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The Ratt

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Everything posted by The Ratt

  1. Especially since Jeff ramped up the damage to the 2000 range.
  2. Only if he wants to. Maybe he's calling Eastern and Western Terresstria different continents. After all there is a big lake (?) separating them. Look at Europe and Asia, and North and South America.
  3. You can always replay the game following a different path (rebel, shaper, awakened)
  4. I'm sure that if you made it hostile you could, indeed, kill it. Unless your character isn't strong enough.
  5. Well if you're just looking for discriptions, the pictures I noted in my earlier post show pictures of all the creations.
  6. There are images/discriptions of the Fyora, War trall, and Kyshakk in "Geneforge 5 Files" under "Graphics Core" in the GF5 folder, at least in the mac version. I think they are "B225.bmp" "B226.bmp" and "B227.bmp". "G137.gif" is a picture of all player classes and creations. "G146.gif" is a picture of all of the variants of the creations you can make.
  7. I think he may want the game to go faster, not make the battle easier. My only suggestion for that is maybe turn the graphics down and free up some ram (?).
  8. I think Ackrovan is right when he says it's a gazer. I don't remember discussion of anything else, so be prepared to fight, just in case.
  9. Maybe you could go with Andras for G1, Esther in G3, and the name of the guardian in G2, since that was the really powerful class for that game. Then maybe the servile for G4, and the Lifecrafter for G5. Just an idea.
  10. Maybe he just realized that you had intruded on his personal room.
  11. How are you getting the game to run? I thought it was only out for mac. That might also be why you are having such a hard time with formatting.
  12. It is not possible to add a new item into GF5, only change existing ones. The number list is in Strategy Central under scripting information.
  13. If you read the text it says something like a substantial piece of something organic fell from the shades as they disappeared. That is a hint that it would be worth investigating.
  14. No, I think that sticking with a Rot would be better. War Tralls aren't very good in GF4.
  15. Like the GF4 pc gets killed off in about a third of the endings.
  16. Yes, a maxed out ornk is about as useful as not having a creation at all. They will distract the enemy for a turn.
  17. Don't feel sorry, questions like this get repeated all the time. You would have found out eventually. What should really be ported to iPod touch is Whack the Artila.
  18. Haha, you're funny kid. What kind of computers was Vista made for?
  19. It's been discussed before, and I think the biggest problem was getting it to work with the touch screen, and on such a small screen
  20. meh. I prefer ornks. Less likely to be able to kill me if it goes rogue.
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