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Everything posted by Argyll

  1. I'm not sure I can legally take your copy. I think I shall just wait until I can afford one.
  2. Perhaps I just need to change the resolution. I like Netherworld, just the characters are so tiny, it makes things tough. I love Avernum 4 and all of the Geneforges.
  3. I'm not so sure I can do that George. Thanks for everyone's assistance. I was referring to Thornton. It shows on the map, but I can't get there, so I will assume that it is on the full version and not the demo.
  4. Well I've enjoyed the Geneforge series and Avernum 4. I'm not your average gamer, I'm 52 and partially disabled with plenty of time on my hands. These games are a pleasant diversion. On the Avernum 4 demo, there are plenty of things that can be done. I got so mad at Gisnak (or whatever his name was) Southwest of Formello that I finally went off on his nasty French sounding butt and kicked it. I think I've run out of stuff to do and things to kill on the demo though. I've even dropped the magic barrier into the Eastern area, but I'm now at the end of the demo. Is there a list of everything I can do on the demo? I'd like to know I've played it for all it's worth before I buy the game because funds are short on disability. The only game I haven't enjoyed is Netherworld. The graphics are too tiny for these old eyes.
  5. There are supposed to be 20 areas to play on the demo, but I only find 17. THere are 3 which are blocked which make 20, but I doubt that is what the info is saying. Are there more areas I am missing and how do I get to them? There is also a town above the place with the keep, but I can't get there because the way is blocked by an inaccessable area. Help an old guy out, LOL.
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