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The Ratt

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Posts posted by The Ratt

  1. I find my most memorable dreams tend to be emotionally jarring dreams. For instance I still remember a dream where I dreamt one of my favorite teachers said they didn't like me, which resulted in me being very confused the next day in class when they treated me like they always did (nicely). Another dream I remember is one where I witnessed my roommate and a girl I was infatuated with kissing, that was so emotionally stunning I actually woke up.


    I can't help but wonder if the types of dreams you remember is reflective on your personality (i.e. I might remember emotional dreams better because I am rather sensitive about my feelings).

  2. I would guess back in the day, the rate at which data could be transferred between computers was dependent on the number of channels between the computers, so a band with more channels would have a larger width, both physically and electronically.

  3. I think if Trenton's computer is as old as he makes it sound, it is plausible that have additional software running in the background could slow it down more than loading extra content.

  4. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba
    Originally Posted By: Goldenking

    That's an assumption I wouldn't make. It's a lot easier to get online now than ten years ago, or even five years ago. It's also more mainstream and socially acceptable now to spend time online than it was five or ten years ago. My bet is that a larger and more varied population accesses the Internet now than five years ago, and that the average amount of time spent online has gone up.

    But I think his point that more of that time is being spent on places other than forums is still correct, otherwise the amount of time spent on forums should have a positive correlation.
  5. Off the top of my head, in G4 or G5, there's a Drakon hiding in a hard to get through crypt, and once you get through the final crypt boss but before you get to the drakon there are some rats you can talk to. The dialog box that pops of says "The rat says, 'squeak.' "


    There are a few other humorous lines in the games that I've enjoyed, and one particular spot where you can surrender to bandits.


    As far as plots or mechanics go, in G4 I really enjoyed the Shaper Monarch section, forming a team with other npc's was a unique experience.

  6. Originally Posted By: Homage
    Not even remotely related, but can something be done to address the Resource Limit error thing. Last night it was hitting me two out of three requests, and I know it's just UBB. ....
  7. I think a better alternative would be to pay someone off to continue to make meaningful posts on your account while you are absent. I suppose that could cut into profits though

  8. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba
    PDN colors and emoticons look fine to me on the coffee theme.

    For those of you on the dark theme, I made a copy of it in which I think I fixed the PDN colors and emoticons. I may not have picked the best color for the PDNs (but I can fix that if you tell me how the colors need to be adjusted to be easier on the eyes) and some of the emoticons are going to have some noise around the edges, but it's better than it was. So switch over and make sure I haven't broken anything.

    Dikiyoba's fingerprints are now all over the briefly shiny updated Control Panel. Whee!
    I'm having a hard time reading the moderator names with the blue you chose. Maybe something brighter?
  9. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan
    Originally Posted By: Tyranicus
    Originally Posted By: The Ratt
    Except that moderators and normal users have the same coloured names to people using different stylesheets.

    While we're at it, emoticons have never worked for people using different stylesheets. Could we have that fixed as well?
  10. One of the few companies where they make the mac version first.


    I am primarily a mac user, but I have my laptop dual booting.


    1. Linux Mint. Chosen over Ubuntu because Unity wasn't the default, and I've heard bad things about Unity. As far as I know it's vary similar to Ubuntu otherwise.


    2. My computer science profs mostly. I do think it's good to have experience working with linux, but so far there's only been one assignment that I had to in linux because the Mac version of the assembler used a different syntax.


    3. Open source.


    4. Wireless. It inconsistently connects with my school's wireless.


    5. Like I said, Mac OS.

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