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The Ratt

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Everything posted by The Ratt

  1. I think Thuryl is right, there is nothing wrong with my settings, I just think there is either too much or too slow traffic on the network. At the time in question there was my computer (1st gen Aluminum iMac), my mom's iMac G5 (with web browser, email, and several other potentially internet using programs open all day), my brother's iMac G3 (which has 256 MB of ram but uses about 200 just running), an iPhone, and at least one iPod touch, maybe two. Which do you think it is? Edit: 900th Post.
  2. The Ratt


    A lot of people don't realize how hard killing is because of the glorification that murders receive from television. There's a difference between watching someone get shot from your couch versus running over a squirrel in your car.
  3. Heh, I greatly declined in posting after my vacation this summer. I became almost non-existent. My posting frequency has picked up now. I think it's because of school, which probably isn't a good thing.
  4. I'm using Azureus, it says there are 15 seeds and 18 peers, which I think are the same as leechers. I don't have very much control over my wireless network, but there are no firewall warnings or anything. I think it may come down to the fact that I just have crappy internet and there are too many people on it at once. My rate is over 100 KB/s now (which still translates to over 3 hours) that my family has gone to bed. I feel that my mother's computer hogs bandwidth.
  5. Can anyone help with those configurations? Are they through a browser or the torrent client?
  6. Well I've had a bit torrent client on my computer for a while, but I never use it. I recently tried to download a game demo from Feral, who only offers their game demos via bit torrent, but I am having questionable success. The file is 2gb, which I know is very large (thanks Feral for not compressing it then[i/] sending it out), but I am getting a very crappy download rate between 4k/B per second and 15k/B per second which translates to 1-110 days before the download is complete. How do you get it to download faster?
  7. I would also like to vouch for single player because I enjoy learning the story, and occasionally I like being able to win. Also when playing I like to hoard technology, waiting until I have every tech before making an army that steamrolls everything. This is generally not a good strategy for online play.
  8. Dark, because I got used to using Blackle, then Ninja as my search engine/homepage. And the bright whiteness burns when I visit the page late at night.
  9. The Ratt


    But has Sleeping Dragon ever been in a chatroom with you on CR? I think I may know what I'm saying.
  10. The Ratt


    Originally Posted By: Sleeping Dragon Originally Posted By: Nalyd; Also, Nalyd has strange tastes in people FYT FYT
  11. The Ratt


    If people show location. Apparently some people don't live anywhere.
  12. I've been listening to a great number of things, most of which is well known, but there's one band that most people haven't heard of. FM Static
  13. Congrats! Heh, now I have to pick up the pace. Edit: Post 888 since we're celebrating post numbers.
  14. @ Mystic: I happen to live in Michigan too. Just thought you might want to know.
  15. Reanimation. Hopefully Slarty has time to finish it.
  16. Oo.. I wonder if Iffy is going to get his mechanics stat up.
  17. In the Game Boy Advance game Golden Sun: The Lost Age there were a few optional bosses that had interesting abilities. One was immune to Psynergy (basically magic) which made several strategies useless, but he was still rather easy to defeat. Another could use Djinn Summon spells (your most powerful attacks) against you which made preparing for those summons useless because he would use them first, but he was not to difficult either. This last boss is arguably the hardest boss in the game. the star magician. It has a large amount of hit points, can use powerful spells, and can summon allies called balls. It can have four on the field at a time, and they come in four types. Anger Balls, which use normal attacks, weak magic, and a powerful self-destruct attack; Guardian Balls, which cast a protective aura which reduces all damage done that round to 10% (frustrating when a 1000 damage attack only does 100 damage and you won't be able to use it again for 4 or 5 turns); Thunder Balls, which attack with medium strength electric attacks; and Recovery balls, which can restore 1000 hit points (no easy feat to deal that much damage) to the Star Magician. You basically had to balance out to whom and how you inflicted damage. Sometimes it was more beneficial to allow the Thunder Balls to live because they took up a slot that could be filled with a more obnoxious ball.
  18. I may be incorrectly remembering this, but didn't most people who played G3 without playing G1 or G2 find it fine?
  19. Well, that's an interesting twist. I'm wondering what I will find in the kitchen cupboards.
  20. I would be pretty easy for the zombies to walk across the channel though, I don't think it's too deep or treacherous. Actually a Wal-Mart wouldn't be too bad because there are relatively small entrances that you need to watch. The only problem is if a zombie got in it could be hard to find.
  21. I am actually just recovering from this problem. Let me just ask one thing, does it hurt when you warm up too? What happened with me was a muscle that usually attaches to the bone got disconnected. I would suggest icing it, applying peppermint oil on it before and after exercise, stretching the calf well before activity (but after a warm up), and massaging the lump of muscle at the top of the calf. It'll take a while to heal.
  22. Going on a boat is all fine and dandy and one of the better strategies, but one must be wary that decomposition produces gases, which can cause some to float to the surface.
  23. Still didn't mention your difficulty. It's okay if you don't play on torment. I don't either.
  24. Reanimation, because I was actually enjoying it.
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