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The Ratt

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Everything posted by The Ratt

  1. One thing about all the swarms in GF5, is this is the hardest part of the game. And is/can be challenging on any difficulty level. For someone new to RPG's this would be a serious turn off. Struggling through the demo area will turn off most players, though, admittedly you must being doing something very wrong with character building if you do struggle through. It doesn't help that the swarms bet tougher as the game progresses.
  2. Essence blade has never worn off of its own accord when I have used it, but, as random said, there are several enemies that radiate static that removes all of the essence buffs.
  3. I haven't read the whole thing yet, but here's the link. Review
  4. A straight forward question. How big do you think Terrestria is? The Size of North America? The size of the Atlantic? The size of France? It really isn't made clear in the game.
  5. Has it ever been suggested that BoG be open source, designed by people here? Or are there too many liscensing things involved?
  6. Make a item give you plus 99 or something. It worked in GF4.
  7. No, because you can't make any of the major artifacts using two solidified Flames.
  8. I'm not sure if Taygen was the first shaper to make a disease/bacteria. I seem to remember in some of the past games, people saying that shaping needed to be restrained because otherwise people who were ill-informed or crazy making a disease. Also this is why I support the Trakovite ideals.
  9. I have decided that I want creation equality, with slightly less magic/shaping control than what the shapers had. To give examples, the smart ornk, and smart thahds I would kill, because they are a one of a kind, and out of control (I know this sounds like a contradiction). I also think that magic/and shaping should be slightly less controlled, though shaping should still be under tight control. Ideally shaping would be phased out, but that would take years to get rid of it.
  10. Neo, sorry for coming off harsh, but you wanted to know what I thought. I think all of them are pretty good (unique abilities, uncommon/unused designs), just unbalanced. How you had them actually brings some unique features to the different shaping classes. The first doesn't really add that much to the fire shaping, but lightning bite is a unique feature that isn't taken by another creation. The second, brings something to the Battle Shaping skills. It adds extreme durability with high firepower and good effects. What isn't overpowered about it, and who wouldn't want one. The third is a relatively unique design. There are no magic creations that use acid, which makes that feature unique, as well as the acid shower, which is also not used by other creations. I just have problems seeing a bat (unless it was extremely large) being able to spit the amounts of acid you have. Also it doesn't really make sense for a bat type creature to have stun. If you want to hear about one of my fantasy creations ask.
  11. I think that the lightning aura on the first should be acid. I think the second should be melee, and a much lower thorny aura, if any at all. I think the third should either do fire, ice, or magic damage. More like a magic creation. Basically I think these could be very unbalanced. I'm not huge on stats, so I don't know if it really is/would be. The first creation is nothing original, but the lightning is unique, and hard to explain on a melee attack. The second just seems overpowered. No damage from Fire, ice, acid, and poison, and reduced magic and (I'm assuming) melee damage? Plus deals good damage to any melee attackers that attack it? And stunning or high damage standard? The third is nothing unique look-wise, but the acid shower... eh, it would make sense if it didn't do magical damage then acid overtime. Also take away the stunning melee. That makes it just too effective. Overall these seem like dream creations. The things that you would love to have on your side destroying enemies with you. How would you feel if you had to fight these with the current creations though? Not a happy thought. I know dream creations are fun (I have some too ), but for the sake of balance they need to be toned down a little.
  12. If you picked up the crystals spend some time looking for pylons that don't have little white balls floating BETWEEN them.
  13. Originally Posted By: Alorael This is entirely irrelevant to the topic. Please read a threat and only post if you have something to contribute. I don't think you meant to say that. In the beginning of the game my favorite items for a shaper are the thahdskin tunic, or the grounded robe.
  14. I don't think you can win certain battles by stealth. Talis-Eye is a good example.
  15. Yes I did, but I found these rats extremely funny, because I had just got through with Travald, and I saw a lot of rats running around that aren't hostile.
  16. Also if there isn't enough background light, that can cause problems. Especially if you are tired.
  17. My favorite part is in GF5, you can talk to the rats in Travald's Crypt. They say Click to reveal.. Squeak. I even have a screen shot on my computer
  18. Were all the sex change operations in Avernum? Or did some did some old serviles... reshape themselves.
  19. Sorry, I might have mislabeled the path. It's "Geneforge 5" "Geneforge 5 Files" "Graphics Core". Also it might be different on the windows release, I'm on a mac.
  20. Graphics with "real art" are located in the Genforge 5 Scripts Folder. They are graphics G170 through G174, G199, G225 through G227, and G400 through G417.
  21. Well going back the the magic topic, I think my biggest complaint of Purifying Rain vs. Aura of Flames is that Purifying Rain doesn't hit everything within range. Where is the symbiotic cloak, I missed it in my current run through (rebel). Random: I'm how high would you suggest boosting melee for a melee/mental servile?
  22. They might if the shapers didn't try to kill them.
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