn't get destroyed, and then you get the shaper quest to repair moseh and you don't lose missle weapons and strength.
  25. Actually for me, I have always had to walk close enough to one field to set it off for me to get to the building. Maybe I'm not going form the right place. But I still manage to survive about two pylons going off.
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